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GCAS ® OPERATION. FOOTPRINT Footprint Access from View – Footprint menu.

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3 Footprint Access from View – Footprint menu

4 Footprint – RF Trend Shows the trend of RF in the correct order of RF from low to high Trend should be ascending

5 Footprint – Correlation Chart Shows correlation between RF and molecular weight of saturated component For Daniel GC, correlation on the first two chart is expected to be higher than 0.995 The third chart will help troubleshoot in case of low correlation in the first two charts

6 Footprint – Retention Time Shows the chart of retention time of each component


8 Calibration Data Access from View – Calibration Data menu

9 Calibration Data Features Features is exactly the same as footprint It shows calibration data in comparison to its footprint


11 Action Menu When footprint or calibration data page is open, Action menu will be shown.

12 Action Menu – Import Data Import data is to import GC generated final calibration report On Daniel GC it will be a text file of Final Calibration Report It is not necessary to do this if the GC is connected via Modbus

13 Action Menu – Import Data CSV GCAS has csv format it recognize Historical data can be imported to GCAS using CSV file Both Calibration (RF and RT) and Mole% data can be imported

14 Action Menu – Manual Entry Manual Entry is possible This is for data that is not available in electronic format to be entered manually Caution needs to be taken as there is no edit feature on footprint / calibration data page

15 Action Menu – Set Status Status to each data can be set as following: – Active / Inactive Inactive data will not be included in the trend Inactive data will not be included in uncertainty calculation – Set flag Footprint data will be used as reference of calibration data comparison

16 Action – Add Comment Each calibration data can be added a comment associated with it It can be error found or any finding regarding to the particular calibration data This can be used as audit trail


18 Mole Composition Access from View – Mole Composition menu

19 Mole Composition Data is stored as normalized percentage Un-normalized percentage can be shown as a reference


21 Action Menu When mole composition page is open, Action menu will be shown

22 Action Menu – Spot Sampling It allows spot sampling data to be entered as mole composition Spot sampling will be shown as a dot in mole composition trending It will be compared against GC measured mole composition in the same trend

23 Action Menu – Import Data CSV Historical data can be imported using a CSV file

24 Action Menu – Set Status Mole Composition status can be set as active / inactive

25 Action Menu – Set Status (Bulk) Many data from a period of time can be set as a bulk It is useful for instance in situation where there is platform shut down and therefore the data for the period is meaningless

26 Action Menu – ISO 6976 Calculation It shows the ISO 6976 calculation for the particular mole composition Once in the page, other data can be selected from the same GC

27 Action Menu – Add Comment Comment can be added to each mole composition


29 Calibration Gas Certificate Access from View – Calibration Certificate menu

30 Calibration Gas Certificate Shows the information of the calibration gas being used Historical data is also stored Provide information of uncertainty of each gas Information tab provide information of the bottle


32 Action Menu When calibration gas certificate page is open, Action menu will be shown

33 Action Menu – New Certificate New certificate menu is to enter the calibration gas certificate data Both mole% and uncertainty to be entered Uncertainty value will be used to calculate overall GC uncertainty that can be accessed from another form Bottle information to be entered as audit trail

34 Action Menu – Edit Certificate This feature is useful to correct any mistake on entered data Edit certificate feature has been added as it has been many cases where data was entered wrongly

35 Action Menu – Set Status or K-Number Set status is to make the calibration certificate status active / inactive Inactive status will not be included in uncertainty calculation as well as multi level calibration / Single Point Calibration conversion Set k-number is to set the confidence level of uncertainty, k = 1 (68%); k = 2 (95%)

36 Action Menu – ISO 6976 Calculator Provides ISO 6976 calculation for calibration gas composition

37 Action Menu – Add Comment Provide comment for the particular calibration gas for audit trail


39 Data Analysis Access from View – Data Analysis menu

40 Data Analysis The following is data Analysis Form

41 Data Analysis – Select Parameter (RF) When selected parameter is RF, select component will determine which component will be trended. Single or multiple component can be trended in the same chart.

42 Data Analysis – Select Chart Type Chart type can be selected as RF/RT trend or RF/RT deviation trend (similar logic for RF and RT parameter) RF/RT trend will show actual data Deviation trend will show difference to footprint Multiple data can be shown in the same trend

43 Data Analysis – Select Parameter (mc) MC is short for Mole Composition Shows the mole composition from GC Display spot sample button will show spot sample result in the trend Select stream will show the trend of GC associated stream

44 Data Analysis – Select Parameter (mc) MC is short for Mole Composition Shows the mole composition from GC Display spot sample button will show spot sample result in the trend Select stream will show the trend of GC associated stream

45 Data Analysis – Select Parameter (R 2 ) This shows the trend of correlation parameters One or more parameters can be shown in the same trend at the same time

46 Data Analysis - Option Plot range: To select time range for data to be plotted Display mean and ± 2 x standard deviation: to show the mean and 2σ in the trend Various options on what data is used to calculated the mean and 2σ



49 Uncertainty calculation Access from View – Uncertainty Calculation menu

50 Uncertainties to Include Select what uncertainty to include in overall uncertainty calculation Calibration gas needs to exist for this form to work MLC constant to exist for option of repeatability and linearity to work Calibration data history to exist for reproducibility to work

51 Uncertainty from the calibration gas Select which calibration gas to be used for calculation Cal gas data also used for GC reproducibility and ISO 6976 uncertainty calculation

52 Uncertainty from GC repeatability and linearty Enter or choose existing repeatability coefficient set Enter or choose existing linearity coefficient set Enter mole% range

53 Uncertainty from GC reproducibility Select which range of calibration data to be included in uncertainty calculation

54 ISO 6976 INPUTS Select options for ISO 6976 calculation to determine the sensitivity calculation of each component

55 Calculations Shows the step by step calculation results of the uncertainty calculation

56 Outputs - Summary Shows the summary of uncertainty calculation

57 Outputs – Uncertainty of xx Shows the detailed result of uncertainty of ISO 6976 calculation


59 Uncertainty Coefficients Shows the in-use multilevel calibration coefficients being used for repeatability and linearity uncertainty calculation

60 Uncertainty Coefficients – Action Menu From action menu the following can be done: – Edit current coefficient – Add new coefficient set – Set status (active / inactive)


62 Input option Parameters to be used for trending needs to be identified prior to trending

63 Input Option Define which uncertainty to include Select which calibration gas certificate to be used Select which footprint to be used as reference for uncertainty calculation Select coefficient set for repeatability/linearity uncertainty Select ISO 6976 option Select direction of calculation – Forward (from footprint onward) – Backward (last n number of data) Select data range Set threshold value

64 Trend Page Trend of all ISO 6976 output uncertainty can be selected Trend will be done based on the input option selected



67 Comments Shows all comments related to selected device Each comment can be clicked to bring the related page up


69 Dashboard Dashboard shows the current condition of all GC in the system Green means all is healthy Red means that GC needs attention


71 Dashboard Settings What to be displayed and what will trigger alarm can be set in dashboard setting

72 Health status to display Maximum of 4 statuses can be displayed which is selectable

73 Rules Alarm rules can be set from rules tab

74 Uncertainty calc setting As uncertainty calculation is dependent on data selection, which data to be displayed on dashboard can be set

75 Display Style Select how the data to be displayed on dashboard

76 Miscellaneous Shows some of miscellaneous selection as shown on picture below

77 Thank You i-Vigilant @i_Vigilant i-Vigilant

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