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New Sampling-Based Summary Statistics for Improving Approximate Query Answers P. B. Gibbons and Y. Matias (ACM SIGMOD 1998) Rongfang Li Feb 2007.

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Presentation on theme: "New Sampling-Based Summary Statistics for Improving Approximate Query Answers P. B. Gibbons and Y. Matias (ACM SIGMOD 1998) Rongfang Li Feb 2007."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Sampling-Based Summary Statistics for Improving Approximate Query Answers P. B. Gibbons and Y. Matias (ACM SIGMOD 1998) Rongfang Li Feb 2007

2 2 Outline  Introduction  Concise samples  Counting samples  Application to hot list queries and Experimental evaluation  Conclusion

3 3 Introduction  In large data recording and warehousing environments, it is often advantageous to provide fast, approximate answers to queries.  Approximate answer engine.  The goal is to develop effective data synopses that capture important information in a concise representation. Data Warehouse New Data Queries Response Figure 1:A traditional data warehouse Data Warehouse New Data Queries Response Figure 2: Data warehouse set-up for providing approximate query answers. Approx. Answer Engine

4 4 Effectiveness of a Synopsis  Accuracy of the answers it provides  Fast response time  Update time Large sample size is desirable  Effectiveness of a synopsis is evaluated as a function of its footprint, i.e., the number of memory words to store the synopsis.

5 5 Two new sampling-based synopses  Concise samples represents those values that appear more than once in the sample  Counting samples keep track of all occurrences of a value inserted into the relation since the value was selected for the sample. Fast Incremental Maintenance

6 6 Outline  Introduction  Concise samples  Counting samples  Application to hot list queries and Experimental evaluation  Conclusion

7 7 Concise samples  Observation: any value occurring frequently in a sample is a wasteful use of the available space  Definition 1: A concise sample is a uniform random sample of the data set such that values appearing more than once in the sample are represented as a value and a count, ex:.  More sample points than traditional samples for the same footprint => more accurate

8 8 Concise samples properties Consider a relation R with n tuples and an attribute A. The goal is to obtain a uniform random sample of R.A, i.e., the values of A for a random subset of the tuples in R.  Definition: Let S = {,…,, v j+1,..., v l } be a concise sample. Then sample-size(S) = l-j+∑ j i = 1 c i, and footprint(S) = l+j at most m/2 distinct values, footprint at most m,  Lemma 1 For any footprint m ≥ 2, there exists data sets for which the sample-size of a concise sample is n/m times lager than its footprint, where n is the size of the data set. n/m times as many sample points as a traditional sample

9 9 Concise samples – offline/static  Offline/static computation Footprint is m 1. Repeat m times: select a random tuple from the relation and extract its value for attribute A. 2. Semi-sort the set of values, and replace every value occurring multiple times with a pair. 3. Continue to sample until either adding the sample point would increase the concise sample footprint to m+1 or n samples have been taken. For each new value sampled, look-up to see if it is already in the concise sample and then either add a new singleton value, convert a singleton to a pair, or increment the count for a pair.

10 10 Concise samples – Incremental maintenance  More difficult than maintain a traditional sample  Maintenance algorithm: Let S be the current concise sample and consider a new tuple t. Set up an entry threshold τ(initially 1) for new tuples to be selected for the sample. I. Add t.A to S with probability 1/ τ. (flip a coin with heads probability 1/ τ) II. Do a look-up on t.A in S. a) if it is represented by a pair, its count is incremented. b) if t.A is a singleton in S, a pair is created, c) if it is not in S, a singleton is created. III. Increase footprint by 1 in cases b) and c) IV. Evict existing sample points to create room. Raise the threshold to some τ ’. Subject each sample point in S to this higher threshold---T/T’ probability evicted. Subsequent inserts are selected for the sample with probability 1/ τ ’  For any sequence of insertions, the above algorithm maintains a concise sample.

11 11 Experimental evaluation  Evaluate the gain in the sample-size of concise sample over traditional sample  Insert 500k new values, value domain[1,D], where D is varied from 500 to 50k.  Footprint m = 1000  Compare three samples: traditional; concise online; concise offline;

12 12 Concise Samples – experimental evaluation Figure 3: Comparing sample-sizes of concise and traditional samples as a function of skew, for varying footprints and D/m ratios. In (a) and (b), authors compare footprint 100 and footprint 1000, respectively, for the same data sets. In (c) and (d), authors compare D/m = 50 and D/m = 5, respectively, for the same footprint 1000. D: potential number of distinct values m: footprint size

13 13 Concise samples  Update time overheads The coin flips that must be performed to decide which inserts are added to the concise sample and to evict values from the concise sample when the threshold is raised The lookups into the current concise sample to see if a value is already present in the sample

14 14 Outline  Introduction  Concise samples  Counting samples  Application to hot list queries and Experimental evaluation  Conclusion

15 15 Counting samples  Counting samples – a variation on concise samples in which the counts are used to keep track of all occurrences of a value inserted into the relation since the value was selected for the sample.  Definition: A counting sample for R.A with threshold T is any subset of R.A obtained as follows: 1. For each value v occurring c times in R, we flip a coin with probability 1/T of heads until the first heads, up to at most c coin tosses in all; if the ith coin toss is heads, then v occurs c-i+1 times in the subset, else v is not in the subset. 2. Each value v occurring c>1 times in the subset is represented as a pair, and each value v occurring exactly once is represented as a singleton v.

16 16 Counting samples (cont.)  Incremental maintenance algorithm. Let S be the current counting sample and t be a new tuple 1. Set up an entry threshold T for new tuples to be selected. 2. Look up on t.A in S 3. t.A is not in S and we add it to S with probability 1/T.  Deletion  Theorem 4 Let R be an arbitrary relation, and let T be the current threshold for a counting sample S. (i) Any value v that occurs at least T times in R is expected to be in S. (ii) Any value v that occurs f v times in R will be in S with probability 1-(1-1/T) fv. (iii) For all α>1, if f v ≥ αT, then with probability ≥ 1 - e -α, the value will be in S and its count will be at least fv - αT

17 17 Outline  Introduction  Concise samples  Counting samples  Application to hot list queries and experiment evaluation  Conclusion

18 18 Hot list queries  Hot list queries request an ordered set of pairs for the k most frequently occurring data values, for some k. ex: the top selling items in a database of sales transactions.

19 19 Hot list queries  Algorithms Using traditional samples Using concise samples Using counting samples Using histogram on disk – maintains a full histogram on disk, i.e., pairs for all distinct values in R, with a copy of the top m/2 pairs stored as a synopsis within the approximate answer engine.  -- is considered only as a baseline for accuracy comparisons

20 20 Application to hot list queries (cont.) x-axis: rank of a value y-axis: count for the values

21 21 Application to hot list queries (cont.)

22 22 Application to hot list queries (cont.)

23 23 Application to hot list queries – overheads

24 24 Conclusion  Using concise samples may offer the best choice when considering both accuracy and overheads.  In this paper, a batch-like processing of data warehouse inserts, in which inserts and queries do not intermix, is assumed. To address the more general case, issues of concurrency bottlenecks need to be addressed.  Future work is to explore the effectiveness of using concise samples and counting samples for other concrete approximate answer scenarios.

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