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ESDGC and Skills Sue Morgan-Jones ADT Mary Gowers iEARN UK.

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Presentation on theme: "ESDGC and Skills Sue Morgan-Jones ADT Mary Gowers iEARN UK."— Presentation transcript:

1 ESDGC and Skills Sue Morgan-Jones ADT Mary Gowers iEARN UK

2 ESDGC Toolkit - Key Drivers for Teaching and Learning To meet WAG agenda Vehicle for skills development Estyn Inspection Cultural context and individual identity Hard to reach learners Engage with employers

3 7 Themes Identity and culture Natural environment Wealth and poverty Health Climate change Consumption and waste Choices and decisions

4 Not another add on!! Link to key skills Ensure relevance to job and trainee

5 Teaching and Learning Measuring your own eco-footprint – this is the hook! Lots of support information available Allows learner to follow individual interest Individual recommendations

6 Assignment Measure your own footprint Compare with national average Analyse why your footprint is too large Make recommendations to employer, community, national government and international organisations

7 Skills Links Prepared for 2004 Key Skills standards Now mapped to 2008 Essential Skills Wales

8 Pilot 2 assessors trialled the first version Feedback used to “tweek” assignment 43 assessors completed the second draft –Swapped completed assignments across routes –Assessed results against 2004 standards Allowed us to see the range of ESDGC and skills generated All met the criteria – some only just!

9 Final Assignment Feedback from all who took part in pilot Feedback from those who assessed Feedback from KS Internal Moderator Feedback from ESDGC Manager

10 Training 1 day focussed training Addressed knowledge gaps for assessors Equipped them to deliver to trainees Confidence building Raised own awareness – confident to discuss issues and to find more information Assessors now see relevance of assignment to both ESDGC toolkit and their vocational routes

11 Summary Designed to satisfy requirements for DCELLS ESTYN Awarding Bodies WBLP –Saved money –Raised profile of ESDGC with Managers, Assessors, Admin, Learners and Employers

12 Made a potentially boring topic interesting and Improved the quality of coffee break debate

13 Where can you get the assignment? For now you will find the assignment, mark scheme, tutors guide and database on Will be hosted on NGfL Cymru in near future

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