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Oral Traditions, Part 2 7 th Grade Literature. Background  Folk tales were told primarily for entertainment.  They feature humans or humanlike animals.

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1 Oral Traditions, Part 2 7 th Grade Literature

2 Background  Folk tales were told primarily for entertainment.  They feature humans or humanlike animals.

3 “Waters of Gold”  Chinese folk tale  Created by Chinese people who immigrated to the United States.  These tales helped Asian immigrants and their families remember their culture and values.  Many of the tales concern human relationships and the capacity for change.  Has elements of magic and reflects the belief that ordinary people experience extraordinary things.

4 “Ashputtle”  German folktale  Collected by the Grimm brothers in the early 1800s.  Similar to a fairy tale you may have heard before. See if you can figure out which one.  Message: goodness is rewarded; evil is punished.

5 Part 2: Relationships  Vocabulary: Write the following words in your LNb on a page titled Oral Traditions, Part 2. Then look up the meaning of the words in your glossary. You may split the list with your partner, if you wish.  Smugly  Jostling  Perilously  Haughty  Plague  Jeer  Nimbly  Curtsey  Alight  ingratiate

6 Analogies  Word analogies compare two pairs of words.  The relationship in the first pair of words is always the same as the relationship in the second pair of words.  SADNESS: SORROW :: antagonism: dislike  This is read, “Sadness is to sorrow as antagonism is to dislike.”  Sadness and sorrow are synonyms. Therefore, antagonism and dislike are also synonyms.

7 Analogies: Practice  Word Bank: stream, frieze, color, purse, sorrow  Paper clip: attach:: crayon: ________________  Stallion: stable:: salmon: ________________  Corrupt: upstanding:: bliss: ________________  Plum: plumb:: freeze: ________________  Pliers: toolbox:: wallet: ________________

8 “Waters of Gold”: Predicting  Prediction is an educated guess at what is going to happen next in a story.  Use a variety of clues about the characters, setting, or events to predict outcomes.  Combine the clues with your own knowledge and experience to make predictions.  Check your predictions as you gain new information and revise the predictions.

9 “Waters of Gold”: Figurative Language  Figurative language is language that communicates ideas beyond the literal meaning of words.  FL can make descriptions more vivid.

10 “Waters of Gold”: Figurative Language  Common types of FL include similes, metaphors, and hyperbole.  Similes are comparisons of two unlike things using like or as.  His face is as red as a beet.  Metaphors are comparisons in which one thing is spoken of as if it were something else.  My love is a rose.  Hyperbole is exaggeration for emphasis or for humorous effect.  I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse.

11 Group Discussion Questions  How did Auntie Lily lose her house and her money?  What lesson did the rich old woman learn?  Why didn’t Ashputtle’s stepmother want her to go to the celebration?  How did the king’s son obtain Ashputtle’s shoe?  What inanimate magical element helped Auntie Lily regain her house?  What living magical element helped Ashputtle meet the king’s son?

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