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 A diagnosis is defined as… ◦ The identification of diseases by the examination of symptoms, signs and by other investigations ◦ an opinion or conclusion.

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Presentation on theme: " A diagnosis is defined as… ◦ The identification of diseases by the examination of symptoms, signs and by other investigations ◦ an opinion or conclusion."— Presentation transcript:

1  A diagnosis is defined as… ◦ The identification of diseases by the examination of symptoms, signs and by other investigations ◦ an opinion or conclusion so reached

2  Some common cancers are easier to treat and cure if they are found early.  Listen to your body! Only you know when something isn’t right

3 For WomenFor Men  Ages 18 – 29 ◦ Pap test annually ◦ Breast self-exam periodically  Ages 30 – 39 ◦ Pap test every 2 to 3 years ◦ Breast self-exam periodically  Ages 40 – 49 ◦ Screening mammogram and clinical breast exam annually ◦ Pap test every 2 to 3 years  Ages 50 – 69 ◦ Colonoscopy every 10 years ◦ Screening mammogram and clinical breast exam each year  Ages 18 - 39 ◦ Cancer-related checkup, including thyroid, oral cavity, skin, lymph nodes and testes every 3 years  Ages 40 - 49 ◦ Discussion with a health care provider regarding the risks/benefits of the prostate exam  Ages 50 - 69 ◦ Prostate screening (PSA blood test and DRE)annually ◦ Colonoscopy every 10 years

4  When going to the doctor you should know… ◦ Family history ◦ Previous medical problems ◦ How long have you been having problems

5 People facing cancer are naturally concerned about what the future holds.  A prognosis is defined as… ◦ a prediction of the course or outcome of a disease or disorder ◦ the chances of recovery from a disease

6  Some of the most important are ◦ the type and location of the cancer ◦ the stage of the disease (the extent to which the cancer has metastasize, or spread), and its ◦ Grade (how abnormal the cancer cells look and how quickly the cancer is likely to grow) ◦ person’s age ◦ general health ◦ response to treatment.

7  Chemotherapy  Radiation  Surgery

8  Prostate cancer ◦ has a 99% survival rate at 5 years and even after 20 years is still 81%  Thyroid ◦ 96%  Testicular Cancer ◦ 95%.  Melanoma ◦ 89%  Breast ◦ 86%.  Liver and Bile Duct ◦ 8%  Cancer of the Esophagus ◦ 14%.  Lung cancer ◦ 15% chance of survival at 5 years leaving  Stomach cancer ◦ 24%.

9 Diet and Cancer

10  Abnormal cells  Benign  Malignant

11  Choose a variety of foods  Whole grains  Limit red meat  Limit alcohol beverages

12  Grilling  Fat drippings  Hard woods  Use aluminum foil

13  Vitamin C  Broccoli  Peppers  Dark green leafy vegetables  Beta-carotene rich (carrots)  Sweet potatoes  Spinach  Wheat germ


15  A cancer of the smooth muscle cells  What are the smooth muscle cells? -Smooth muscle cells make up the involuntary muscles, which are found in most parts of the body: in uterus, stomach and intestines, walls of all blood vessels, skin [the muscles that give you 'goose bumps']. This muscle is a involuntary muscle, you cannot make these muscles move by thinking about them.

16 LMS & Disease Progression This cancer will start in one place, and be very unpredictable. It can stay in one place, it can spread widely all over the body, it can spread locally or by metastasizing. It can be quiet for a long time, and then erupt after 20 years. It is a resistant cancer...not very responsive to chemotherapy or radiation. The best outcome occurs when it is taken out surgically with wide margins, early, while small and before it spreads.

17 3 types of treatments for adult soft tissue sarcoma 1. Surgery (taking out the cancer in an operation) 2. Radiation therapy (using high-dose x-rays to kill cancer cells) 3. Chemotherapy (using drugs to kill cancer cells)

18 What is the prostate? The prostate is an exocrine gland of the male reproductive system, and exists directly under the bladder, in front of the rectum. It is approximately the size of a walnut. An exocrine gland is one whose secretions end up outside the body

19 Prostate Cancer Symptoms  A need to urinate frequently, especially at night.  Difficulty starting urination or holding back urine.  Weak or interrupted flow of urine.  Painful or burning urination.  Difficulty in having an erection.  Painful ejaculation.  Blood in urine or semen.  Frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs. If the cancer is caught at its earliest stages, most men will not experience any symptoms. Some men, however, will experience symptoms that might indicate the presence of prostate cancer, including:

20 What is Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer is mostly a very slow progressing disease. Several studies have indicated that perhaps about 80% of all men in their eighties had prostate cancer when they died, but nobody knew, not even the doctor. Experts say that prostate cancer starts with tiny alterations in the shape and size of the prostate gland cells

21 The male sex hormone testosterone aids the growth of prostrate cancer cells. Risk increases with age more rapidly than any other cancer. Men who have a history of prostate cancer in their family have increased risk Racial predisposition is another factor, incidence of prostrate cancer is highest in African Americans and lowest in Asians. - Inhalation or ingestion of chemicals increases the risk for developing prostate and lung cancer. - A diet high in animal fat also has been implicated in the development/increased risk of prostate cancer.

22 Specific Stages of Prostate Cancer  Stage I: It is found by chance when surgery is done for another reason, usually for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). The cancer is only in the prostate.  Stage II: The cancer is more advanced, but it has not spread outside the prostate.  Stage III: The cancer has spread outside the prostate. It may be in the seminal vesicles. It has not spread to the lymph nodes.  Stage IV: The cancer may be in nearby muscles and organs. It may have spread to the lymph nodes. It may have spread to other parts of the body.  Recurrent: The cancer has come back after a time when it could not be detected. It may recur in or near the prostate. Or it may recur in any other part of the body, such as the bones.

23 Treatment of Prostate Cancer Hormone Therapy : Hormone therapy, is used either alone or in combination with surgery or radiation. -It is used to stop the production of testosterone hormone and hence a person with Stage C and D cancer can have their life extended and improved by the use of hormonal therapy. -There are side effects associated with Hormone therapy. They include hot flashes, weight gain, erectile dysfunction, decrease in muscle mass and strength and personality changes

24  Prostatectomy : Patients in good health and under age 70 is usually offered surgery as a treatment option.  Prostatectomy is the most common treatment option for localized prostate cancer. It involves surgical removal of prostate gland. - It will prevent further spread of the cancer. -If the prostate cancer is in the early stages, prostatectomy can treat the cancer completely. - This procedure also produces side effects like impotency, narrowing of the urethra and difficulty in urination.

25  Radio Therapy : It is a form of treatment which uses high levels of radiation to kill cancer cells or keep them from growing and dividing thus reducing damage to healthy cells. Good nutrition is an important part of recovering from the side effects of radiation therapy. Slight skin changes will be visible after radiation. The long term effects include, slight darkening of the skin, enlarged pores, increased or decreased sensitivity of the skin and a thickening of tissue or skin.

26  Chemotherapy : a combination of drugs which is effective to kill or slow the growth of rapidly multiplying cells.  Chemotherapy is usually prescribed to men with advanced prostate cancer.  Chemotherapy drugs are carefully controlled in both dosage and frequency so that cancer cells are destroyed while minimizing the risk to healthy cells.  The side effects of chemotherapy include hair loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, lowered blood counts, reduced ability of the blood to clot, and an increased risk of infection.


28  Symmetrical  Asymmetrical

29  Cancer that forms in the tissues of the skin. There are several types of skin cancer. Skin cancer forms are melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and neuroendocrine carcinoma. Most skin cancers form in older people on parts of the body exposed to the sun or in people who have weakened immune systems. –National Cancer Society





34  Scalp  Face  Lips  Ears  Neck  Chest  Arms  Hands  Legs

35  It is a misconception that only individuals who have a fair complexion or individuals that live in tanning beds are at risk for skin cancer. But the truth is that everyone is at risk and they need to take proper precautions.

36  There are 8,110 deaths per year from skin cancer.  There are 59,940 new cases of skin cancer every year. --American Cancer Society

37  Unprotected or excessive exposure to UV radiation  Fair complexion  Occupational Exposure  Family history  Multiple or atypical moles  Severe suburns

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