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Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource.

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Presentation on theme: "Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Greening Business: An online teaching resource Session 2 Session 2: Climate, carbon and business Suggested activities

2 Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Activity 1: Linking business and climate change Describe, using a flow chart, the link between University staff and students driving to the University and global sea level rise Commuting employees (car driving) Global sea-level rise ?

3 Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Activity 2: CO 2 equivalents 1)Convert the following emissions data from an organization into a total in tCO 2 e using Global Warming Potential (GWP) values. 1)3500 t CO 2 2)200 t CH 4 3)15 t N 2 O

4 Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Activity 3: Energy use and CO 2 emissions Your University uses 13,000 MW of electricity each year 1) Assuming this is all from grid-based electricity, how much CO 2 does this release (weight) 2)What is the volume of this? 3)How many hot air balloons will this fill?

5 Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Activity 4: Your own carbon footprint Calculate your total carbon footprint for the past 12 months using the following web tool: 1)How des this compare to the UK average? 2)How does this compare to the average of other countries? 3)What is the greatest contribution to your carbon footprint? 4)How can you reduce your carbon footprint? 5)Do you think your carbon footprint has increased or decreased since being at University?

6 Dr Zoe Robinson, Keele University, Greening Business: An online teaching resource. Activity 5: Climate change impacts on business Choose an industry that you may want to work in in the future List the ways that your chosen industry may be affected by global warming

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