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“Before the white man came we never had to weed our gardens.” L ocally I ntegrated F ood & E nergy L.I.F.E. 108-year-old Chaska woman PARADIGM SHIFT David.

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Presentation on theme: "“Before the white man came we never had to weed our gardens.” L ocally I ntegrated F ood & E nergy L.I.F.E. 108-year-old Chaska woman PARADIGM SHIFT David."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Before the white man came we never had to weed our gardens.” L ocally I ntegrated F ood & E nergy L.I.F.E. 108-year-old Chaska woman PARADIGM SHIFT David Yarrow Climate Change Confronting sustain and retain wealth for common good click to continue /biochar /farming

2 in Earth’s atmosphere reduced carbon footprint reverse carbon footprint zero net emissions carbon removal & storage carbon sequestration Carbon Neutral Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) Carbon Negative TARGET 350 ppm CURRENT EXCESS 390 ppm 40 ppm PARADIGM SHIFT Dr. James Hansen leading US NOAA Climate Scientist Where Should Humanity Aim? X still rising Summer 2009 click to continueConfronting Climate Change X

3 click to continueConfronting Climate Change

4 suck CO2 fixed into transform into boost soil fertility photosynthesis restore Soil Biology grow more pyrolysis inoculate out of Earth’s atmosphere Carbohydrates plant biomass Biochar sequestered carbon positive feedback loopConfronting Climate Change click to continue

5 suck CO 2 fixed into transform into boost soil fertility photosynthesis restore Soil Biology grow more pyrolysis inoculate out of Earth’s atmosphere Carbohydrates plant biomass Biochar sequestered carbon Nutrient-Dense Crops & Food Renewable Biofuels Improve Water Quality click to continueConfronting Climate Change

6 Carbon-Negative Create & Retain Wealth in Local Economies Sequester Carbon Sustain Soil Fertility Nutrient-Dense Crops introduction to emerging technology HOW TO Renewable Energy Reduce Fossil Fuel Use Cut Water Pollution BONUS: PARADIGM SHIFT Confronting Climate Change click to continue

7 LIFE = Local Integrated Food & Energy History of Biochar: terra preta & pyrolysis Understand Biochar: not another fertilizer Sustainable Fertility: soil minerals & microbes Soil Carbon: biochar, humic acids & glomalin introduction to emerging technology Buy Biochar Backyard Biochar : homegrown fertility & energy Prepare Biochar for Soil : saturation & inoculation Biochar Field Trials : testing biochar on your soils Greenhouse Heating: indoor intensive food production PARADIGM SHIFT Confronting Climate Change click to continue

8 Carbon-Negative Farming ?Confronting Climate Change Whole System Strategy FOSSIL FUEL FOSSIL FUEL HIGH TEMPERATURE PYROLYSIS OIL BLACK CARBON DUST NO INOCULATION OIL click to continue

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