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GARDN II Sylvain Cofsky, Executive Director December 11 th, 2014.

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1 GARDN II Sylvain Cofsky, Executive Director December 11 th, 2014

2 Green Aviation Research and Development Network (GARDN ) Created in 2009, GARDN is part of the Canadian Federal Program « Business-Led Network of Centres of Excellence » (BL-NCE) Objective:  Increase competitiveness of Canada Aerospace Industry through the reduction of its environmental footprint A 2-pillar strategy: 1.Funding of precompetitive collaborative industrial R&D projects (TRL 3 to 6) 2.Focal point for reflection on environmental aviation in Canada © GARDN 2012

3 Budget GARDN I Budget of $42M+ on 5 year program (2009- 2014)  Industry contribution = 70%  BL-NCE contribution = 30% GARDN II Renewed for 5 more years: 2014-2019 A minimum of $25 M Research portfolio = 26 projects and $55 M © GARDN 2012

4 4 Canada Quebec Tech Demo Program Canada

5 GARDN I Track Record 2009-2014 GARDN 17 Projects : $38 M of project value ($1 from government = $2 from Industry) 17 Projects : $38 M of project value ($1 from government = $2 from Industry) 10+ technologies to commercialization 108 students trained Use on existing, new aircraft 35+ technologies 270+ researchers 51 from academia 219 from industry 270+ researchers 51 from academia 219 from industry 30+members 5 OEMs 12 SMEs 13 universities + Associated Partners 30+members 5 OEMs 12 SMEs 13 universities + Associated Partners 12 potential licences or patents 50 publications International Collaboration USA, Europe, China International Collaboration USA, Europe, China GARDN Networking Events Total of 1000+ participants GARDN Networking Events Total of 1000+ participants Research centres capabilities enhanced Lean + Flexible = Innovation 5

6 Research Themes 9/27/2013GARDN Proprietary Information 6 Carbon Footprint/Emissions Clean Quiet Reduced Noise Sustainability Life Cycle Management From 7 themes under GARDN I to 3 themes for GARDN II:

7 7 Industrial Members and Participants

8 8 Academic and Associate Members and Participants

9 1 st Round of Funding 1)3 Regional Workshops: Winnipeg / Toronto / Montreal (200 participants) 2)30 + ideas of project 3)22 LOIs: $40M of project value 4)12 applicants was invited to submit a detailed form 5)9 selected projects = $13M: $6,7M of public funding

10 Selection Criteria - Eligibility – Source of funding: minimum of 50% from industry: in-kind and/or cash – At least 2 collaborators: including an industrial partner and a SME is highly desirable - Relevance – Impact on the Canadian Aerospace sector – Environmental theme: Quiet / Clean / Sustainable – TRL progression: from 3 to 6 – Feasibility and technical merit

11 GARDN II’s First round of Selection GARDN Proprietary Information 11 Quiet ThemeClean ThemeSustainable Theme Noise Reduction for Next Generation Regional Turboprop Experimental Validation of Innovative Environmentally Friendly Aircraft Configurations Airframe Noise Reduction for Business and Commercial Aircraft Next Generation Combustor for Small Gas Turbine Engines Flight Management Performance Optimization II Materials of Concern (MOC) Elimination Validation of Powder Injection Technology for the Manufacturing of Aerospace Small and Complex Metallic Components Hydroformed Helicopter Skid Type Landing Gear Greening the Aerospace supply chain Taking into account Interdependency of Environmental Impacts

12 The Selection Process 9/27/2013GARDN Proprietary Information 12

13 2 nd Round of Projects 1.Announced in October 2014 (Envelope = minimum of $7M: including $3,5M of public funding 2.Workshops = January / February 2015 3.Deadline to receive the LOIs = early March 2015 4.Evaluation of the LOI received = mid-March 2015 5.Invitation to submit a Detailed Form = end of March 2015 6.Evaluation of the Detailed Forms received = end of May 2015 7.Validation - Board meeting = June 2015

14 Call Guidelines Funding Period:2015-2019 Duration of projects:Maximum of 3 years Project Selection Goals: 1) Be capable of being led / managed by SMEs; 2) Be focused at lower TRL project ideas with significant academic involvement (developing college, graduate and post-doc HQPs); 3) A combination of 1) and 2). Envelope:Approx. $7M (including the private sources of funding) Total cost per project:Average of $1M / Up to $2M 14

15 Call Guidelines (c’td) Other budgetary aspects: BL-NCE Funds (through GARDN) may not exceed 50% of total project cost; Overall government (federal, provincial, other) funding may not exceed 75% of total project cost; Money must be spent within Canada; The balance of the cast must be borne by industry (cash and/or in-kind). Eligibility Criteria: Funding from industrial sources (at least 50% of the project cost); A minimum of 2 collaborators (including an industrial leader); Involvement of a SME; TRL progression; Linked to one of the GARDN research theme: Clean, Quiet, Sustainable. Evaluation Criteria: Benefits to the Canadian aerospace sector; Development of Highly Qualified People; Environmental impact; Feasibility, collaboration, quality of researchers. 15

16 Process timeline October 2014Launch of the Call for Projects Winter 2015 Regional Workshops Montreal: 20/01/2015 Toronto: 22/01/2015 Winnipeg: 03/02/2015 Vancouver: 05/02/2015 Halifax: TBC March 2015Letter of Intention deadline April 2015Full application deadline June 2015Announcement of new selected projects 16

17 Thank You / Merci! 740 Notre-Dame Street West Suite 1515 Montreal, Quebec H3C 3X6

18 Research Projects PWC-23 Next Generation Combustor for Small Gas Turbine Engines Term: 5 years Objective: Evolve current low emissions technology developed for large turbofan engines to the next generation turboprops by a new combustor system. This new combustion system is an enabler for greenhouse gas reduction on the engine and has the potential to deliver significant reductions of NOx and particulate matter while improving component life.

19 Research Projects MS-21 Validation of Powder Injection Technology for the Manufacturing of Aerospace Small and Complex Metallic Components Term: 2 years Objective: Validate the manufacturing processes of two strategic materials used in aerospace, and apply these processes to components selected by the partners, focusing on understanding the fundamentals of MIM and designing functional components. This technology could generate significant reduction of the amount of machining and raw material usage resulting in better Buy-to-Fly ratios for complex components.

20 Research Projects BA-21 Experimental Validation of Innovative Environmentally Friendly Aircraft Configurations Term: 4 years Objective: A continuation of prior work, the GARDN II project involves the development of a novel aircraft concept which is designed to satisfy various performance and stability and control (S&C) requirements. This aircraft concept will then be tested in a wind tunnel test campaign to validate the S&C characteristics. Various alternative designs will be tested in addition to the baseline configuration.

21 Research Projects CMC-21 Flight Management Performance Optimization II Term: 4 years Objective: Optimize the vertical and horizontal path of the aircraft within the Flight Management System by taking into account the Required Time of Arrival, the wind grids and meteorological conditions. The main motivation of the project is to reduce overall carbon emissions and flight costs.

22 Research Projects BHTC-21 Hydroformed Helicopter Skid Type Landing Gear Term: 2 years Objective: Reduce weight, components and assembly costs through an enhanced, scaled up methodology of hydroforming aerospace tubular products. The developed technology will enable the manufacturing of high strength and corrosion, environmental-friendly resistant landing gear components and provide superior quality products at lower life costs values.

23 Research Projects PWC-22 Noise Reduction for Next Generation Regional Turboprop Term: 4 years Objective: Leverage new technologies, develop new design methodology, and mature concepts in support of a low-noise large regional turboprop aircraft meeting stringent noise requirements. The new technology is a feasibility requirement for development of a new large environmentally-friendly turboprop aircraft.

24 Research Projects PWC-21 Materials of Concern (MOC) Elimination Term: 4 years Objective: Reduce environmental impact and personnel exposure during manufacturing and repair by finding greener alternatives to ‘materials of concern’. The benefits include reducing ozone depleting substances released into the environment and reducing, if not avoiding, worker exposure to hexavalent chromium, cadmium and other ‘materials of concern’.

25 Research Projects QC-21 Greening the Aerospace Supply Chain Term: 2 years Objective: Define a supply chain management framework to provide industrials with the capacity to prioritize eco-responsible purchasing actions, define technologies’ green specifications and efficiently treat environmental information. The acquired knowledge will offer a collaboration model fully adapted to the Canadian aerospace sector, facilitating ecodesign across the supply chain.

26 Research Projects BA-22 Airframe Noise Reduction for Business and Commercial Aircraft Term: 4 years Objective: Reduce noise impact of aircraft operations in the vicinity of airports by leveraging new technologies, developing new design methodology and maturing concepts in support of a low-noise large regional turboprop aircraft. The project will lay groundwork to help reducing the adverse effects of the expected large increase in aircraft traffic volumes in Canada and elsewhere in the next decades.

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