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 Thomas Malthus’s essay was about:  He claimed that the human population was growing faster than Earth’s resources could support.

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Presentation on theme: " Thomas Malthus’s essay was about:  He claimed that the human population was growing faster than Earth’s resources could support."— Presentation transcript:


2  Thomas Malthus’s essay was about:  He claimed that the human population was growing faster than Earth’s resources could support.

3  Drawing of Figure 16.1 World Population:

4  What are renewable resources?  Resources that cannot be used up or can replenish themselves over time.  Examples: wind, water, sunlight

5  What are nonrenewable resources?  Resources that are used faster than they form  Examples: coal, oil, natural gas

6  1. Easter Island before people arrived on the island.

7  2. Islanders started building the Easter Island Statues.

8  3. Islanders cut down trees to make boats and shelter.

9  4. Lack of trees causes erosion of nutrient rich soil. The soil washed into the ocean.

10  5. Islanders run out of resources and are forced to leave the island.

11  6. Today Easter Island is covered with grass, no trees, and the famous Easter Island Statue heads.

12  What is an ecological footprint?  The amount of land needed to produce and maintain enough food, water, shelter, energy, and water.

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14  Which continent has the largest human population?  Asia

15  Which continent has the largest ecological footprint?  North America

16  Which continent has the most level (close to equal) population to ecological footprint?  Central & South America

17  What things can you personally do at home and school that can help save resources?  You answer!

18  Why is our ecological footprint related to an area of land?  Land is needed to support a population because we need land to support a lifestyle (a place to live, work, land for agriculture, a place to put waste that supports this lifestyle)

19 What causes this problem? What ecological problems does it cause in the environment? What can people do to prevent or stop this problem from occurring? Pollutants in the water cycle cause the pH of rain to drop. Lowers the pH or a lake or stream – affects organisms living there. Can harm trees. Stricter laws on factory emissions. Drive less.


21 What causes this problem? What ecological problems does it cause in the environment? What can people do to prevent or stop this problem from occurring? Ozone absorbs UV light CFC’s used in refrigerants, aerosol cans destroy the ozone layer. More harmful rays of UV exposure. UV light causes cancer. Decrease use or production of CFC’s


23 What causes this problem? What ecological problems does it cause in the environment? What can people do to prevent or stop this problem from occurring? Water vapor, methane, carbon dioxide. Greenhouse effect Climate change, loss of habitat. More strict regulations for production of greenhouse gases.


25 What causes this problem? What ecological problems does it cause in the environment? What can people do to prevent or stop this problem from occurring? Pollutants that are water soluble and will stay in the body fat of an organism. Concentrations of a harmful substance accumulates to dangerous levels. Stop the use of DDT pesticide.


27  Explain how biological magnification works using the picture:

28  What other water related problems do we experience in Southern California?

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