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Part I A comprehensive introduction to water footprint accounting This is a summary of the Water Footprint Assessment Manual Earthscan 2011 by Maite Martínez.

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Presentation on theme: "Part I A comprehensive introduction to water footprint accounting This is a summary of the Water Footprint Assessment Manual Earthscan 2011 by Maite Martínez."— Presentation transcript:

1 Part I A comprehensive introduction to water footprint accounting This is a summary of the Water Footprint Assessment Manual Earthscan 2011 by Maite Martínez Aldaya Strengthening National Capacities for Sustainable Resource Management in Latin America and the Caribbean CILCA 2011 COATZACOALCOS, Mexico April 7th, 2011

2 The water footprint concept ► The WF is an indicator of water use that looks at both direct and indirect water use of a consumer or producer. ► measured in terms of water volumes consumed (evaporated or otherwise not returned) or polluted per unit of time. ► geographically and temporally explicit indicator. ► can be calculated for a process, a product, a consumer, group of consumers (e.g. municipality, province, state or nation) or a producer (e.g. a public organization, private enterprise). [Hoekstra et al., 2011]

3 Direct water footprint Indirect water footprint Green water footprint Blue water footprint Grey water footprint Water consumption Water pollution [Hoekstra et al., 2011] Return flow Water withdrawal The traditional statistics on water use The water footprint components

4 Water footprint sustainability assessment Water footprint accounting Water footprint response formulation Setting goals and scope Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3Phase 4 [Hoekstra et al., 2011] Water footprint assessment

5 Water footprint unit WF of a process: water volume per unit of time. When divided over the quantity of product that results from the process, it can also be expressed as water volume per product unit. WF of a product: water volume per product unit. Examples: owater volume per unit of mass owater volume per unit of money owater volume per piece owater volume per unit of energy (food products, fuels) WF of a consumer or business and WF within an area: water volume per unit of time. The water footprint of a community of consumers can also be expressed in terms of water volume per unit of time per capita. [Hoekstra et al., 2011]

6 The water footprint of a product

7 ► the volume of fresh water used to produce the product, summed over the various steps of the production chain. ► when and where the water was used: a water footprint includes a temporal and spatial dimension. Water footprint of a product [Hoekstra et al., 2011]

8 Green water footprint ► volume of rainwater evaporated or incorporated into product. Blue water footprint ► volume of surface or groundwater evaporated, incorporated into product or returned to other catchment or the sea. Grey water footprint ► volume of polluted water. [Hoekstra et al., 2011] Water footprint of a product

9 Grey water footprint volume of polluted freshwater that associates with the production of a product in its full supply-chain. calculated as the volume of water that is required to assimilate pollutants based on ambient water quality standards. [Hoekstra et al., 2011]

10 Water footprint of products 1 kg wheat1 m 3 water 1 kg rice3 m 3 water 1 kg milk1 m 3 water 1 kg cheese5 m 3 water 1 kg pork5 m 3 water 1 kg beef15 m 3 water global averages [Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008]

11 Food ► 1300 kg of grains (wheat, oats, barley, corn, dry peas, soybean, etc) ► 7200 kg of roughages (pasture, dry hay, silage, etc) Water ► 24000 litres for drinking ► 7000 litres for servicing. The water footprint of a cow 99% 1%

12 [Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008]

13 Water footprint of a consumer

14 ► the total volume of water appropriated for the production of the goods and services consumed. ► equal to the sum of the water footprints of all goods and services consumed. ► dimensions of a water footprint volume where and when type of water use: green, blue, grey Water footprint of a consumer [Hoekstra et al., 2011]

15 Indirect WFDirect WF blue water use grey water Farmer Retailer Food processer Virtual water flow Virtual water flow Virtual water flow green and blue water use blue water use grey water grey water Consumer blue water use grey water [Hoekstra et al., 2011] Water footprint of a consumer

16 ► total amount of water that is used to produce the goods and services consumed by the inhabitants of the nation. ► two components: internal water footprint – inside the country. external water footprint – in other countries. ► water footprint of national consumption = water footprint within the nation + virtual water import – virtual water export Water footprint of national consumption [Hoekstra et al., 2011]

17 Consumption Export Production Import Internal water footprint External water footprint WF of national consumpt. Water use for export Virtual water import for re- export Virtual water export + + = = WF within nation Virtual water import ++ == Virtual water budget + += = The traditional statistics on water use, but then limited to withdrawals [Hoekstra et al., 2011] National water use accounting framework

18 International virtual water flows Virtual water flow (m 3 /yr) = Trade volume (ton/yr)  Product water footprint (m 3 /ton) Global trade data: n UN Statistics Division, New York n FAOSTAT, FAO, Rome

19 Volume (billion m 3 /yr) Percentage (%) Crops and crop products Livestock and livestock products Industrial products 987 276 362 61 17 22 Total1625100 = 16% of global water use! [Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008] International virtual water flows (1997-2001 )

20 National virtual water balances [Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008]

21 Water footprint per capita [Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008]

22 Water footprint per capita Global average water footprint [Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008]

23 Global water footprint contribution by consumption category Global water footprint = 7450 Gm 3 /yr [Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008]

24 1. Consumption characteristics - Consumption volume - Consumption pattern 2. Production circumstances - Climate: evaporative demand at place of production - Agricultural practice: water use efficiency Major determinants of the WF [Hoekstra & Chapagain, 2008]

25 The water footprint of a business

26 Water footprint of a retailer blue water use grey water Farmer Retailer Food processer Virtual water flow Virtual water flow Virtual water flow green and blue water use blue water use grey water grey water Supply chain WFOperational WF Consumer blue water use grey water End-use WF of a product The traditional statistics on corporate water use [Hoekstra et al., 2011]

27 blue water use grey water Farmer Retailer Food processer Virtual water flow Virtual water flow Virtual water flow green and blue water use blue water use grey water grey water Supply chain WF Operational WF Consumer blue water use grey water End-use WF of a product The traditional statistics on corporate water use Water footprint of a food processor [Hoekstra et al., 2011]

28 The Analysis of the Tomato Footprint, Spain Daniel Chico, Maite Aldaya, Alberto Garrido, Gloria Salmoral and Ramon Llamas

29 Chapagain, A. K. and Orr, S. (2009) “An improved water footprint methodology linking global consumption to local water resources: A case of Spanish tomatoes” Journal of Environmental Management, 90. Chico, D., Salmoral, G., Llamas, M.R., Garrido, A. and Aldaya, M.M. (2010) "The Water Footprint and virtual water exports of Spanish Tomatoes" Papeles del Agua Virtual n.º 8, Fundación Botín, 60 p. ISBN 978-84-96655-80-05 A comparison of:

30 Percentage variation Open-air systems Covered systems m 3 /tGreenBlueGreenBlue Almería 1101580181 Granada 35920212 Málaga 451440206 Cádiz 381090165 Murcia 591910188 Tarragona 323230299 Barcelona 353230335 Gerona 1445190509 Lérida 812380167 Guadalajara 833790 Cuenca 386620 Toledo 411470 ciudad Real 582680 Badajoz 3515100 Cáceres 4317400 Pamplona 213610415 Santa Cruz de Tenerife 5062086 Gran Canaria 1091070118 58.7244.90.0205.8 Percentual comparison of WF (m 3 /t) for green and blue water content in open-air irrigated and covered systems Smaller in green water for open-air systems as in Chapagain and Orr (average 60%) Double blue water content both in open-air irrigated and covered systems These differences may be due to the different data and assumptions, specially concerning irrigation schedule modelling. Results Chapagain & Orr Results Chico et al. X 100

31 Percentual comparison of WF of production for selected regions and national average (1,000 m 3 /year) for green, blue and grey water Percentage variation 1.000 m 3 /year GreenBlueGrey Andalucía 320345 Murcia 232013551 Cataluña 955715 Castilla - La- Mancha 1153484 Extremadura 1871575 Navarra 234002845 Canarias 335641 otros 2456743 Total 1561789 Significant differences by taking into account the yearly productions and not averages Much smaller green water, as well as blue water (with exceptions) Grey water footprint whole different results Results Chapagain & Orr Results Chico et al. X 100

32 Approach through Temporal analysis Increasing trend in WF associated to the increase in the tomato production Green, Blue and Grey WF in absolute terms (hm 3 ), national production and virtual water exported (hm 3 )

33 Advanced WF Economic analysis at current technology and market standpoint National Water apparent productivity (WAP, €/m 3 ) per production system RainfedIrrigated open-airGreenhouses Share of National production (in tons)0.0030.60.4 Av. Water Apparent productivity (€/m3)

34 Conclusions The estimations on consumptive use of water for crops have usually a potential significant error The analysis of the economic water productivity is very important from the practical point of view The results obtained for the water apparent productivity vary significantly between years, although the greenhouse production shows a significantly higher productivity than irrigated open-air and rainfed production

35 3 Sources Hoekstra, A.Y. and Chapagain, A.K. (2008) Globalization of water: Sharing the planet's freshwater resources, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK. Hoekstra, A.Y., Chapagain, A.K., Aldaya, M.M. and Mekonnen, M.M. (2011) The water footprint assessment manual: Setting the global standard, Earthscan, London, UK. Available from: Morrison, J., Morikawa, M., Murphy, M. and Schulte, P. (2009) Water scarcity and climate change: Growing risks for businesses and investors. Ceres, Pacific Institute. Available from: WFN (2011) Water Footprint Network. Available from: http://www.waterfootprint.org

36 Gracias !

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