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Blood and Lymph Systems Chapter 8. Combining Forms for Blood and Lymph System blast/oerythroblastemia -blast megaloblast (also a suffix) chrom/ochromic.

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Presentation on theme: "Blood and Lymph Systems Chapter 8. Combining Forms for Blood and Lymph System blast/oerythroblastemia -blast megaloblast (also a suffix) chrom/ochromic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blood and Lymph Systems Chapter 8

2 Combining Forms for Blood and Lymph System blast/oerythroblastemia -blast megaloblast (also a suffix) chrom/ochromic chromat/ohemochromatosis

3 Combining Forms for Blood and Lymph System blast/ogerm/buderythroblastemia -blast megaloblast (also a suffix) chrom/ocolorchromic chromat/ohemochromatosis

4 Combining Forms for Blood and Lymph System chyl/ochylemia hem/ohemostat hemat/ohematopoiesis immun/oimmunology

5 Combining Forms for Blood and Lymph System chyl/ojuicechylemia hem/obloodhemostat hemat/ohematopoiesis immun/osafeimmunology

6 Combining Forms for Blood and Lymph System lymph/olymphogenous morph/omorphologic phag/ophagocytosis

7 Combining Forms for Blood and Lymph System lymph/oclear fluidlymphogenous morph/oformmorphologic phag/oeat/swallowphagocytosis

8 Combining Forms for Blood and Lymph System myel/omyelogenous plas/oaplastic

9 Combining Forms for Blood and Lymph System myel/obone marrowmyelogenous (also spinal cord) plas/oformationaplastic

10 Combining Forms for Blood and Lymph System reticul/oreticulocyte speln/osplenomegaly thromb/othrombocyte thym/othymic

11 Combining Forms for Blood and Lymph System reticul/oa netreticulocyte speln/ospleensplenomegaly thromb/oclotthrombocyte thym/othymus glandthymic

12 Blood System Overview  Blood circulates through blood vessels to:  transport oxygen, nutrients and hormones to body cells  carry away waste  Plasma — liquid portion of the blood

13 Blood System Overview  Cellular components suspended in the plasma:  erythrocytes — red blood cells  leukocytes — white blood cells  platelets — cell fragments essential for blood clotting  Serum: portion of the plasma that remains after the clotting process (continued)

14 Components of the Blood

15 Lymphatic System Overview  Protects the body by filtering microorganisms and foreign particles  Maintains the body’s internal fluid environment  Responsible for carrying fats away from digestive organs

16 Lymphatic System

17 Lymph Organs  thymus  primary gland of the lymphatic system  produces T lymphocytes to help immune response  spleen  located between stomach and diaphragm  filters out aging blood cells  removes cellular debris

18 Lymph Structures  lymph  fluid that is circulated through lymph vessels  lymph capillaries  draw lymph from tissues to lymph vessels  lymph vessels  circulate lymph to the lymph nodes

19 Lymph Structures  lymph nodes  oval structures that filter lymph  located in the cervical, axillary and inguinal regions  lymph ducts  collecting channels that carry lymph from the lymph nodes to the veins (continued)

20 Immunity  Process of disease protection induced by exposure to an antigen  antigen — substance that, when introduced into the body causes formation of antibodies against it  antibody — substance produced by the body that destroys or inactivates an antigen

21 Types of Immunity  Active immunity  Protects the body against a future infection as a result of natural antibodies developed after an infection  artificial antibodies — after administration of a vaccine  Passive immunity  conveyed naturally through the placenta to a fetus  conveyed artificially by injection of a serum containing antibodies

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