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ISiS: an intention-oriented model to help teachers in learning scenarios design Jean-Philippe Pernin *, ** - Valérie Emin *, ** - Viviane Guéraud * * Laboratoire.

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Presentation on theme: "ISiS: an intention-oriented model to help teachers in learning scenarios design Jean-Philippe Pernin *, ** - Valérie Emin *, ** - Viviane Guéraud * * Laboratoire."— Presentation transcript:

1 ISiS: an intention-oriented model to help teachers in learning scenarios design Jean-Philippe Pernin *, ** - Valérie Emin *, ** - Viviane Guéraud * * Laboratoire Informatique de Grenoble - MeTAH Team ** Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique - EducTice An example : LearnElec Scenario ISiS Conceptual Model Research Context  Research Fields: TEL Engineering, Learning scenarios  Computer Science Associated Research Fields: Model Driven Engineering, Requirements Engineering, Business process Engineering  Scientific Question : Educational Modelling Languages (EMLs) aim to provide interoperable descriptions (called “learning scenarios” ) of organization and time scheduling of a learning unit. These languages are to complex to be directly manipulated by teachers or designers.  need to provide languages and tools close to teachers or designers usual work  Goals : provide models, methods and tools to sustain design and to favour sharing and reuse practices for non computer specialists of learning scenarios using Information and Communication Technology. Using common formalism and elicitation of intentions to afford a better understanding and context adaptation of learning scenarios within a community of practice. Contact LearnElec Scenario : ISiS and ScenEdit illustration * Lejeune, A., David, J.P., Martel, C., Michelet, S., Vezian, N.: To set up pedagogical experiments in a virtual lab: methodology and first results, International Conference ICL, September 2007, Villach Austria (2007) Destabilize a… proximity of… Scientific investigation 4 Ph1: hypothesis elaboration Ph2: solution elaboration Ph3: hypothesis testing Ph4: conclusion In LearnElec-MATES Scenario, the first intention of the teacher is to destabilize a frequent misconception of students which is that the proximity of the battery has an influence on current intensity ISiS formulation : intention = (formulator: teacher, subject: student, operation: “destabilize a misconception”, object: “proximity of the battery has an influence on current intensity ”). This didactical intention will be implemented with a specific didactical strategy called “scientific investigation” composed of four phases: hypothesis elaboration, solution elaboration, hypothesis testing and conclusion. Intention and strategy implemented with ISiS model Each phase can be performed through various pedagogical modes and can be refined for example by a pedagogical intention according to type of activity, available computer services, etc. For instance, the phase “hypothesis elaboration” is refined by a second intention: increase ability to work in a collaborative way (formulator : teacher, subject : student groups, operation : “increase ability to”, object : “work in a collaborative way”). Extract of LearnElec Scenario For each phase, an abstract interactional situation is defined: “Individual proposal on a wiki” and “Argued debate on a forum with consensus”. During these two phases the teacher has an activity of “Group management” symbolized by an abstract interactional situation called “Group management”. Destabilize a… proximity of… Scientific investigation 4 Ph1: hypothesis elaboration Ph2: solution elaboration Ph3: hypothesis testing Ph4: conclusion Increase abi… work in collab… Elaborating a proposal 2 Ph1: Make an individual proposal Ph2: Confront proposals Obtain a consensus Argued debate… Individual prop… Group management We illustrate our model with an example based on a collaborative scenario, LearnElec Scenario* dedicated to the concept of “power of a light bulb” in electricity domain at secondary school. This scenario have been designed by searchers of LIG MeTAH Team, in collaboration with physics teachers in the context of MATES (Materials ans Tools for Experimentation Scenario) initiative from Kaleidoscope european network of excellence. ScenEdit is a specific authoring environment dedicated to teachers- designers based on ISiS model. Currently on experimentation with teachers-designers, ScenEdit will offer patterns of various levels (intentions, strategies, situations patterns). ScenEdit authoring environment

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