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Sunday, May 24, 2015 Data Minimisation Managing Data Growth While Containing Cost and Carbon Footprint Ken Hall, Dimension Data.

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Presentation on theme: "Sunday, May 24, 2015 Data Minimisation Managing Data Growth While Containing Cost and Carbon Footprint Ken Hall, Dimension Data."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sunday, May 24, 2015 Data Minimisation Managing Data Growth While Containing Cost and Carbon Footprint Ken Hall, Dimension Data

2 Agenda Introductions Today’s data management challenges Energy efficiency in the data centre What is Data Minimisation? Online Active Archiving Backup Data De-Duplication Data Minimisation effects Developing the business case Questions & Answers

3 Dimension Data - ‘Data Centre & Storage Solutions’ Network Integration Microsoft Solutions Infrastructure Microsoft Solutions Application Integration Security Managed Services Customer Interactive Solutions Data Centre & Storage Solutions – Availability, Compliance & Optimisation Storage Solutions – SAN, NAS, CAS Virtualisation Solutions – DR, Server & Desktop Consolidation Backup, Recovery & Archiving Solutions Data Centre Environmental’s – Power, Cooling & Rack Solutions Key Technology Partners APC, Cisco, EMC, HDS, HP, IBM, Microsoft, NetApp, Quantum, Symantec, Sun

4 The Digital Universe is Rapidly Expanding Source: IDC White Paper, "The Diverse and Exploding Digital Universe," March 2008 Ten-fold growth in five years! 1,773 exabytes 173 exabytes Exabytes 0 200 400 600 800 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 200620072008200920102011 Amount of Digital Information Created and Replicated Each Year

5 Typical DD Customer – Exponential Data Growth Annual Compound Data Growth of 65% Daily Incremental and Weekly Full 2 Week Retention on Disk (3 Full’s - 10 Incr) 4 Week Retention on Tape 12 Monthly’s on Tape kept indefinitely Having to squeeze more into Backup Window B2D Requirement Growing Rapidly Backup Media Server/s Under Pressure Network Bandwidth Constraints Tape Infrastructure &Handling Costs Increasing

6 Coping with Information Growth in Today’s Economy *“Global purchases of IT goods and services… will equal $1.66 trillion in 2009, declining by 3 percent after an 8 percent rise in 2008.” Global IT Market Outlook: 2009, Forrester Research, January 12, 2009 In 2009, IT budgets are flat or declining*  Escalating costs for primary storage  Difficulty meeting backup and recovery windows  Ensuring high availability of information  Providing timely access to historical information

7 Data Center Energy Use is Doubling  IT energy use has doubled since 2000 and will likely double again by 2011  Energy operating costs will soon exceed the cost of purchase for servers  Existing conservation technologies can reduce consumption to 2002 levels Comparison of Projected Electricity Use, 2007 to 2011 Source: EPA report to Congress, 2007 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011 Annual Electricity Use (billion kWh/year State of the art scenario Historical energy use

8 Available Capabilities for Energy Efficiency Improve Efficiency – Reduce Energy Consumption INCREASE UTILIZATION REDUCE CAPACITY Storage tiering Virtual LUNS File and e-mail tiering Storage virtualisation Large-capacity drives Replication across storage tiers Snaps Clones Compression De-duplication Archiving Server virtualisation Data migration Storage consolidation Virtual Provisioning Flash drives Optimisation algorithms Automated discovery Document management

9 How can we... Implement a Data Minimisation Strategy Manage exponential data growth, while... Improving access to organisational data Containing data management and infrastructure costs Reducing the data centre’s carbon footprint... Online archiving of e-mail and file systems Backup with data de-duplication

10 Data Minimisation Elements  Retention and compliance  Data reduction  Universal access  Simplify management  Tier backup infrastructure  Optimise media: B2D, VTL, de-dupe and tape  Address security issues  Simplify management Identify candidates for archiving Classify and move Establish SLAs based on information class New Technologies and Services are Enablers Primary Storage Backup Archive

11 Data Minimisation – How it works 1. Archive the inactive data before you perform the backup process  Identify Inactive Data based on polices  Automate the movement of the data to a lower cost storage tier or dedicated archive platform leaving stubs behind  Items are retrieved from the online archive on user demand  Backup up the archive infrequently or never 2. Backup the remaining data using resource efficient data de-duplication  Rapid ‘Full Backups’ - only the ‘sub-file’ changes are sent and stored on disk  Minimal Bandwidth – only a fraction of the typical 200% is sent over the wire  Minimal Storage Consumption – only unique ‘sub-file’ blocks are stored  Protect more, with less for longer

12 Today: Energy-Efficient Storage Design 1 TB Data on Different Capacity/Performance Drives 787 kWh/yr 1,434 kWh/yr 3,048 kWh/yr 94% 87% 73% 50% 393 kWh/yr CONSUME LESS ENERGY BY CAPACITY 15K 73 GB 15K 146 GB 10K 300 GB 7.2K 500 GB 7.2K 1 TB 6,096 kWh/yr 73 GB Flash drive 3,790 kWh/yr 30x IOPS 38% Less Energy

13 24 May 2015 File System Archiving  Extract inactive, final-form data to an archive  Enhance performance of production applications  Reduce size of backup datasets  Free up expensive Tier 1 disk  Store archived data on high density low cost energy efficient storage 10 TB Extract Always available Before Backup full, 10 TB After Back up 4 TB, active data only Active archive Primary storage 4 TB 6 TB Secondary storage Inactive data Reclaimed storage Production Active data Active data

14 E-Mail Archiving Message ServerE-mail Archive Server Space saved on e-mail server is typically 60–80% Shortcut User’s Inbox Message 1 Jan. 1, 2008 To: RickSubject: Question Attached: Message 2 Jan. 1, 2008 To: RonSubject: Update Attached: Message 3 Feb. 1, 2008 To: Bill Subject: Training Message 1 Jan. 1, 2008 To: RickSubject: Question Attached: Message 2 Jan. 1, 2008 To: RonSubject: Update Attached: Message 3 Feb. 1, 2008 To: Bill Subject: Training Shortcut Mail Archival automatically create shortcuts to archived messages / attachments…and deletes the original attachments from the e-mail server E-mail Archive Message 1 Jan. 1, 2008 To: RickSubject: Question Attached: Message 2 Jan. 1, 2008 To: RonSubject: Update Attached: Message 3 Feb. 1, 2008 To: Bill Subject: Training Message 1 Jan. 1, 2008 To: RickSubject: Question Attached: Message 2 Jan. 1, 2008 To: RonSubject: Update Attached: Message 3 Feb. 1, 2008 To: Bill Subject: Training

15 Definition of De-duplication “The process of detecting and identifying the unique data segments within a given set of information, enabling the elimination of redundancy when stored or moved.” Before: total segments = 39After: Unique segments = 6 Data Set 3 Data Set 2 Data Set 1 De-duplication

16 Data De-duplication: How it Works ABCD Unique data stored on disk, available for immediate recovery Only unique data segments are backed up A B C D Data already backed up, so only a unique ID pointer is stored (20 bytes) E E New data segment identified and backed up  First Instance  Duplicate Instance  Modified Instance AB CD AB CD B CD E May 2007 June 2008

17 Key Point – Data Minimisation requires a platform that doesn’t need to be backed up! WORM DISK Tier 3 Disk Active Archiving WORM delivers unique features for online archives  Location independence  Self-healing and management  Guaranteed authenticity  Single-instancing Online Archiving Tier 3 Disk with SATA and NAS with ATA Offline Archiving Tape is best suited for offline archives Tape Customer Archival Requirements Management Efficiency Archiving Functionality

18 Data Minimisation Strategy - How it all fits together Tier 1 Primary Storage Tier 2 Secondary Storage Tier 3 Archive long term Retention on disk 80% of data Tier 5 Legacy long Term retention On tape Optional 20% Tier 4 Backup to disk (De-Dupe) Quick recovery Optional 20% Daily data backups OH De-duped Data Automated movement relative to age Data backup Static Data growth Static Data growth Tier 3 Data Growth No management required

19 Quantified Results – Reduce Tier 1/2 with Archiving Major reduction in expensive Tier1/2 Storage Tier 3 Archive storage minimised due to single instancing & compression 73% reduction in power and cooling requirements for archived data

20 Quantified Results – The Data Minimisation Leverage Good Tier 4 Savings with Archiving or De-Duplication Excellent results by combining Archiving & Backup Data De-Duplication 6 x reduction in power and cooling requirements for B2D storage

21 Quantified Results – Less Tape Infrastructure Associated reduction in Tape Library Slots, Drives, Management & Handling Power of combining Archiving & De-Duplication – 560 Less LTO4 Tapes in Year3 Tape could be removed altogether – Offsite Replication & Disk Spin-Down

22 Data management cost comparison – Data Minimisation Significant Reduction of Backup Infrastructure and Tape Management Tape Drive, Tape Licences, Slots, Library, Backup Server, Tape Media, Offsite Storage & Recall Costs, Admin Costs 24 May 2015© Copyright Dimension Data 2000 - 200622

23 Data Minimisation Assessment – Business Case Current backup minimisation methods give you better efficient backups However it doesn't fix the cause of the problem which is data growth A combination of data archival, backup de-duplication and compression represents the most effective manner to contain data within your environment Helps quantify business case for archiving (or other appropriate solution) Workshop to identify costs/issues 24 May 201523© Copyright Dimension Data 2000 - 2008

24 Data Minimisation – Input Variables 24 May 201524© Copyright Dimension Data 2000 - 2008

25 Data Minimisation – Graphical View 24 May 201525© Copyright Dimension Data 2000 - 2008

26 Data Minimisation – Graphical View (Cont.) 24 May 201526© Copyright Dimension Data 2000 - 2008

27 Data minimisation strategy achieved by...  Archiving over 70% of data to a protected environment which removed the need for that data to be backed up via archiving  Minimised the impact of data backup via de-duplication and compression (reduction in data volume and backup data by 80%)  Minimised the impact of VMware on the environment through de-duplication  Contained Tier 1 disk growth and spend  Provided the most storage efficient backup method possible today  Estimated savings to be over 5 Million dollars in 5 years. My initial Sync took 12 hours now I backup in 50 mins’ – Dimension Data Customer $ $ $ $

28 Sunday, May 24, 2015 Questions & Answers

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