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Do European Regions Network for the Application of Communications Technology Colm Mc Colgan, ERNACT, General Manager Thematic Programme Capitalisation.

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Presentation on theme: "Do European Regions Network for the Application of Communications Technology Colm Mc Colgan, ERNACT, General Manager Thematic Programme Capitalisation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do European Regions Network for the Application of Communications Technology Colm Mc Colgan, ERNACT, General Manager Thematic Programme Capitalisation Thematic Workshop Capitalising e-Government Services Tuesday, 19 th of November 2013 Committee of Regions building at 101 rue Belliard, Bruxelles

2 Presentation Overview 1. Introduction to the ERNACT Network 2. ERNACT regions’ ICT projects 3. New Concepts - Digital Agenda & Smart Specialisation 4. 2014–2020: ERNACT Network Future Plans

3 Benefits of ICTs in a Region  50% of the world’s population connected to the Internet by 2016  ICT is 5% of Europe’s GDP  Drives 20% of all productivity growth  Constitutes 25% of total private R&D  75% of value added by Internet is in traditional sectors (productivity growth)  Improved labour productivity (5% in manufacturing & 10% in services)  10% increase in broadband takeup results in 1.5% increase in GDP  SMEs grow at least 2 times faster if they embrace Digital Economy  For every 1 job destroyed by Internet, 2.5 have been created

4 Key Observations  High Speed Broadband is a Precondition for involvement in next wave of innovation & services  Crucial not just for the ICT sector itself  Network Logic – usefulness increases the more business, organisations & people are connected

5 Presentation Overview 1. Introduction to the ERNACT Network 2. ERNACT regions’ ICT projects 3. New Concepts - Digital Agenda & Smart Specialisation 4. 2014–2020: ERNACT Network Future Plans


7 ERNACT Legal Status Set Up Network Partners Project Focus European Regions Network for the Application of Communications Technology European Economic Interest Grouping (EEIG) 1991 Regions & Cities in Europe Deliver practical trans-European Digital Agenda projects for European Regions Key Facts

8 ERNACT Network Footprint  44 regions  6 projects  14 Member States

9 Trans-regional Footprint  ERNACT has mobilised over 130 regions in 26 transnational cooperation projects, for a total budget of around 50 million €uro  Today - 45 regions in 6 cooperation projects, from 14 Member States

10 Presentation Overview 1. Introduction to the ERNACT Network 2. ERNACT regions’ ICT projects 3. New Concepts - Digital Agenda & Smart Specialisation 4. 2014–2020: ERNACT Network Future Plans

11 ERNACT is currently implementing the following Digital Agenda projects Stimulate Uptake of Super Speed broadband Next Generation Broadband for Rural Areas. Deploying e-services in the Atlantic Area Developing Mobile Apps for Tourism in Europe’s Northern periphery Digital Media and public service delivery Helping Media sector go Digital Developing Plans for e-assisted energy efficiency transport in Europe’s regions 2.6m € 1.5m € 2.0m € 1.5m € 2.4m € 1.8m € 1.4m €

12 Sector/Service Development Sector Number Services Tourism 16 Transport 6 Services for Citizens 9 SME Services 11 Broadband Networks 9 Environment 1 Energy Efficiency 3

13 Presentation Overview 1. Introduction to the ERNACT Network 2. ERNACT regions’ ICT projects 3. New Concepts - Digital Agenda & Smart Specialisation 4. 2014–2020: ERNACT Network Future Plans

14 ICT 2014 - 2020 Smart Specialisation “Regions to base their development plans on areas in which they have comparative competitive advantage” Digital Agenda “Deliver sustainable economic and social benefits from a digital single market based on fast and ultra fast internet and interoperable applications”

15 Smart Specialisation for Regions  Focus on Key Strengths of each region  Respond to economic & societal challenges  Visibility with International Investors  Improve region’s internal & external connections  Accumulate a critical mass of resources  Promote knowledge spill-overs and technological diversification

16 Centre of Forest Bio Economy Biobased Products Wood-based Material Technology Forest Bioenergy Transfer of Technology and Knowledge Capitalization and Business New Business Opportunities Capitalization of Research Results Spin-off Enterprises EXPERTICE & KNOWLEDGE FOCUSTARGET Forest Energy & Wood Energy Districted bio- refining and material technology Forest technology, supply chain and logistics Forest data invention & mapping, remote sensing Research and Development North Karelia - Finland

17 EU Level Regional Level 1 Single Digital Market 5 Faster Broadband 2 Interoperate 3 Trust & Security 4 Digital Literacy 6 Innovation & Research 7 Societal Challenges Smart Specialisation Digital Agenda

18 6 Step Process for Regions 1. ICT Swot Analysis 2. Involve stakeholders 3. Develop vision, aim and goals 4. Prioritise 5. Proper Workplan 6. Evaluate

19 Parts of the Digital Agenda  ICT Infrastructure  ICT Take-up  Services & Applications

20 Vertical or Horizontal ? Tourism Advanced Manufacturing Agro-Food Digital Agenda Healthcare Digital Agenda

21 High Speed Broadband Cloud Computing R&D eInfrastructure Smart City Smart Grid Intelligent Transport Key Enabling Technologies (KETs) Living Labs Network & Information Security Open Data Portals ICT Vouchers for SMEs Digital Skills Web Entrepreneurship eHealth ePublic Services eGov Tourism Services for SME Language Resources Cultural Assets

22 Presentation Overview 1. Introduction to the ERNACT Network 2. ERNACT regions’ ICT projects 3. New Concepts - Digital Agenda & Smart Specialisation 4. 2014–2020: ERNACT Network Future Plans

23 ERNACT Mission Help regions use Territorial Cooperation to assist Digital Agenda aspects of Smart Specialisation

24 3 Components Territorial Cooperation = Interregional, Transnational, Crossborder, Horizon 2020 Digital Agenda = broadband, e- services, digital inclusion and skills, innovation & research Smart Specialisation = regions focus on 3 or 4 sectors in which they can specialise

25 West Romania xxxx Vaster’land xxx San Seb’n xxxxx Olomouc xxx Galway xxx Donegal xxxx Derry xxx Cantabria xxxxx Silver Economy Smart Specialisation Priorities Embed Digital & ICT Territorial Cooperation


27 Future Plans - What  Develop detailed future territorial cooperation plans  Based on the digital agenda needs of  Our regions smart specialisation priorities Involving other regions & groups of regions

28 Future Plans - How  Digital Agenda collaboration service for ERNACT regions Focus on external collaboration Smart specialisation sectors Digital agenda  New Project Development

29 Colm Mc Colgan, General Manager ERNACT Network Unit 150, CoLab LYIT, Port Road Letterkenny Co. Donegal Ireland email: mobile: +353 87 2211 204 tel: +353 74 91 68212 web: Contact Information

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