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Meetings, Meetings, Meetings Can they be better? YES! Kathleen Paulo, MSW 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Meetings, Meetings, Meetings Can they be better? YES! Kathleen Paulo, MSW 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Meetings, Meetings, Meetings Can they be better? YES! Kathleen Paulo, MSW 1

2 Key Steps of Meeting Design Design team formation- facilitator works with leader/sponsor & small work team to prepare Allow time to prepare – 1 to 3 times the length of meeting Written agenda- with objectives, activities, lead staff, and timeframes Key roles should be done by different people – facilitator, – timekeeper, – recorder, – subject matter experts) 2

3 Meeting Design Critical Questions – Will shape meeting design process  What do you want to accomplish at meeting?  Information-sharing, decision making or team building?  Is a meeting in a conference room necessary? Best way to accomplish your goal?  What are alternatives to in-person meeting? - virtual, conference calls, stand up hallway huddles 3

4  Who are the key stakeholders, subject matter experts, & decision makers connected to the purpose and product of the meeting?  Who in senior leadership needs to be informed and approve of the purpose and product of meeting?  What is your desired role in meeting design, during the meeting and in follow-up?  What decisions can be made by participants?  What decisions will be made by others (managers, leadership, legislation, etc)?

5  What are the major time frames – meeting length, planning time, due dates for accomplishments that will come from meeting?  Is this an one-time meeting, regularly held (e.g. monthly project meeting), or initial meeting of a new group ?  Who will attend – total number, specific individuals to invite?  What are the participants expectations of the meeting accomplishments?  What documentation is needed to enhance meeting results? 5

6 Four Useful Meeting Structures Consensus Workshop – brainstorming with structure Historical Scan- review of past important events to celebrate and enhance current work Action Planning – moving ideas to action World Café – an informal way to move group discussion to a deeper level. 6

7 Consensus Workshop Structure Definition: Excellent structure to brainstorm with small to large groups Time needed: 60 -90 minutes Key components:  Individual brainstorm  Small group selection of best ideas  Larger group identifying common ideas 7

8 Consensus Workshop Benefits & Application Benefits: Build practical team consensus Generates creativity in limited timeframe Infuses the team with a sense of responsibility Application: Set team priorities Agree on criteria for decisions Create alignment in teams Develop policy or quality improvement 8

9 Historical Scan Structure Definition: [aka environmental analysis, or Wall of Wonder]. Utilizes a timeline to facilitate discussion of current context Time needed: 90 minutes Key components:  Participants co-create a historical scan of significant events on a timeline  Timeline is segmented into three key categories – e.g. world, industry and organization  Group discussion focused on where critical shifts happened and better understanding of the larger context 9

10 Historical Scan Benefits & Application Benefits: Provides enlarged contextual perspective Celebratory and highly participatory review of significant history in an organization’s life Application: Useful exercise before development of mission statements or strategic planning Energetic introduction to organizations history for with new leaders or team members 10

11 Action Planning Structure Definition: method of short term planning of a event or project where there is agreement and consensus Time needed: 2 – 4 hours Key components:  Co-created vision of success  Group analysis of strengths, weaknesses, benefits & dangers 11

12 Action Planning Benefits & Application Benefits: o Moves ideas to action o Clarifies team commitment to project activities & outcome o Designates leadership roles & responsibilities Best Application o When plan or project is already decided upon 12

13 World Café Structure Definition: series of small group conversations to build group consensus Time needed: 2-3 hours Key components:  Café like atmosphere e.g. table cloths, small tables, small groups  Remix of groups and review of highlights of previous discussion  Structured questions to move group to consensus  Report back of discussions 13

14 World Café Benefits & Application Benefits o Generates energy and excitement o Visually communicates a different approach to typical meetings o Creative approach to large group discussion on topics that matter Application o Large group that is new to each other and the topic

15 Bibliography The Facilitator’s Fieldbook: Step-by-Step Procedures; 2 nd ed.; by Tom Justice & David W. Jamieson, Ph. D Facilitator’s Guide to Participatory Decision-Making by Sam Kaner et al Technology of Participation(ToP) Materials from Institute of Cultural Affairs CA-USA Great Meetings, Great Results by Dee Kelsey & Pam Plumb World Café: Shaping Our Futures Through Conversations That Matter; by Juanita Brown 15

16 Websites to find facilitators, trainers and workshops – – Contact information: Kathleen Paulo MSW 510-267-3262 16

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