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Sec 2 Sustainable Environment Programme Climate Changes.

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Presentation on theme: "Sec 2 Sustainable Environment Programme Climate Changes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sec 2 Sustainable Environment Programme Climate Changes

2  Theme: Climate Change Details of the programme Climate Change FoodEnergyRecyclingWater

3  Think-pair-share  In your pairs, discuss what you have learnt about climate change in IS lesson  Questions to be discussed  What is climate change?  What causes climate change?  How can we slow down climate change? Climate Change (15 mins)

4 Video on Climate Change

5  Measurement of humanity’s demand on nature  The amount of land and water area a human population uses to provide all it takes from nature What is an Ecological Footprint?


7  How many human footprints do you think it takes to produce a T-shirt, a pair of jeans and a pair of sneakers?  How much water do you think you need to wash the clothes you wear per year? Trigger Activity

8  Log on to the website below and calculate your ecological footprints  page/calculators/ page/calculators/  Calculate your ecological footprints

9 Carbon footprint What is it? Why do we need to reduce it?

10  Total amount of greenhouse gases produced (e.g. carbon dioxide, CO 2 ) to directly and indirectly support human activities in a given time frame. What is Carbon Footprint?

11  Carbon Emissions from public and private transport  Burning of fossil fuels to power energy plants Direct Impact from Human Activities

12  Distance our food has to travel before it is consumed by us  Distance to deliver the clothes to us Indirect Impact from Human Activities

13 Why is it important to reduce carbon footprints?  Carbon dioxide is a form of greenhouse gases.  Traps the heat on the earth leading to global warming and ultimately climate changes.  According to report by WWF (2012), Singapore is the top carbon emitter in Asia-Pacific Thinking Question: Why do you think Singapore is the top carbon emitter in Asia- Pacific?

14  Turn off electrical appliances when not in use e.g. television, DVD player  Carbon footprints of common electrical appliacnces How can we help to reduce carbon footprints? Appliancekg CO 2 per year Microwave Oven 39 Washing Machine 51 Electric Oven91 Standard Light Bulb 63 Low Energy Light Bulb 11 Primary TV - Plasma 10

15  Turn down the water heating setting  Fill washing machine with a full load  Do weekly shopping in a single trip  Fit energy saving light bulbs  Take public transport / car pool  Recycle  Reduce consumption of meat How can we help to reduce carbon footprints?

16  At the end of lesson,  Write down one thing you will do to reduce the carbon footprint Pledge to

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