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The Lymphatic System. Roles of the Lymphatic System 1)One-way drainage system. 2) Lipid Absorption from Small Intestine. 3) Produce & circulates Immune.

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Presentation on theme: "The Lymphatic System. Roles of the Lymphatic System 1)One-way drainage system. 2) Lipid Absorption from Small Intestine. 3) Produce & circulates Immune."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Lymphatic System

2 Roles of the Lymphatic System 1)One-way drainage system. 2) Lipid Absorption from Small Intestine. 3) Produce & circulates Immune cells.


4 Valves in lymphatic vessels prevent backflow of lymph.


6 Lymphoid Tissues: Un-encapsulated lymphatic tissues Tonsils 1)Pharyngeal 2) Palatine 3) Lingual Tonsil located in strategic locations

7 Lymphoid Tissues

8 Lymphoid Organs: Surrounded by fibrous capsule (encapsulated) Lymph Nodes Thymus Spleen

9 Structure of a Lymph Node

10 Various Lymph Nodes Cervical lymph nodes Axillary lymph nodes Inguinal lymph nodes Popliteal lymph nodes Thoracic lymph nodes Lumbar lymph nodes Pelvic lymph nodes

11 Derivation and Distribution of Lymphocytes T-cells B-cells

12 The Thymus Behind the sternum (in mediastinum). Where T cells Differentiate

13 The Spleen Largest lymphoid tissue in the body

14 The Spleen Functions: 1)Removes old & abnormal blood cells. 2)Stores Iron (Fe) from recycled RBCs. 3)Can initiate immune response (via T-cells B-cells). 4) Hematopoietic organ. Can store ~30% of RBC volume for emergency release



17 Jugular trunks Subclavian trunks Bronchomediastinal trunks Intestinal trunks Lumbar trunks

18 Lymphatic Vasculature:

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