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Social Navigation in Lecture Recordings Robert Mertens

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1 Social Navigation in Lecture Recordings Robert Mertens

2 1 Lecture Recording in General 1 1 according to the 4-phases-model in: Wolfgang Hürst, Rainer Müller, Thomas Ottmann: The AOF Method for Production, Use, and Management of Instructional Media Proceedings of ICCE2004: International Conference on Computers in Education, Melbourne, Australia, December 2004 Preparation Live-Talk and Recording Post-Processing Usage

3 2 Workflow Web-/ VideoServer Generator Real- Converter Camera and Microphones MPEG-Recording Stud.IP-Server Presentation Computer Real- Video Powerpoint- Presentation, Metadata Start/Stop Recording Presentation Link to the recording MPEG2-Video Contact LMS Configuration + MPEG-Computer-IP Lecture Hall Computing Center Upload

4 3 Hypermedia Navigation Fulltext-Search Footprints Bookmarks Structural elements Backtracking Combined

5 4 Hypermedia Interface Fulltext-Search Footprints Bookmarks Structural elements Backtracking

6 5 Structural Elements Slide 1 Item 1 Punkt 2 Slide 1 Item 1 Item 2 Slide 2 Item 1 Slide 1 Punkt 1 Punkt 2 Slide 1 Item 1 Item 2 Slide 2 Item 1 Slide 2 Item 1 Slide 2 Item1 Slide 2 Item 1

7 6 Interface Implementation I - SVG and JavaScript animations in SVG are start-and-forget (text-search and footprint-bar) SVG can be modified on display and saved on the server SVG represents its contents symbolically Interaction between SVG and JavaScript

8 7 Interface Implementation II – storing interaction data old version and offline-medium save interaction data in cookies new version uses a mysql database Login required (easier way: cookies with login or integration with LMS)

9 8 Why social navigation in lecture Recordings ? Social navigation offers a user-defined, alternative structure for search and exploration. Can use other people’s search history [Ahn, Brusilovsky & Farzan 2005]. TSR (Time Spent Reading) [Farzan & Brusilovsky 2005] as an unobtrusive measurement (more accurate with lecture recordings).

10 9 Where to add Social Navigation? (Levels) Courses (I) –Integration into other system Sessions (II) –Integration into other system (see [Hürst 2003] for issues regarding search engines for lecture recordings) Sequences of slides (III) –Integration into other system (again: [Hürst 2003]) (Externalized Bookmarks) Arbitrary intervals of a session (IV) –Visualization in the interface

11 10 Different Application Scenarios

12 11 First Concept for Level IV Integration Analyze viewing time Categorization by week of session Letting it work on bookmarks, too? Problem: Time vs. structure

13 12 Time and Structure

14 13 Visualization number of views

15 14 Discussion Thank you for your attention

16 15 Literature [Ahn, Brusilovsky & Farzan 2005] Ahn, J., Brusilovsky, P., and Farzan, R: Investigating Users Needs and Behavior for Social Search. In: Brusilovsky, P., Callaway, C. and Nürnberger, A. (eds.) Proc. of Workshop on New Technologies for Personalized Information Access at 10th International User Modeling Conference, UM 2005, (Edinburgh, July 24-25, 2005), 1-12 [Farzan & Brusilovsky 2005] Farzan, R. and Brusilovsky, P: Social navigation support in E-Learning: What are real footprints. In: Anand, S.S. and Mobasher, B. (eds.) Proc. of IJCAI'05 Workshop on Intelligent Techniques for Web Personalization, (Edinburgh, U.K., August 1, 2005), 49-56 [Hürst 2003] Hürst, W.: Indexing, Searching, and Skimming of Multimedia Documents Containing Recorded Lectures and Live Presentations. Extended abstract of a demonstration at ACM Multimedia 2003, Berkeley, CA, USA, November 2003.

17 16 Ahn, Brusilovsky & Farzan 2005] use traffic and annotation for social navigation

18 17 p36-dieberger_social_Navigation nochmal befragen Die variable Foliengroesse mit Scripting mal ansprechen

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