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FC.32 THE AUGUSTAN PRINCIPATE & PAX ROMANA (31 B.C.E.-180 C.E.) Pax Romana: Except for conquering Britain & Dacia, 200 years of nearly unbroken peace.

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Presentation on theme: "FC.32 THE AUGUSTAN PRINCIPATE & PAX ROMANA (31 B.C.E.-180 C.E.) Pax Romana: Except for conquering Britain & Dacia, 200 years of nearly unbroken peace."— Presentation transcript:


2 FC.32 THE AUGUSTAN PRINCIPATE & PAX ROMANA (31 B.C.E.-180 C.E.) Pax Romana: Except for conquering Britain & Dacia, 200 years of nearly unbroken peace & prosperity throughout the Mediterranean, with trade routes extending to China & India (FC. 33) Bureaucr. reforms Honest, efficient, & stable government in the provinces Regularly paid & trained officials Equites trained for mid-level jobs Civil wars & turmoil of the late republic (FC. 31) Romans’ traditional & conservative nature (FC. 26) Octavian must create a strong one-man rule while making it look like good old days of the Republic Efficient, loyal & honest provincial gov’s Works to get more reliable provincial governors through: Procurators, Augustus’ agents who watch gov’s Using old Rep’s offices to train them Regular pay  No need for corruption Still need reliable army, governors, & bureaucrats for provinces (FC. 30) Augustan Principate where Octavian (aka Augustus) kept only harmless sounding republican powers that still gave him control of armies & making laws: Proconsul’s powers to control milit. prov’s & army while leaving non-milit. provs to the Senate Rome faces few outside threats for 200 yrs. Medit’s central position  fast comm’s Succession ensured by giving chosen successor tribunician & proconsular powers before Augustus died Tribune’s powers to propose & veto laws while posing as the champion of the common people Military reforms Cheap, but highly trained & loyal army guarding frontiers Aug. gave army its pay & pensions Cut army from from 60 to 28 legions

3 FC.33 THE SPREAD OF ROMAN CIVILIZATION IN WESTERN EUROPE DURING THE PAX ROMANA (31 B.C.E.-180 C.E.) Heavy Romanization of urban areas & nobles’ villas in W. Europe, but less so in remote rural areas which keep older native cultures Merchants & other camp followers settle near the camp Non-citizen soldiers (settle by camp & become citizens after their discharge Citizen legionaries marry local women & settle by camp after their discharge Military camps grow into Roman cities since: Peace promotes growth of native towns into cities Roman troops are stationed in the provinces Peacetime army builds 51,000 miles of paved roads Cities copy Roman govt. & customs  Gain Roman citizenship Influx of trade & Roman & Italian merchants to the provinces Roman Empire functions as a virtual confederation of cities which serve as centers of local government, culture, & civic pride Despite the decline after fall of W. Roman Empire, civilization survives in Byz. Emp. & monasteries in W. Europe  Revives during the Italian Renaissance in 1400s (FC.76) Cities in East retain older Greek lang. & culture Greek culture carried on by Byzantine (E. Roman) Emp. (FC.44) Cities less deeply rooted in W. Emp. than East Cities & civiliz. decline drastically during 3rd century chaos (FC.34) Rome conquers Britain (FC.32) Rome conquers Spain (FC.29B) Augustus establishes peace & stability (FC.32) Caesar conquers Gaul (FC.31) Rome conquers Dacia (FC.32)

4 FC.34 DECLINE & NEAR COLLAPSE OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE (I60-284 C.E.) Growing threats from Germanic tribes to North & Sassanid Persians to East  Empire needs bigger army Series of strong military emperors who gradually restore empire (260-284) Emperor Diocletian makes major reforms to revive the exhausted empire (F.C. 35) Near collapse of the Roman Empire by 260 C.E. Inflation wrecks the economy Soldiers demand more money Empire needs more money Emperors raise taxes & debase coinage Soldiers get mad & declare their own generals emperor Abandon frontiers to put gen’ls on throne Germanic tribes & revived Persian Empire attack weakened frontiers Disease, revolts & wars wreck econ. New diseases spread by army Empire desperately needs money Few conquests after Augustus  Few new sources of money (FC.32) Army returning from East brings epidemic  Lower population & tax base Growing luxury trade w/East  Huge drain of $ from empire (FC.32) Incapable &/or corrupt rulers after 180 C.E.  Huge bonuses to keep army happy

5 FC.55 THE PARALLEL IMPACTS OF DISEASE ON CHINA AND ROME Smallpox & measles hit Rome in 165 & 251 C.E. Plague hits Persia & Byz’s in 500s Allowed rise of Arab Muslims in 600s Civ’s adapt to diseases by 900 CE  Pop. & towns recover Smallpox & measles hit China in 161, 310, & 322 Plague hits China from 600s-800s Decline & fall of T’ang Dynasty by 906 Spread of civiliz. to Mediterranean (FC 17). Spread of civiliz. to China (FC 53). Relatively free of disease because: Little irrigation  No parasitic diseases Wheat & barley  Little biological disruption Cooler & drier climate In 2nd cent C.E. Rome & China establish trade links across Eurasia & encounter diseases of older civ’s Civ. diseases of Mid-East & India spread to fringe of Eurasia Bubonic Plague originating in India or Africa Revived civ’s vulnerable to return of plague in 1300s (FC.71) Christ. rises in response (FC.37) Pop. loss & fall of Rome (FC.36) China adapts to diseases by 900 CE  Pop. & towns recover Buddh. rises in response (FC.50) Pop. loss & fall of Han Dyn. (FC.54) By 500 BCE, older civilizations in Mid East & (probably) India have adapted to “civilized” infectious diseases (FC.6)

6 FC.35 DIOCLETIAN’S REFORMS & ROME’S CONTINUING DECLINE (284-c.400 C.E.) Gradual stagnation & decay of the empire  Germanic tribes have time to absorb Roman civilization before overrunning the Western Roman Empire (FC. 36) People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy Anarchy & near collapse of the Roman Empire by 260 C.E. (FC.34) Need defense vs. growing threats on frontiers Need a much larger & more mobile army than before Use Germanic recruits since empire’s population was less warlike after Pax Romana & depleted after the anarchy Lower morale & efficiency since Germanic recruits refuse to submit to Roman training & discipline Empire’s huge size  Need more efficient govt. Divides empire into Eastern & Western halves E. & W. Empires diverge culturally & politically, with Greek dominant in Eastern Empire & Latin dominant in Western Empire Though, in theory, still one empire, growing dislike & distrust between East & West  More fragmented empire Overawe the populace with: Exalting emperor to demi-god status Elaborate ritual Elaborate palace Need to prevent further revolts & assassinations Give gen’ls smaller commands Split civil & military offices Extremely expensive to implement all these reforms CYCLE OF STAGNATION & DECLINE IN 300s

7 FC.36 THE COLLAPSE OF THE WESTERN ROMAN EMPIRE (395-c.500) Final collapse of the Western Roman Empire by 500 C.E. & disintegration of order in W. Eur. (FC. 41) Hurts econ. & ability to defend frontiers Vandals escape & conq. N. Afr  Build navy at Carthage  Raid & disrupt Medit. trade  Sack Rome in 455 After Huns under Attila are stopped, Attila dies  His emp. breaks up  Former subject tribes attack Rome Angles, Saxons & Jutes invade Britain & destroy much of Roman Civilization there (FC. 43) Invasions across weakened frontiers When Visigoths rampage through E. Emp. after 395  E. Emp. diverts them to Italy (406)  W. Emp. pulls troops from Rhine frontier to defend Italy Franks, once loyal allies of Rome, take Gaul & found the most durable of the Ger. kgd’s in former Roman Emp Visigoths sack Rome (410) & then receive Spain & Gaul from Rome for driving the Vandals out of Spain Barbarians infiltrate emp. more than invade it CYCLE OF W. ROMAN EMPIRE’S COLLAPSE IN 400s Barb’s wanted legal status in emp.more than to destroy it More frontier threats than the E. More barb’s in W. army than E. army W. Emp. not as rich or urban as E. Emp. Less able emp’s than in the East after 450 Growing hostility b/w E & W emp’s, esp. after final split in 395 Huns drive Ger. Visigoths as refugees into E. Emp. in 376 Diocletian’s reforms (FC.35) W. Emp. esp. continues to stagnate after Diocletian because:

8 REVIEWBOWL RULES 1) Numbered questions are worth 2 pts. each. TOSSUP questions are worth 1 pt. Each. 2) You must raise your hand & be recognized by the game master (teacher) before answering a question. 3) If members from two teams raise their hands to answer a question, the team with the lower score at that time (I.e., not counting bonus points) gets first chance to answer 4) If no one can answer the question, the game master gets the point(s). 5) No conferring on questions between team members or harassing or making fun of another player. That team could lose 1 pt. for such behavior at the game master’s discretion. 6) Students giving obviously silly answers to a question will cost their team one point. 7) Each team gets only one chance to answer a particular question. 8) Every time that everyone on a team has scored at least 1/2 point for answering a question correctly, the team gets one bonus point which will be added at the end of the game. The team must notify the game master each time they qualify for such a point. 9) Each member of the winning team can collect a fly 10) No clogging, tapping, or square dancing during the competition


10 ROMAN EMPIRE QUIZ BOWL 1) TWO PROBLEMS AUGUSTUS HAD TO SOLVE TOGETHER? Establish 1-man rule & make it look like the good old days of the Republic.

11 ROMAN EMPIRE QUIZ BOWL 1) TWO PROBLEMS AUGUSTUS HAD TO SOLVE TOGETHER? Establish 1-man rule & make it look like the good old days of the Republic. 2) POWERS HE TOOK & WHY?

12 ROMAN EMPIRE QUIZ BOWL 1) TWO PROBLEMS AUGUSTUS HAD TO SOLVE TOGETHER? Establish 1-man rule & make it look like the good old days of the Republic. 2) POWERS HE TOOK & WHY? Tribunician powers to propose laws & look like a defender of the people; 2) Proconsular powers to control provinces w/armies

13 ROMAN EMPIRE QUIZ BOWL 1) TWO PROBLEMS AUGUSTUS HAD TO SOLVE TOGETHER? Establish 1-man rule & make it look like the good old days of the Republic. 2) POWERS HE TOOK & WHY? Tribunician powers to propose laws & look like a defender of the people; 2) Proconsular powers to control provinces w/armies 3) WAS THERE ANY VALUE TO OLD REPUBLICAN OFFICES?

14 ROMAN EMPIRE QUIZ BOWL 1) TWO PROBLEMS AUGUSTUS HAD TO SOLVE TOGETHER? Establish 1-man rule & make it look like the good old days of the Republic. 2) POWERS HE TOOK & WHY? Tribunician powers to propose laws & look like a defender of the people; 2) Proconsular powers to control provinces w/armies 3) WAS THERE ANY VALUE TO OLD REPUBLICAN OFFICES? Served as training for important imperial posts

15 ROMAN EMPIRE QUIZ BOWL 1) TWO PROBLEMS AUGUSTUS HAD TO SOLVE TOGETHER? Establish 1-man rule & make it look like the good old days of the Republic. 2) POWERS HE TOOK & WHY? Tribunician powers to propose laws & look like a defender of the people; 2) Proconsular powers to control provinces w/armies 3) WAS THERE ANY VALUE TO OLD REPUBLICAN OFFICES? Served as training for important imperial posts 4) 2 POLICIES TOWARD THE ARMY?

16 ROMAN EMPIRE QUIZ BOWL 1) TWO PROBLEMS AUGUSTUS HAD TO SOLVE TOGETHER? Establish 1-man rule & make it look like the good old days of the Republic. 2) POWERS HE TOOK & WHY? Tribunician powers to propose laws & look like a defender of the people; 2) Proconsular powers to control provinces w/armies 3) WAS THERE ANY VALUE TO OLD REPUBLICAN OFFICES? Served as training for important imperial posts 4) 2 POLICIES TOWARD THE ARMY? 1) Reduce it in size (& expense) & have them look to the emperor, not indiv. Gen’ls for their pay.

17 ROMAN EMPIRE QUIZ BOWL 1) TWO PROBLEMS AUGUSTUS HAD TO SOLVE TOGETHER? Establish 1-man rule & make it look like the good old days of the Republic. 2) POWERS HE TOOK & WHY? Tribunician powers to propose laws & look like a defender of the people; 2) Proconsular powers to control provinces w/armies 3) WAS THERE ANY VALUE TO OLD REPUBLICAN OFFICES? Served as training for important imperial posts 4) 2 POLICIES TOWARD THE ARMY? 1) Reduce it in size (& expense) & have them look to the emperor, not indiv. Gen’ls for their pay. TOSSUP: AUGUSTUS' OTHER TITLE, WHAT IT MEANT & SYMBOLIZED

18 ROMAN EMPIRE QUIZ BOWL 1) TWO PROBLEMS AUGUSTUS HAD TO SOLVE TOGETHER? Establish 1-man rule & make it look like the good old days of the Republic. 2) POWERS HE TOOK & WHY? Tribunician powers to propose laws & look like a defender of the people; 2) Proconsular powers to control provinces w/armies 3) WAS THERE ANY VALUE TO OLD REPUBLICAN OFFICES? Served as training for important imperial posts 4) 2 POLICIES TOWARD THE ARMY? 1) Reduce it in size (& expense) & have them look to the emperor, not indiv. Gen’ls for their pay. TOSSUP: AUGUSTUS' OTHER TITLE, WHAT IT MEANT & SYMBOLIZED TOSSUP: WHO WAS JANUS?

19 ROMAN EMPIRE QUIZ BOWL 1) TWO PROBLEMS AUGUSTUS HAD TO SOLVE TOGETHER? Establish 1-man rule & make it look like the good old days of the Republic. 2) POWERS HE TOOK & WHY? Tribunician powers to propose laws & look like a defender of the people; 2) Proconsular powers to control provinces w/armies 3) WAS THERE ANY VALUE TO OLD REPUBLICAN OFFICES? Served as training for important imperial posts 4) 2 POLICIES TOWARD THE ARMY? 1) Reduce it in size (& expense) & have them look to the emperor, not indiv. Gen’ls for their pay. TOSSUP: AUGUSTUS' OTHER TITLE, WHAT IT MEANT & SYMBOLIZED TOSSUP: WHO WAS JANUS? TOSSUP: WHO WAS AGRIPPA?

20 ROMAN EMPIRE QUIZ BOWL 1) TWO PROBLEMS AUGUSTUS HAD TO SOLVE TOGETHER? Establish 1-man rule & make it look like the good old days of the Republic. 2) POWERS HE TOOK & WHY? Tribunician powers to propose laws & look like a defender of the people; 2) Proconsular powers to control provinces w/armies 3) WAS THERE ANY VALUE TO OLD REPUBLICAN OFFICES? Served as training for important imperial posts 4) 2 POLICIES TOWARD THE ARMY? 1) Reduce it in size (& expense) & have them look to the emperor, not indiv. Gen’ls for their pay. TOSSUP: AUGUSTUS' OTHER TITLE, WHAT IT MEANT & SYMBOLIZED TOSSUP: WHO WAS JANUS? TOSSUP: WHO WAS AGRIPPA? TOSSUP: VISITING EGYPT IN TIME OF AUGUSTUS?

21 ROMAN EMPIRE QUIZ BOWL 1) TWO PROBLEMS AUGUSTUS HAD TO SOLVE TOGETHER? Establish 1-man rule & make it look like the good old days of the Republic. 2) POWERS HE TOOK & WHY? Tribunician powers to propose laws & look like a defender of the people; 2) Proconsular powers to control provinces w/armies 3) WAS THERE ANY VALUE TO OLD REPUBLICAN OFFICES? Served as training for important imperial posts 4) 2 POLICIES TOWARD THE ARMY? 1) Reduce it in size (& expense) & have them look to the emperor, not indiv. Gen’ls for their pay. TOSSUP: AUGUSTUS' OTHER TITLE, WHAT IT MEANT & SYMBOLIZED TOSSUP: WHO WAS JANUS? TOSSUP: WHO WAS AGRIPPA? TOSSUP: VISITING EGYPT IN TIME OF AUGUSTUS? TOSSUP: SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NUMBERS 60 & 28?

22 ROMAN EMPIRE QUIZ BOWL 1) TWO PROBLEMS AUGUSTUS HAD TO SOLVE TOGETHER? Establish 1-man rule & make it look like the good old days of the Republic. 2) POWERS HE TOOK & WHY? Tribunician powers to propose laws & look like a defender of the people; 2) Proconsular powers to control provinces w/armies 3) WAS THERE ANY VALUE TO OLD REPUBLICAN OFFICES? Served as training for important imperial posts 4) 2 POLICIES TOWARD THE ARMY? 1) Reduce it in size (& expense) & have them look to the emperor, not indiv. Gen’ls for their pay. TOSSUP: AUGUSTUS' OTHER TITLE, WHAT IT MEANT & SYMBOLIZED TOSSUP: WHO WAS JANUS? TOSSUP: WHO WAS AGRIPPA? TOSSUP: VISITING EGYPT IN TIME OF AUGUSTUS? TOSSUP: SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NUMBERS 60 & 28? TOSSUP: WHAT DID ROMANS DO W/SILK WHEN IT REACHED EMPIRE?

23 ROMAN EMPIRE QUIZ BOWL 1) TWO PROBLEMS AUGUSTUS HAD TO SOLVE TOGETHER? Establish 1-man rule & make it look like the good old days of the Republic. 2) POWERS HE TOOK & WHY? Tribunician powers to propose laws & look like a defender of the people; 2) Proconsular powers to control provinces w/armies 3) WAS THERE ANY VALUE TO OLD REPUBLICAN OFFICES? Served as training for important imperial posts 4) 2 POLICIES TOWARD THE ARMY? 1) Reduce it in size (& expense) & have them look to the emperor, not indiv. Gen’ls for their pay. TOSSUP: AUGUSTUS' OTHER TITLE, WHAT IT MEANT & SYMBOLIZED TOSSUP: WHO WAS JANUS? TOSSUP: WHO WAS AGRIPPA? TOSSUP: VISITING EGYPT IN TIME OF AUGUSTUS? TOSSUP: SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NUMBERS 60 & 28? TOSSUP: WHAT DID ROMANS DO W/SILK WHEN IT REACHED EMPIRE? 5) THREE WAYS ROMAN CIVILIZATION SPREAD

24 ROMAN EMPIRE QUIZ BOWL 1) TWO PROBLEMS AUGUSTUS HAD TO SOLVE TOGETHER? Establish 1-man rule & make it look like the good old days of the Republic. 2) POWERS HE TOOK & WHY? Tribunician powers to propose laws & look like a defender of the people; 2) Proconsular powers to control provinces w/armies 3) WAS THERE ANY VALUE TO OLD REPUBLICAN OFFICES? Served as training for important imperial posts 4) 2 POLICIES TOWARD THE ARMY? 1) Reduce it in size (& expense) & have them look to the emperor, not indiv. Gen’ls for their pay. TOSSUP: AUGUSTUS' OTHER TITLE, WHAT IT MEANT & SYMBOLIZED TOSSUP: WHO WAS JANUS? TOSSUP: WHO WAS AGRIPPA? TOSSUP: VISITING EGYPT IN TIME OF AUGUSTUS? TOSSUP: SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NUMBERS 60 & 28? TOSSUP: WHAT DID ROMANS DO W/SILK WHEN IT REACHED EMPIRE? 5) THREE WAYS ROMAN CIVILIZATION SPREAD 1) Settlers around army camps-> cities; 2) Roman soldiers retired there; & 3) Roman roads promoted trade & spread of civ.

25 ROMAN EMPIRE QUIZ BOWL 1) TWO PROBLEMS AUGUSTUS HAD TO SOLVE TOGETHER? Establish 1-man rule & make it look like the good old days of the Republic. 2) POWERS HE TOOK & WHY? Tribunician powers to propose laws & look like a defender of the people; 2) Proconsular powers to control provinces w/armies 3) WAS THERE ANY VALUE TO OLD REPUBLICAN OFFICES? Served as training for important imperial posts 4) 2 POLICIES TOWARD THE ARMY? 1) Reduce it in size (& expense) & have them look to the emperor, not indiv. Gen’ls for their pay. TOSSUP: AUGUSTUS' OTHER TITLE, WHAT IT MEANT & SYMBOLIZED TOSSUP: WHO WAS JANUS? TOSSUP: WHO WAS AGRIPPA? TOSSUP: VISITING EGYPT IN TIME OF AUGUSTUS? TOSSUP: SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NUMBERS 60 & 28? TOSSUP: WHAT DID ROMANS DO W/SILK WHEN IT REACHED EMPIRE? 5) THREE WAYS ROMAN CIVILIZATION SPREAD 1) Settlers around army camps-> cities; 2) Roman soldiers retired there; & 3) Roman roads promoted trade & spread of civ. 6) WHERE DID ROMAN CIV. ESP. TAKE ROOT & WHY?

26 ROMAN EMPIRE QUIZ BOWL 1) TWO PROBLEMS AUGUSTUS HAD TO SOLVE TOGETHER? Establish 1-man rule & make it look like the good old days of the Republic. 2) POWERS HE TOOK & WHY? Tribunician powers to propose laws & look like a defender of the people; 2) Proconsular powers to control provinces w/armies 3) WAS THERE ANY VALUE TO OLD REPUBLICAN OFFICES? Served as training for important imperial posts 4) 2 POLICIES TOWARD THE ARMY? 1) Reduce it in size (& expense) & have them look to the emperor, not indiv. Gen’ls for their pay. TOSSUP: AUGUSTUS' OTHER TITLE, WHAT IT MEANT & SYMBOLIZED TOSSUP: WHO WAS JANUS? TOSSUP: WHO WAS AGRIPPA? TOSSUP: VISITING EGYPT IN TIME OF AUGUSTUS? TOSSUP: SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NUMBERS 60 & 28? TOSSUP: WHAT DID ROMANS DO W/SILK WHEN IT REACHED EMPIRE? 5) THREE WAYS ROMAN CIVILIZATION SPREAD 1) Settlers around army camps-> cities; 2) Roman soldiers retired there; & 3) Roman roads promoted trade & spread of civ. 6) WHERE DID ROMAN CIV. ESP. TAKE ROOT & WHY? Cities in the West because new ideas generally start in cities and the East already had deeply rooted civ’s of its own.

27 ROMAN EMPIRE QUIZ BOWL 1) TWO PROBLEMS AUGUSTUS HAD TO SOLVE TOGETHER? Establish 1-man rule & make it look like the good old days of the Republic. 2) POWERS HE TOOK & WHY? Tribunician powers to propose laws & look like a defender of the people; 2) Proconsular powers to control provinces w/armies 3) WAS THERE ANY VALUE TO OLD REPUBLICAN OFFICES? Served as training for important imperial posts 4) 2 POLICIES TOWARD THE ARMY? 1) Reduce it in size (& expense) & have them look to the emperor, not indiv. Gen’ls for their pay. TOSSUP: AUGUSTUS' OTHER TITLE, WHAT IT MEANT & SYMBOLIZED TOSSUP: WHO WAS JANUS? TOSSUP: WHO WAS AGRIPPA? TOSSUP: VISITING EGYPT IN TIME OF AUGUSTUS? TOSSUP: SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NUMBERS 60 & 28? TOSSUP: WHAT DID ROMANS DO W/SILK WHEN IT REACHED EMPIRE? 5) THREE WAYS ROMAN CIVILIZATION SPREAD 1) Settlers around army camps-> cities; 2) Roman soldiers retired there; & 3) Roman roads promoted trade & spread of civ. 6) WHERE DID ROMAN CIV. ESP. TAKE ROOT & WHY? Cities in the West because new ideas generally start in cities and the East already had deeply rooted civ’s of its own. 7) IMPORTANCE OF THE CITY TO THE ROMAN EMPIRE?

28 ROMAN EMPIRE QUIZ BOWL 1) TWO PROBLEMS AUGUSTUS HAD TO SOLVE TOGETHER? Establish 1-man rule & make it look like the good old days of the Republic. 2) POWERS HE TOOK & WHY? Tribunician powers to propose laws & look like a defender of the people; 2) Proconsular powers to control provinces w/armies 3) WAS THERE ANY VALUE TO OLD REPUBLICAN OFFICES? Served as training for important imperial posts 4) 2 POLICIES TOWARD THE ARMY? 1) Reduce it in size (& expense) & have them look to the emperor, not indiv. Gen’ls for their pay. TOSSUP: AUGUSTUS' OTHER TITLE, WHAT IT MEANT & SYMBOLIZED TOSSUP: WHO WAS JANUS? TOSSUP: WHO WAS AGRIPPA? TOSSUP: VISITING EGYPT IN TIME OF AUGUSTUS? TOSSUP: SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NUMBERS 60 & 28? TOSSUP: WHAT DID ROMANS DO W/SILK WHEN IT REACHED EMPIRE? 5) THREE WAYS ROMAN CIVILIZATION SPREAD 1) Settlers around army camps-> cities; 2) Roman soldiers retired there; & 3) Roman roads promoted trade & spread of civ. 6) WHERE DID ROMAN CIV. ESP. TAKE ROOT & WHY? Cities in the West because new ideas generally start in cities and the East already had deeply rooted civ’s of its own. 7) IMPORTANCE OF THE CITY TO THE ROMAN EMPIRE? It was the main administrative unit and source of civic pride and loyalty

29 ROMAN EMPIRE QUIZ BOWL 1) TWO PROBLEMS AUGUSTUS HAD TO SOLVE TOGETHER? Establish 1-man rule & make it look like the good old days of the Republic. 2) POWERS HE TOOK & WHY? Tribunician powers to propose laws & look like a defender of the people; 2) Proconsular powers to control provinces w/armies 3) WAS THERE ANY VALUE TO OLD REPUBLICAN OFFICES? Served as training for important imperial posts 4) 2 POLICIES TOWARD THE ARMY? 1) Reduce it in size (& expense) & have them look to the emperor, not indiv. Gen’ls for their pay. TOSSUP: AUGUSTUS' OTHER TITLE, WHAT IT MEANT & SYMBOLIZED TOSSUP: WHO WAS JANUS? TOSSUP: WHO WAS AGRIPPA? TOSSUP: VISITING EGYPT IN TIME OF AUGUSTUS? TOSSUP: SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NUMBERS 60 & 28? TOSSUP: WHAT DID ROMANS DO W/SILK WHEN IT REACHED EMPIRE? 5) THREE WAYS ROMAN CIVILIZATION SPREAD 1) Settlers around army camps-> cities; 2) Roman soldiers retired there; & 3) Roman roads promoted trade & spread of civ. 6) WHERE DID ROMAN CIV. ESP. TAKE ROOT & WHY? Cities in the West because new ideas generally start in cities and the East already had deeply rooted civ’s of its own. 7) IMPORTANCE OF THE CITY TO THE ROMAN EMPIRE? It was the main administrative unit and source of civic pride and loyalty 8) STRATEGIC DEFENSE OF EMPIRE & THE RISK IT TOOK?

30 ROMAN EMPIRE QUIZ BOWL 1) TWO PROBLEMS AUGUSTUS HAD TO SOLVE TOGETHER? Establish 1-man rule & make it look like the good old days of the Republic. 2) POWERS HE TOOK & WHY? Tribunician powers to propose laws & look like a defender of the people; 2) Proconsular powers to control provinces w/armies 3) WAS THERE ANY VALUE TO OLD REPUBLICAN OFFICES? Served as training for important imperial posts 4) 2 POLICIES TOWARD THE ARMY? 1) Reduce it in size (& expense) & have them look to the emperor, not indiv. Gen’ls for their pay. TOSSUP: AUGUSTUS' OTHER TITLE, WHAT IT MEANT & SYMBOLIZED TOSSUP: WHO WAS JANUS? TOSSUP: WHO WAS AGRIPPA? TOSSUP: VISITING EGYPT IN TIME OF AUGUSTUS? TOSSUP: SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NUMBERS 60 & 28? TOSSUP: WHAT DID ROMANS DO W/SILK WHEN IT REACHED EMPIRE? 5) THREE WAYS ROMAN CIVILIZATION SPREAD 1) Settlers around army camps-> cities; 2) Roman soldiers retired there; & 3) Roman roads promoted trade & spread of civ. 6) WHERE DID ROMAN CIV. ESP. TAKE ROOT & WHY? Cities in the West because new ideas generally start in cities and the East already had deeply rooted civ’s of its own. 7) IMPORTANCE OF THE CITY TO THE ROMAN EMPIRE? It was the main administrative unit and source of civic pride and loyalty 8) STRATEGIC DEFENSE OF EMPIRE & THE RISK IT TOOK? All the armies were on frontiers w/o strategic reserve-> If major threat appeared on one frontier-> had to strip other frontiers to meet it.



33 After the murder of the worthless Caligula, the Praetorian Guard found his cousin, Claudius, hiding behind a curtain and declared him the new emperor. Supposedly Claudius had played dumb to escape notice (and execution) in the unpredictable world of court politics.



36 What is this a map of and where is it?













49 TOSSUP: PLUMB LINE TOSSUP: COFFERDAM TOSSUP: TESTUDO TOSSUP: "MUNIRE VIAM" TOSSUP: GROMA TOSSUP: HOW DID DIDIUS JULIANUS GET THRONE? TOSSUP: CARACALLA'S DEATH TOSSUP: TYPICAL GUEST LIST AT ONE OF ELAGABALUS' PARTIES TOSSUP: COMMODUS' ONE POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION 9) 5 FACTORS WEAKENING EMPIRE BY 200 CE (5 PTS.) 1) Crummy emperors who kept raising the army’s pay; 2) Drain of $ to East; 3) Disease; 4) Growing military threats; 5) No new conquests-> No new sources of $ 10) CYCLE OF INFLATION? [Raise taxes & debase coinage-> inflation-> Army wants raise-> etc.]

50 TOSSUP: PLUMB LINE TOSSUP: COFFERDAM TOSSUP: TESTUDO TOSSUP: "MUNIRE VIAM" TOSSUP: GROMA TOSSUP: HOW DID DIDIUS JULIANUS GET THRONE? TOSSUP: CARACALLA'S DEATH TOSSUP: TYPICAL GUEST LIST AT ONE OF ELAGABALUS' PARTIES TOSSUP: COMMODUS' ONE POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION 9) 5 FACTORS WEAKENING EMPIRE BY 200 CE (5 PTS.) 1) Crummy emperors who kept raising the army’s pay; 2) Drain of $ to East; 3) Disease; 4) Growing military threats; 5) No new conquests-> No new sources of $ 10) CYCLE OF INFLATION? [Raise taxes & debase coinage-> inflation-> Army wants raise-> etc.] 11) VICIOUS CYCLE THIS LED TO?

51 TOSSUP: PLUMB LINE TOSSUP: COFFERDAM TOSSUP: TESTUDO TOSSUP: "MUNIRE VIAM" TOSSUP: GROMA TOSSUP: HOW DID DIDIUS JULIANUS GET THRONE? TOSSUP: CARACALLA'S DEATH TOSSUP: TYPICAL GUEST LIST AT ONE OF ELAGABALUS' PARTIES TOSSUP: COMMODUS' ONE POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION 9) 5 FACTORS WEAKENING EMPIRE BY 200 CE (5 PTS.) 1) Crummy emperors who kept raising the army’s pay; 2) Drain of $ to East; 3) Disease; 4) Growing military threats; 5) No new conquests-> No new sources of $ 10) CYCLE OF INFLATION? [Raise taxes & debase coinage-> inflation-> Army wants raise-> etc.] 11) VICIOUS CYCLE THIS LED TO? [Armies rebel for more pay-> Abandon frontiers when they march to Rome-> Invasions- > Wreck economy-> etc.] [ Previous feedback]

52 TOSSUP: PLUMB LINE TOSSUP: COFFERDAM TOSSUP: TESTUDO TOSSUP: "MUNIRE VIAM" TOSSUP: GROMA TOSSUP: HOW DID DIDIUS JULIANUS GET THRONE? TOSSUP: CARACALLA'S DEATH TOSSUP: TYPICAL GUEST LIST AT ONE OF ELAGABALUS' PARTIES TOSSUP: COMMODUS' ONE POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION 9) 5 FACTORS WEAKENING EMPIRE BY 200 CE (5 PTS.) 1) Crummy emperors who kept raising the army’s pay; 2) Drain of $ to East; 3) Disease; 4) Growing military threats; 5) No new conquests-> No new sources of $ 10) CYCLE OF INFLATION? [Raise taxes & debase coinage-> inflation-> Army wants raise-> etc.] 11) VICIOUS CYCLE THIS LED TO? [Armies rebel for more pay-> Abandon frontiers when they march to Rome-> Invasions- > Wreck economy-> etc.] [ Previous feedback] 14) 3 THINGS DIOCLETIAN DID TO PROTECT HIMSELF? (3 PTS.)

53 TOSSUP: PLUMB LINE TOSSUP: COFFERDAM TOSSUP: TESTUDO TOSSUP: "MUNIRE VIAM" TOSSUP: GROMA TOSSUP: HOW DID DIDIUS JULIANUS GET THRONE? TOSSUP: CARACALLA'S DEATH TOSSUP: TYPICAL GUEST LIST AT ONE OF ELAGABALUS' PARTIES TOSSUP: COMMODUS' ONE POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION 9) 5 FACTORS WEAKENING EMPIRE BY 200 CE (5 PTS.) 1) Crummy emperors who kept raising the army’s pay; 2) Drain of $ to East; 3) Disease; 4) Growing military threats; 5) No new conquests-> No new sources of $ 10) CYCLE OF INFLATION? [Raise taxes & debase coinage-> inflation-> Army wants raise-> etc.] 11) VICIOUS CYCLE THIS LED TO? [Armies rebel for more pay-> Abandon frontiers when they march to Rome-> Invasions- > Wreck economy-> etc.] [ Previous feedback] 14) 3 THINGS DIOCLETIAN DID TO PROTECT HIMSELF? (3 PTS.) 1) Give generals smaller commands 2) Split civil & military commands 3) Insulate himself vs. assassins with elaborate court ritual, a big palace, & exalted status as a demi-god.

54 TOSSUP: PLUMB LINE TOSSUP: COFFERDAM TOSSUP: TESTUDO TOSSUP: "MUNIRE VIAM" TOSSUP: GROMA TOSSUP: HOW DID DIDIUS JULIANUS GET THRONE? TOSSUP: CARACALLA'S DEATH TOSSUP: TYPICAL GUEST LIST AT ONE OF ELAGABALUS' PARTIES TOSSUP: COMMODUS' ONE POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION 9) 5 FACTORS WEAKENING EMPIRE BY 200 CE (5 PTS.) 1) Crummy emperors who kept raising the army’s pay; 2) Drain of $ to East; 3) Disease; 4) Growing military threats; 5) No new conquests-> No new sources of $ 10) CYCLE OF INFLATION? [Raise taxes & debase coinage-> inflation-> Army wants raise-> etc.] 11) VICIOUS CYCLE THIS LED TO? [Armies rebel for more pay-> Abandon frontiers when they march to Rome-> Invasions- > Wreck economy-> etc.] [ Previous feedback] 14) 3 THINGS DIOCLETIAN DID TO PROTECT HIMSELF? (3 PTS.) 1) Give generals smaller commands 2) Split civil & military commands 3) Insulate himself vs. assassins with elaborate court ritual, a big palace, & exalted status as a demi-god. 15) HOW DID HE DEAL W/GREATER THREATS ON FRONTIER?

55 TOSSUP: PLUMB LINE TOSSUP: COFFERDAM TOSSUP: TESTUDO TOSSUP: "MUNIRE VIAM" TOSSUP: GROMA TOSSUP: HOW DID DIDIUS JULIANUS GET THRONE? TOSSUP: CARACALLA'S DEATH TOSSUP: TYPICAL GUEST LIST AT ONE OF ELAGABALUS' PARTIES TOSSUP: COMMODUS' ONE POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION 9) 5 FACTORS WEAKENING EMPIRE BY 200 CE (5 PTS.) 1) Crummy emperors who kept raising the army’s pay; 2) Drain of $ to East; 3) Disease; 4) Growing military threats; 5) No new conquests-> No new sources of $ 10) CYCLE OF INFLATION? [Raise taxes & debase coinage-> inflation-> Army wants raise-> etc.] 11) VICIOUS CYCLE THIS LED TO? [Armies rebel for more pay-> Abandon frontiers when they march to Rome-> Invasions- > Wreck economy-> etc.] [ Previous feedback] 14) 3 THINGS DIOCLETIAN DID TO PROTECT HIMSELF? (3 PTS.) 1) Give generals smaller commands 2) Split civil & military commands 3) Insulate himself vs. assassins with elaborate court ritual, a big palace, & exalted status as a demi-god. 15) HOW DID HE DEAL W/GREATER THREATS ON FRONTIER? Increased the army & created a mobile reserve.

56 TOSSUP: PLUMB LINE TOSSUP: COFFERDAM TOSSUP: TESTUDO TOSSUP: "MUNIRE VIAM" TOSSUP: GROMA TOSSUP: HOW DID DIDIUS JULIANUS GET THRONE? TOSSUP: CARACALLA'S DEATH TOSSUP: TYPICAL GUEST LIST AT ONE OF ELAGABALUS' PARTIES TOSSUP: COMMODUS' ONE POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION 9) 5 FACTORS WEAKENING EMPIRE BY 200 CE (5 PTS.) 1) Crummy emperors who kept raising the army’s pay; 2) Drain of $ to East; 3) Disease; 4) Growing military threats; 5) No new conquests-> No new sources of $ 10) CYCLE OF INFLATION? [Raise taxes & debase coinage-> inflation-> Army wants raise-> etc.] 11) VICIOUS CYCLE THIS LED TO? [Armies rebel for more pay-> Abandon frontiers when they march to Rome-> Invasions- > Wreck economy-> etc.] [ Previous feedback] 14) 3 THINGS DIOCLETIAN DID TO PROTECT HIMSELF? (3 PTS.) 1) Give generals smaller commands 2) Split civil & military commands 3) Insulate himself vs. assassins with elaborate court ritual, a big palace, & exalted status as a demi-god. 15) HOW DID HE DEAL W/GREATER THREATS ON FRONTIER? Increased the army & created a mobile reserve. 16) RECRUITS & THE PROBLEMS THEY CAUSED?

57 TOSSUP: PLUMB LINE TOSSUP: COFFERDAM TOSSUP: TESTUDO TOSSUP: "MUNIRE VIAM" TOSSUP: GROMA TOSSUP: HOW DID DIDIUS JULIANUS GET THRONE? TOSSUP: CARACALLA'S DEATH TOSSUP: TYPICAL GUEST LIST AT ONE OF ELAGABALUS' PARTIES TOSSUP: COMMODUS' ONE POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION 9) 5 FACTORS WEAKENING EMPIRE BY 200 CE (5 PTS.) 1) Crummy emperors who kept raising the army’s pay; 2) Drain of $ to East; 3) Disease; 4) Growing military threats; 5) No new conquests-> No new sources of $ 10) CYCLE OF INFLATION? [Raise taxes & debase coinage-> inflation-> Army wants raise-> etc.] 11) VICIOUS CYCLE THIS LED TO? [Armies rebel for more pay-> Abandon frontiers when they march to Rome-> Invasions- > Wreck economy-> etc.] [ Previous feedback] 14) 3 THINGS DIOCLETIAN DID TO PROTECT HIMSELF? (3 PTS.) 1) Give generals smaller commands 2) Split civil & military commands 3) Insulate himself vs. assassins with elaborate court ritual, a big palace, & exalted status as a demi-god. 15) HOW DID HE DEAL W/GREATER THREATS ON FRONTIER? Increased the army & created a mobile reserve. 16) RECRUITS & THE PROBLEMS THEY CAUSED? Germanic tribesmen who were loyal enough to the emperor they swore an oath of loyalty to but didn’t take too well to Roman army training & discipline.

58 TOSSUP: PLUMB LINE TOSSUP: COFFERDAM TOSSUP: TESTUDO TOSSUP: "MUNIRE VIAM" TOSSUP: GROMA TOSSUP: HOW DID DIDIUS JULIANUS GET THRONE? TOSSUP: CARACALLA'S DEATH TOSSUP: TYPICAL GUEST LIST AT ONE OF ELAGABALUS' PARTIES TOSSUP: COMMODUS' ONE POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION 9) 5 FACTORS WEAKENING EMPIRE BY 200 CE (5 PTS.) 1) Crummy emperors who kept raising the army’s pay; 2) Drain of $ to East; 3) Disease; 4) Growing military threats; 5) No new conquests-> No new sources of $ 10) CYCLE OF INFLATION? [Raise taxes & debase coinage-> inflation-> Army wants raise-> etc.] 11) VICIOUS CYCLE THIS LED TO? [Armies rebel for more pay-> Abandon frontiers when they march to Rome-> Invasions- > Wreck economy-> etc.] [ Previous feedback] 14) 3 THINGS DIOCLETIAN DID TO PROTECT HIMSELF? (3 PTS.) 1) Give generals smaller commands 2) Split civil & military commands 3) Insulate himself vs. assassins with elaborate court ritual, a big palace, & exalted status as a demi-god. 15) HOW DID HE DEAL W/GREATER THREATS ON FRONTIER? Increased the army & created a mobile reserve. 16) RECRUITS & THE PROBLEMS THEY CAUSED? Germanic tribesmen who were loyal enough to the emperor they swore an oath of loyalty to but didn’t take too well to Roman army training & discipline. TOSSUP: VALERIAN'S CLAIM TO FAME?

59 TOSSUP: PLUMB LINE TOSSUP: COFFERDAM TOSSUP: TESTUDO TOSSUP: "MUNIRE VIAM" TOSSUP: GROMA TOSSUP: HOW DID DIDIUS JULIANUS GET THRONE? TOSSUP: CARACALLA'S DEATH TOSSUP: TYPICAL GUEST LIST AT ONE OF ELAGABALUS' PARTIES TOSSUP: COMMODUS' ONE POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION 9) 5 FACTORS WEAKENING EMPIRE BY 200 CE (5 PTS.) 1) Crummy emperors who kept raising the army’s pay; 2) Drain of $ to East; 3) Disease; 4) Growing military threats; 5) No new conquests-> No new sources of $ 10) CYCLE OF INFLATION? [Raise taxes & debase coinage-> inflation-> Army wants raise-> etc.] 11) VICIOUS CYCLE THIS LED TO? [Armies rebel for more pay-> Abandon frontiers when they march to Rome-> Invasions- > Wreck economy-> etc.] [ Previous feedback] 14) 3 THINGS DIOCLETIAN DID TO PROTECT HIMSELF? (3 PTS.) 1) Give generals smaller commands 2) Split civil & military commands 3) Insulate himself vs. assassins with elaborate court ritual, a big palace, & exalted status as a demi-god. 15) HOW DID HE DEAL W/GREATER THREATS ON FRONTIER? Increased the army & created a mobile reserve. 16) RECRUITS & THE PROBLEMS THEY CAUSED? Germanic tribesmen who were loyal enough to the emperor they swore an oath of loyalty to but didn’t take too well to Roman army training & discipline. TOSSUP: VALERIAN'S CLAIM TO FAME? TOSSUP: DECIUS' CLAIM TO FAME?

60 TOSSUP: PLUMB LINE TOSSUP: COFFERDAM TOSSUP: TESTUDO TOSSUP: "MUNIRE VIAM" TOSSUP: GROMA TOSSUP: HOW DID DIDIUS JULIANUS GET THRONE? TOSSUP: CARACALLA'S DEATH TOSSUP: TYPICAL GUEST LIST AT ONE OF ELAGABALUS' PARTIES TOSSUP: COMMODUS' ONE POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION 9) 5 FACTORS WEAKENING EMPIRE BY 200 CE (5 PTS.) 1) Crummy emperors who kept raising the army’s pay; 2) Drain of $ to East; 3) Disease; 4) Growing military threats; 5) No new conquests-> No new sources of $ 10) CYCLE OF INFLATION? [Raise taxes & debase coinage-> inflation-> Army wants raise-> etc.] 11) VICIOUS CYCLE THIS LED TO? [Armies rebel for more pay-> Abandon frontiers when they march to Rome-> Invasions- > Wreck economy-> etc.] [ Previous feedback] 14) 3 THINGS DIOCLETIAN DID TO PROTECT HIMSELF? (3 PTS.) 1) Give generals smaller commands 2) Split civil & military commands 3) Insulate himself vs. assassins with elaborate court ritual, a big palace, & exalted status as a demi-god. 15) HOW DID HE DEAL W/GREATER THREATS ON FRONTIER? Increased the army & created a mobile reserve. 16) RECRUITS & THE PROBLEMS THEY CAUSED? Germanic tribesmen who were loyal enough to the emperor they swore an oath of loyalty to but didn’t take too well to Roman army training & discipline. TOSSUP: VALERIAN'S CLAIM TO FAME? TOSSUP: DECIUS' CLAIM TO FAME? TOSSUP: CLAUDIUS GOTHICUS' CLAIM TO FAME?

61 TOSSUP: PLUMB LINE TOSSUP: COFFERDAM TOSSUP: TESTUDO TOSSUP: "MUNIRE VIAM" TOSSUP: GROMA TOSSUP: HOW DID DIDIUS JULIANUS GET THRONE? TOSSUP: CARACALLA'S DEATH TOSSUP: TYPICAL GUEST LIST AT ONE OF ELAGABALUS' PARTIES TOSSUP: COMMODUS' ONE POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION 9) 5 FACTORS WEAKENING EMPIRE BY 200 CE (5 PTS.) 1) Crummy emperors who kept raising the army’s pay; 2) Drain of $ to East; 3) Disease; 4) Growing military threats; 5) No new conquests-> No new sources of $ 10) CYCLE OF INFLATION? [Raise taxes & debase coinage-> inflation-> Army wants raise-> etc.] 11) VICIOUS CYCLE THIS LED TO? [Armies rebel for more pay-> Abandon frontiers when they march to Rome-> Invasions- > Wreck economy-> etc.] [ Previous feedback] 14) 3 THINGS DIOCLETIAN DID TO PROTECT HIMSELF? (3 PTS.) 1) Give generals smaller commands 2) Split civil & military commands 3) Insulate himself vs. assassins with elaborate court ritual, a big palace, & exalted status as a demi-god. 15) HOW DID HE DEAL W/GREATER THREATS ON FRONTIER? Increased the army & created a mobile reserve. 16) RECRUITS & THE PROBLEMS THEY CAUSED? Germanic tribesmen who were loyal enough to the emperor they swore an oath of loyalty to but didn’t take too well to Roman army training & discipline. TOSSUP: VALERIAN'S CLAIM TO FAME? TOSSUP: DECIUS' CLAIM TO FAME? TOSSUP: CLAUDIUS GOTHICUS' CLAIM TO FAME? TOSSUP: AVERAGE LIFE EXPECTANCY FOR EMPEROR DURING THE ANARCHY

62 TOSSUP: PLUMB LINE TOSSUP: COFFERDAM TOSSUP: TESTUDO TOSSUP: "MUNIRE VIAM" TOSSUP: GROMA TOSSUP: HOW DID DIDIUS JULIANUS GET THRONE? TOSSUP: CARACALLA'S DEATH TOSSUP: TYPICAL GUEST LIST AT ONE OF ELAGABALUS' PARTIES TOSSUP: COMMODUS' ONE POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION 9) 5 FACTORS WEAKENING EMPIRE BY 200 CE (5 PTS.) 1) Crummy emperors who kept raising the army’s pay; 2) Drain of $ to East; 3) Disease; 4) Growing military threats; 5) No new conquests-> No new sources of $ 10) CYCLE OF INFLATION? [Raise taxes & debase coinage-> inflation-> Army wants raise-> etc.] 11) VICIOUS CYCLE THIS LED TO? [Armies rebel for more pay-> Abandon frontiers when they march to Rome-> Invasions- > Wreck economy-> etc.] [ Previous feedback] 14) 3 THINGS DIOCLETIAN DID TO PROTECT HIMSELF? (3 PTS.) 1) Give generals smaller commands 2) Split civil & military commands 3) Insulate himself vs. assassins with elaborate court ritual, a big palace, & exalted status as a demi-god. 15) HOW DID HE DEAL W/GREATER THREATS ON FRONTIER? Increased the army & created a mobile reserve. 16) RECRUITS & THE PROBLEMS THEY CAUSED? Germanic tribesmen who were loyal enough to the emperor they swore an oath of loyalty to but didn’t take too well to Roman army training & discipline. TOSSUP: VALERIAN'S CLAIM TO FAME? TOSSUP: DECIUS' CLAIM TO FAME? TOSSUP: CLAUDIUS GOTHICUS' CLAIM TO FAME? TOSSUP: AVERAGE LIFE EXPECTANCY FOR EMPEROR DURING THE ANARCHY TOSSUP: WHO OR WHAT WAS ZENOBIA?

63 TOSSUP: PLUMB LINE TOSSUP: COFFERDAM TOSSUP: TESTUDO TOSSUP: "MUNIRE VIAM" TOSSUP: GROMA TOSSUP: HOW DID DIDIUS JULIANUS GET THRONE? TOSSUP: CARACALLA'S DEATH TOSSUP: TYPICAL GUEST LIST AT ONE OF ELAGABALUS' PARTIES TOSSUP: COMMODUS' ONE POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION 9) 5 FACTORS WEAKENING EMPIRE BY 200 CE (5 PTS.) 1) Crummy emperors who kept raising the army’s pay; 2) Drain of $ to East; 3) Disease; 4) Growing military threats; 5) No new conquests-> No new sources of $ 10) CYCLE OF INFLATION? [Raise taxes & debase coinage-> inflation-> Army wants raise-> etc.] 11) VICIOUS CYCLE THIS LED TO? [Armies rebel for more pay-> Abandon frontiers when they march to Rome-> Invasions- > Wreck economy-> etc.] [ Previous feedback] 14) 3 THINGS DIOCLETIAN DID TO PROTECT HIMSELF? (3 PTS.) 1) Give generals smaller commands 2) Split civil & military commands 3) Insulate himself vs. assassins with elaborate court ritual, a big palace, & exalted status as a demi-god. 15) HOW DID HE DEAL W/GREATER THREATS ON FRONTIER? Increased the army & created a mobile reserve. 16) RECRUITS & THE PROBLEMS THEY CAUSED? Germanic tribesmen who were loyal enough to the emperor they swore an oath of loyalty to but didn’t take too well to Roman army training & discipline. TOSSUP: VALERIAN'S CLAIM TO FAME? TOSSUP: DECIUS' CLAIM TO FAME? TOSSUP: CLAUDIUS GOTHICUS' CLAIM TO FAME? TOSSUP: AVERAGE LIFE EXPECTANCY FOR EMPEROR DURING THE ANARCHY TOSSUP: WHO OR WHAT WAS ZENOBIA? 17) ADMINISTRATIVE REFORM: WHY HE DID IT & PROBLEMS IT CAUSED?

64 TOSSUP: PLUMB LINE TOSSUP: COFFERDAM TOSSUP: TESTUDO TOSSUP: "MUNIRE VIAM" TOSSUP: GROMA TOSSUP: HOW DID DIDIUS JULIANUS GET THRONE? TOSSUP: CARACALLA'S DEATH TOSSUP: TYPICAL GUEST LIST AT ONE OF ELAGABALUS' PARTIES TOSSUP: COMMODUS' ONE POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION 9) 5 FACTORS WEAKENING EMPIRE BY 200 CE (5 PTS.) 1) Crummy emperors who kept raising the army’s pay; 2) Drain of $ to East; 3) Disease; 4) Growing military threats; 5) No new conquests-> No new sources of $ 10) CYCLE OF INFLATION? [Raise taxes & debase coinage-> inflation-> Army wants raise-> etc.] 11) VICIOUS CYCLE THIS LED TO? [Armies rebel for more pay-> Abandon frontiers when they march to Rome-> Invasions- > Wreck economy-> etc.] [ Previous feedback] 14) 3 THINGS DIOCLETIAN DID TO PROTECT HIMSELF? (3 PTS.) 1) Give generals smaller commands 2) Split civil & military commands 3) Insulate himself vs. assassins with elaborate court ritual, a big palace, & exalted status as a demi-god. 15) HOW DID HE DEAL W/GREATER THREATS ON FRONTIER? Increased the army & created a mobile reserve. 16) RECRUITS & THE PROBLEMS THEY CAUSED? Germanic tribesmen who were loyal enough to the emperor they swore an oath of loyalty to but didn’t take too well to Roman army training & discipline. TOSSUP: VALERIAN'S CLAIM TO FAME? TOSSUP: DECIUS' CLAIM TO FAME? TOSSUP: CLAUDIUS GOTHICUS' CLAIM TO FAME? TOSSUP: AVERAGE LIFE EXPECTANCY FOR EMPEROR DURING THE ANARCHY TOSSUP: WHO OR WHAT WAS ZENOBIA? 17) ADMINISTRATIVE REFORM: WHY HE DID IT & PROBLEMS IT CAUSED? Split the Empire b/w E & W-> aggravated already growing rift b/w Greek East & Latin West.


66 Where are these soldiers going & why?

67 What do these maps illustrate?

68 What is this a map of?

69 What is this a picture of?

70 A What is this a map of?

71 An extensive waterwheel system near present day Arles, France. The waterwheel was a Hellenistic Greek invention that found little use while there were adequate labor supplies to do the work. However, in the later empire, due to depopulation from war and pestilence, Roman engineers started exploiting water power more. This particular complex, dating from the fourth century, was capable of milling enough grain to feed 80,000 people.

72 A Roman colonus (serf) is forcibly returned to his master after trying to escape to freedom. The repressive measures of Diocletian and other later imperial rulers forced them to freeze everyone in their family occupations in order to guarantee a stable tax base.

73 Giving generals smaller commands may not have been that risky to the empire’s safety in many or most cases, because when the barbarians breached the frontier, they typically spread out into smaller bands to maximize each man’s plunder and avoid the problems of supplying one big war band. Therefore, a larger number of smaller armies would probably be better suited to clearing out all the individual war bands scattered across a province. F F F F M

74 Diocletian’s palace at Split (modern Yugoslavia)

75 Rome’s growing need to meet threats on multiple fronts meant a growing reliance on cavalry, in particular a type of heavy cavalry adapted from the Persians, the cataphract, which could function as both heavy cavalry charging with the lance or as mobile horse archers. However, this also reduced reliance on the drill and march, the real key to the cohesion and success of Roman armies through the centuries

76 The continuing unity of the Roman Empire, even after splitting it into Eastern and Western halves for the sake of better defense and administration, is symbolized in this statue of the Tetrarchs (Diocletian, his counterpart in the West, Maximianus, and their two subordinate Caesars) embracing. In reality, the two halves of the Empire, Greek East and Latin West, were already on divergent cultural and political paths that would continue through the Middle Ages.

77 18) FEEDBACK CYCLE HIS REFORMS TRIGGERED? People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy

78 18) FEEDBACK CYCLE HIS REFORMS TRIGGERED? People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy

79 18) FEEDBACK CYCLE HIS REFORMS TRIGGERED? 19) ASSESSMENT OF HIS REIGN? People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy

80 18) FEEDBACK CYCLE HIS REFORMS TRIGGERED? 19) ASSESSMENT OF HIS REIGN? People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy Gradual stagnation & decay of the empire  Germanic tribes have time to absorb Roman civilization before overrunning the Western Roman Empire (FC. 36)

81 18) FEEDBACK CYCLE HIS REFORMS TRIGGERED? 19) ASSESSMENT OF HIS REIGN? 20) WHICH HALF OF EMPIRE FELL & WHY? People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy Gradual stagnation & decay of the empire  Germanic tribes have time to absorb Roman civilization before overrunning the Western Roman Empire (FC. 36)

82 18) FEEDBACK CYCLE HIS REFORMS TRIGGERED? 19) ASSESSMENT OF HIS REIGN? 20) WHICH HALF OF EMPIRE FELL & WHY? People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy Gradual stagnation & decay of the empire  Germanic tribes have time to absorb Roman civilization before overrunning the Western Roman Empire (FC. 36) More frontier threats than the E. More barb’s in W. army than E. army W. Emp. not as rich or urban as E. Emp. Less able emp’s than in the East after 450 W. Emp. Esp. continues to stagnate after Diocletian (FC.35), because:

83 18) FEEDBACK CYCLE HIS REFORMS TRIGGERED? 19) ASSESSMENT OF HIS REIGN? 20) WHICH HALF OF EMPIRE FELL & WHY? TOSSUP: PROSKYNESIS People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy Gradual stagnation & decay of the empire  Germanic tribes have time to absorb Roman civilization before overrunning the Western Roman Empire (FC. 36) More frontier threats than the E. More barb’s in W. army than E. army W. Emp. not as rich or urban as E. Emp. Less able emp’s than in the East after 450 W. Emp. Esp. continues to stagnate after Diocletian (FC.35), because:

84 18) FEEDBACK CYCLE HIS REFORMS TRIGGERED? 19) ASSESSMENT OF HIS REIGN? 20) WHICH HALF OF EMPIRE FELL & WHY? TOSSUP: PROSKYNESIS TOSSUP: PENALTY FOR TRYING TO AVOID MILITARY SERVICE? People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy Gradual stagnation & decay of the empire  Germanic tribes have time to absorb Roman civilization before overrunning the Western Roman Empire (FC. 36) More frontier threats than the E. More barb’s in W. army than E. army W. Emp. not as rich or urban as E. Emp. Less able emp’s than in the East after 450 W. Emp. Esp. continues to stagnate after Diocletian (FC.35), because:

85 18) FEEDBACK CYCLE HIS REFORMS TRIGGERED? 19) ASSESSMENT OF HIS REIGN? 20) WHICH HALF OF EMPIRE FELL & WHY? TOSSUP: PROSKYNESIS TOSSUP: PENALTY FOR TRYING TO AVOID MILITARY SERVICE? TOSSUP: CLOTHES THAT WERE OUTLAWED IN LATE EMPIRE & WHY? People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy Gradual stagnation & decay of the empire  Germanic tribes have time to absorb Roman civilization before overrunning the Western Roman Empire (FC. 36) More frontier threats than the E. More barb’s in W. army than E. army W. Emp. not as rich or urban as E. Emp. Less able emp’s than in the East after 450 W. Emp. Esp. continues to stagnate after Diocletian (FC.35), because:

86 18) FEEDBACK CYCLE HIS REFORMS TRIGGERED? 19) ASSESSMENT OF HIS REIGN? 20) WHICH HALF OF EMPIRE FELL & WHY? TOSSUP: PROSKYNESIS TOSSUP: PENALTY FOR TRYING TO AVOID MILITARY SERVICE? TOSSUP: CLOTHES THAT WERE OUTLAWED IN LATE EMPIRE & WHY? TOSSUP: CATAPHRACT People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy Gradual stagnation & decay of the empire  Germanic tribes have time to absorb Roman civilization before overrunning the Western Roman Empire (FC. 36) More frontier threats than the E. More barb’s in W. army than E. army W. Emp. not as rich or urban as E. Emp. Less able emp’s than in the East after 450 W. Emp. Esp. continues to stagnate after Diocletian (FC.35), because:

87 18) FEEDBACK CYCLE HIS REFORMS TRIGGERED? 19) ASSESSMENT OF HIS REIGN? 20) WHICH HALF OF EMPIRE FELL & WHY? TOSSUP: PROSKYNESIS TOSSUP: PENALTY FOR TRYING TO AVOID MILITARY SERVICE? TOSSUP: CLOTHES THAT WERE OUTLAWED IN LATE EMPIRE & WHY? TOSSUP: CATAPHRACT TOSSUP: ADRIANOPLE? People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy Gradual stagnation & decay of the empire  Germanic tribes have time to absorb Roman civilization before overrunning the Western Roman Empire (FC. 36) More frontier threats than the E. More barb’s in W. army than E. army W. Emp. not as rich or urban as E. Emp. Less able emp’s than in the East after 450 W. Emp. Esp. continues to stagnate after Diocletian (FC.35), because:

88 18) FEEDBACK CYCLE HIS REFORMS TRIGGERED? 19) ASSESSMENT OF HIS REIGN? 20) WHICH HALF OF EMPIRE FELL & WHY? TOSSUP: PROSKYNESIS TOSSUP: PENALTY FOR TRYING TO AVOID MILITARY SERVICE? TOSSUP: CLOTHES THAT WERE OUTLAWED IN LATE EMPIRE & WHY? TOSSUP: CATAPHRACT TOSSUP: ADRIANOPLE TOSSUP: HOSPITALITAS People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy Gradual stagnation & decay of the empire  Germanic tribes have time to absorb Roman civilization before overrunning the Western Roman Empire (FC. 36) More frontier threats than the E. More barb’s in W. army than E. army W. Emp. not as rich or urban as E. Emp. Less able emp’s than in the East after 450 W. Emp. Esp. continues to stagnate after Diocletian (FC.35), because:

89 18) FEEDBACK CYCLE HIS REFORMS TRIGGERED? 19) ASSESSMENT OF HIS REIGN? 20) WHICH HALF OF EMPIRE FELL & WHY? TOSSUP: PROSKYNESIS TOSSUP: PENALTY FOR TRYING TO AVOID MILITARY SERVICE? TOSSUP: CLOTHES THAT WERE OUTLAWED IN LATE EMPIRE & WHY? TOSSUP: CATAPHRACT TOSSUP: ADRIANOPLE TOSSUP: HOSPITALITAS TOSSUP: WHERE DID THE VISIGOTHS SETTLE? People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy Gradual stagnation & decay of the empire  Germanic tribes have time to absorb Roman civilization before overrunning the Western Roman Empire (FC. 36) More frontier threats than the E. More barb’s in W. army than E. army W. Emp. not as rich or urban as E. Emp. Less able emp’s than in the East after 450 W. Emp. Esp. continues to stagnate after Diocletian (FC.35), because:

90 18) FEEDBACK CYCLE HIS REFORMS TRIGGERED? 19) ASSESSMENT OF HIS REIGN? 20) WHICH HALF OF EMPIRE FELL & WHY? TOSSUP: PROSKYNESIS TOSSUP: PENALTY FOR TRYING TO AVOID MILITARY SERVICE? TOSSUP: CLOTHES THAT WERE OUTLAWED IN LATE EMPIRE & WHY? TOSSUP: CATAPHRACT TOSSUP: ADRIANOPLE TOSSUP: HOSPITALITAS TOSSUP: WHERE DID THE VISIGOTHS SETTLE? TOSSUP: WHERE DID THE VANDALS SETTLE? People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy Gradual stagnation & decay of the empire  Germanic tribes have time to absorb Roman civilization before overrunning the Western Roman Empire (FC. 36) More frontier threats than the E. More barb’s in W. army than E. army W. Emp. not as rich or urban as E. Emp. Less able emp’s than in the East after 450 W. Emp. Esp. continues to stagnate after Diocletian (FC.35), because:

91 18) FEEDBACK CYCLE HIS REFORMS TRIGGERED? 19) ASSESSMENT OF HIS REIGN? 20) WHICH HALF OF EMPIRE FELL & WHY? TOSSUP: PROSKYNESIS TOSSUP: PENALTY FOR TRYING TO AVOID MILITARY SERVICE? TOSSUP: CLOTHES THAT WERE OUTLAWED IN LATE EMPIRE & WHY? TOSSUP: CATAPHRACT TOSSUP: ADRIANOPLE TOSSUP: HOSPITALITAS TOSSUP: WHERE DID THE VISIGOTHS SETTLE? TOSSUP: WHERE DID THE VANDALS SETTLE? TOSSUP: WHERE DID THE FRANKS SETTLE? People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy Gradual stagnation & decay of the empire  Germanic tribes have time to absorb Roman civilization before overrunning the Western Roman Empire (FC. 36) More frontier threats than the E. More barb’s in W. army than E. army W. Emp. not as rich or urban as E. Emp. Less able emp’s than in the East after 450 W. Emp. Esp. continues to stagnate after Diocletian (FC.35), because:

92 18) FEEDBACK CYCLE HIS REFORMS TRIGGERED? 19) ASSESSMENT OF HIS REIGN? 20) WHICH HALF OF EMPIRE FELL & WHY? TOSSUP: PROSKYNESIS TOSSUP: PENALTY FOR TRYING TO AVOID MILITARY SERVICE? TOSSUP: CLOTHES THAT WERE OUTLAWED IN LATE EMPIRE & WHY? TOSSUP: CATAPHRACT TOSSUP: ADRIANOPLE TOSSUP: HOSPITALITAS TOSSUP: WHERE DID THE VISIGOTHS SETTLE? TOSSUP: WHERE DID THE VANDALS SETTLE? TOSSUP: WHERE DID THE FRANKS SETTLE? TOSSUP: WHAT WAS IRONIC ABOUT THE SACK OF ROME IN 455? People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy Gradual stagnation & decay of the empire  Germanic tribes have time to absorb Roman civilization before overrunning the Western Roman Empire (FC. 36) More frontier threats than the E. More barb’s in W. army than E. army W. Emp. not as rich or urban as E. Emp. Less able emp’s than in the East after 450 W. Emp. Esp. continues to stagnate after Diocletian (FC.35), because:

93 18) FEEDBACK CYCLE HIS REFORMS TRIGGERED? 19) ASSESSMENT OF HIS REIGN? 20) WHICH HALF OF EMPIRE FELL & WHY? TOSSUP: PROSKYNESIS TOSSUP: PENALTY FOR TRYING TO AVOID MILITARY SERVICE? TOSSUP: CLOTHES THAT WERE OUTLAWED IN LATE EMPIRE & WHY? TOSSUP: CATAPHRACT TOSSUP: ADRIANOPLE TOSSUP: HOSPITALITAS TOSSUP: WHERE DID THE VISIGOTHS SETTLE? TOSSUP: WHERE DID THE VANDALS SETTLE? TOSSUP: WHERE DID THE FRANKS SETTLE? TOSSUP: WHAT WAS IRONIC ABOUT THE SACK OF ROME IN 455? TOSSUP: WHO WAS JULIUS NEPOS? People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy Gradual stagnation & decay of the empire  Germanic tribes have time to absorb Roman civilization before overrunning the Western Roman Empire (FC. 36) More frontier threats than the E. More barb’s in W. army than E. army W. Emp. not as rich or urban as E. Emp. Less able emp’s than in the East after 450 W. Emp. Esp. continues to stagnate after Diocletian (FC.35), because:

94 22) WHAT DID BARBARIANS USUALLY WANT & NOT WANT? 23) CYCLE OF INVASIONS & DECAY? People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy













107 ROMAN EMPIRE QUIZ BOWL 1) TWO PROBLEMS AUGUSTUS HAD TO SOLVE TOGETHER? Establish 1-man rule & make it look like the good old days of the Republic. 2) POWERS HE TOOK & WHY? Tribunician powers to propose laws & look like a defender of the people; 2) Proconsular powers to control provinces w/armies 3) WAS THERE ANY VALUE TO OLD REPUBLICAN OFFICES? Served as training for important imperial posts 4) 2 POLICIES TOWARD THE ARMY? 1) Reduce it in size (& expense) & have them look to the emperor, not indiv. Gen’ls for their pay. TOSSUP: AUGUSTUS' OTHER TITLE, WHAT IT MEANT & SYMBOLIZED TOSSUP: WHO WAS JANUS? TOSSUP: WHO WAS AGRIPPA? TOSSUP: VISITING EGYPT IN TIME OF AUGUSTUS? TOSSUP: SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NUMBERS 60 & 28? TOSSUP: WHAT DID ROMANS DO W/SILK WHEN IT REACHED EMPIRE? 5) THREE WAYS ROMAN CIVILIZATION SPREAD 1) Settlers around army camps-> cities; 2) Roman soldiers retired there; & 3) Roman roads promoted trade & spread of civ. 6) WHERE DID ROMAN CIV. ESP. TAKE ROOT & WHY? Cities in the West because new ideas generally start in cities and the East already had deeply rooted civ’s of its own. 7) IMPORTANCE OF THE CITY TO THE ROMAN EMPIRE? It was the main administrative unit and source of civic pride and loyalty 8) STRATEGIC DEFENSE OF EMPIRE & THE RISK IT TOOK? All the armies were on frontiers w/o strategic reserve-> If major threat appeared on one frontier-> had to strip other frontiers to meet it. TOSSUP: PLUMB LINE TOSSUP: COFFERDAM TOSSUP: TESTUDO TOSSUP: "MUNIRE VIAM" TOSSUP: GROMA TOSSUP: HOW DID DIDIUS JULIANUS GET THRONE? TOSSUP: CARACALLA'S DEATH TOSSUP: TYPICAL GUEST LIST AT ONE OF ELAGABALUS' PARTIES TOSSUP: COMMODUS' ONE POSITIVE CONTRIBUTION 9) 5 FACTORS WEAKENING EMPIRE BY 200 CE (5 PTS.) 1) Crummy emperors who kept raising the army’s pay; 2) Drain of $ to East; 3) Disease; 4) Growing military threats; 5) No new conquests-> No new sources of $ 10) CYCLE OF INFLATION? [Raise taxes & debase coinage-> inflation-> Army wants raise-> etc.] 11) VICIOUS CYCLE THIS LED TO? [Armies rebel for more pay-> Abandon frontiers when they march to Rome-> Invasions- > Wreck economy-> etc.] [ Previous feedback] 14) 3 THINGS DIOCLETIAN DID TO PROTECT HIMSELF? (3 PTS.) 1) Give generals smaller commands 2) Split civil & military commands 3) Insulate himself vs. assassins with elaborate court ritual, a big palace, & exalted status as a demi-god. 15) HOW DID HE DEAL W/GREATER THREATS ON FRONTIER? Increased the army & created a mobile reserve. 16) RECRUITS & THE PROBLEMS THEY CAUSED? Germanic tribesmen who were loyal enough to the emperor they swore an oath of loyalty to but didn’t take too well to Roman army training & discipline. TOSSUP: VALERIAN'S CLAIM TO FAME? TOSSUP: DECIUS' CLAIM TO FAME? TOSSUP: CLAUDIUS GOTHICUS' CLAIM TO FAME? TOSSUP: AVERAGE LIFE EXPECTANCY FOR EMPEROR DURING THE ANARCHY TOSSUP: WHO OR WHAT WAS ZENOBIA? 17) ADMINISTRATIVE REFORM: WHY HE DID IT & PROBLEMS IT CAUSED? Split the Empire b/w E & W-> aggravated already growing rift b/w Greek East & Latin West. 18) FEEDBACK CYCLE HIS REFORMS TRIGGERED? 19) ASSESSMENT OF HIS REIGN? 20) WHICH HALF OF EMPIRE FELL & 2 REASONS WHY? 21) TWO MORE REASONS TOSSUP: PROSKYNESIS TOSSUP: PENALTY FOR TRYING TO AVOID MILITARY SERVICE? TOSSUP: CLOTHES THAT WERE OUTLAWED IN LATE EMPIRE & WHY? TOSSUP: CATAPHRACT TOSSUP: ADRIANOPLE TOSSUP: HOSPITALITAS TOSSUP: WHERE DID THE VISIGOTHS SETTLE? TOSSUP: WHERE DID THE VANDALS SETTLE? TOSSUP: WHERE DID THE FRANKS SETTLE? TOSSUP: WHAT WAS IRONIC ABOUT THE SACK OF ROME IN 455? TOSSUP: WHO WAS JULIUS NEPOS? 22) WHAT DID BARBARIANS USUALLY WANT & NOT WANT? 23) CYCLE OF INVASIONS & DECAY?

108 FC.32 THE AUGUSTAN PRINCIPATE & PAX ROMANA (31 B.C.E.-180 C.E.) Pax Romana: Except for conquering Britain & Dacia, 200 years of nearly unbroken peace & prosperity throughout the Mediterranean, with trade routes extending to China & India (FC. 33) Bureaucr. reforms Honest, efficient, & stable government in the provinces Regularly paid & trained officials Equites trained for mid-level jobs Civil wars & turmoil of the late republic (FC. 31) Romans’ traditional & conservative nature (FC. 26) Octavian must create a strong one-man rule while making it look like good old days of the Republic Efficient, loyal & honest provincial gov’s Works to get more reliable provincial governors through: Procurators, Augustus’ agents who watch gov’s Using old Rep’s offices to train them Regular pay  No need for corruption Still need reliable army, governors, & bureaucrats for provinces (FC. 30) Augustan Principate where Octavian (aka Augustus) kept only harmless sounding republican powers that still gave him control of armies & making laws: Proconsul’s powers to control milit. prov’s & army while leaving non-milit. provs to the Senate Rome faces few outside threats for 200 yrs. Medit’s central position  fast comm’s Succession ensured by giving chosen successor tribunician & proconsular powers before Augustus died Tribune’s powers to propose & veto laws while posing as the champion of the common people Military reforms Cheap, but highly trained & loyal army guarding frontiers Aug. gave army its pay & pensions Cut army from from 60 to 28 legions

109 FC.33 THE SPREAD OF ROMAN CIVILIZATION IN WESTERN EUROPE DURING THE PAX ROMANA (31 B.C.E.-180 C.E.) Heavy Romanization of urban areas & nobles’ villas in W. Europe, but less so in remote rural areas which keep older native cultures Merchants & other camp followers settle near the camp Non-citizen soldiers (settle by camp & become citizens after their discharge Citizen legionaries marry local women & settle by camp after their discharge Military camps grow into Roman cities since: Peace promotes growth of native towns into cities Roman troops are stationed in the provinces Peacetime army builds 51,000 miles of paved roads Cities copy Roman govt. & customs  Gain Roman citizenship Influx of trade & Roman & Italian merchants to the provinces Roman Empire functions as a virtual confederation of cities which serve as centers of local government, culture, & civic pride Despite the decline after fall of W. Roman Empire, civilization survives in Byz. Emp. & monasteries in W. Europe  Revives during the Italian Renaissance in 1400s (FC.76) Cities in East retain older Greek lang. & culture Greek culture carried on by Byzantine (E. Roman) Emp. (FC.44) Cities less deeply rooted in W. Emp. than East Cities & civiliz. decline drastically during 3rd century chaos (FC.34) Rome conquers Britain (FC.32) Rome conquers Spain (FC.29B) Augustus establishes peace & stability (FC.32) Caesar conquers Gaul (FC.31) Rome conquers Dacia (FC.32)

110 FC.34 DECLINE & NEAR COLLAPSE OF THE ROMAN EMPIRE (I60-284 C.E.) Growing threats from Germanic tribes to North & Sassanid Persians to East  Empire needs bigger army Series of strong military emperors who gradually restore empire (260-284) Emperor Diocletian makes major reforms to revive the exhausted empire (F.C. 35) Near collapse of the Roman Empire by 260 C.E. Inflation wrecks the economy Soldiers demand more money Empire needs more money Emperors raise taxes & debase coinage Soldiers get mad & declare their own generals emperor Abandon frontiers to put gen’ls on throne Germanic tribes & revived Persian Empire attack weakened frontiers Disease, revolts & wars wreck econ. New diseases spread by army Empire desperately needs money Few conquests after Augustus  Few new sources of money (FC.32) Army returning from East brings epidemic  Lower population & tax base Growing luxury trade w/East  Huge drain of $ from empire (FC.32) Incapable &/or corrupt rulers after 180 C.E.  Huge bonuses to keep army happy

111 FC.55 THE PARALLEL IMPACTS OF DISEASE ON CHINA AND ROME Smallpox & measles hit Rome in 165 & 251 C.E. Plague hits Persia & Byz’s in 500s Allowed rise of Arab Muslims in 600s Civ’s adapt to diseases by 900 CE  Pop. & towns recover Smallpox & measles hit China in 161, 310, & 322 Plague hits China from 600s-800s Decline & fall of T’ang Dynasty by 906 Spread of civiliz. to Mediterranean (FC 17). Spread of civiliz. to China (FC 53). Relatively free of disease because: Little irrigation  No parasitic diseases Wheat & barley  Little biological disruption Cooler & drier climate In 2nd cent C.E. Rome & China establish trade links across Eurasia & encounter diseases of older civ’s Civ. diseases of Mid-East & India spread to fringe of Eurasia Bubonic Plague originating in India or Africa Revived civ’s vulnerable to return of plague in 1300s (FC.71) Christ. rises in response (FC.37) Pop. loss & fall of Rome (FC.36) China adapts to diseases by 900 CE  Pop. & towns recover Buddh. rises in response (FC.50) Pop. loss & fall of Han Dyn. (FC.54) By 500 BCE, older civilizations in Mid East & (probably) India have adapted to “civilized” infectious diseases (FC.6)

112 FC.35 DIOCLETIAN’S REFORMS & ROME’S CONTINUING DECLINE (284-c.400 C.E.) Gradual stagnation & decay of the empire  Germanic tribes have time to absorb Roman civilization before overrunning the Western Roman Empire (FC. 36) People run away to avoid taxes People tied to their jobs to ensure stable econ. Stifles initiative  Lower tax base Raise taxes & increase bureaucracy Anarchy & near collapse of the Roman Empire by 260 C.E. (FC.34) Need defense vs. growing threats on frontiers Need a much larger & more mobile army than before Use Germanic recruits since empire’s population was less warlike after Pax Romana & depleted after the anarchy Lower morale & efficiency since Germanic recruits refuse to submit to Roman training & discipline Empire’s huge size  Need more efficient govt. Divides empire into Eastern & Western halves E. & W. Empires diverge culturally & politically, with Greek dominant in Eastern Empire & Latin dominant in Western Empire Though, in theory, still one empire, growing dislike & distrust between East & West  More fragmented empire Overawe the populace with: Exalting emperor to demi-god status Elaborate ritual Elaborate palace Need to prevent further revolts & assassinations Give gen’ls smaller commands Split civil & military offices Extremely expensive to implement all these reforms CYCLE OF STAGNATION & DECLINE IN 300s

113 FC.36 THE COLLAPSE OF THE WESTERN ROMAN EMPIRE (395-c.500) Final collapse of the Western Roman Empire by 500 C.E. & disintegration of order in W. Eur. (FC. 41) Hurts econ. & ability to defend frontiers Vandals escape & conq. N. Afr  Build navy at Carthage  Raid & disrupt Medit. trade  Sack Rome in 455 After Huns under Attila are stopped, Attila dies  His emp. breaks up  Former subject tribes attack Rome Angles, Saxons & Jutes invade Britain & destroy much of Roman Civilization there (FC. 43) Invasions across weakened frontiers Mistreatment by Romans  Goths dest. Roman army at Adrianople (378)  E. Emp. diverts them to Italy  W. Emp pulls troops from Rhine frontier to defend Italy (406) Visigoths sack Rome (410) & then receive Spain & Gaul from Rome for driving the Vandals out of Spain Barbarians infiltrate emp. more than invade it CYCLE OF W. ROMAN EMPIRE’S COLLAPSE IN 400s Barb’s want legal status in emp.more than to destroy it More frontier threats than the E. More barb’s in W. army than E. army W. Emp. not as rich or urban as E. Emp. Less able emp’s than in the East after 450 Growing hostility b/w E & W emp’s, esp after final split in 395 Huns drive Ger. Goths as refugees into E. Emp. in 376 Diocletian’s reforms (FC.35) W. Emp. esp. continues to stagnate after Diocletian because: Franks, once Rome’s allies, Take Gaul & found most durable of Ger. Kgd’s in former Roman Emp.(FC. 40)

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