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Vermelding onderdeel organisatie 1 Delft University of Technology The Netherlands.

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1 Vermelding onderdeel organisatie 1 Delft University of Technology The Netherlands

2 Vermelding onderdeel organisatie 2 Master and PhD programmes at TPM, Delft University of Technology Martin de Jong Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management

3 3 Faculties 1.Aerospace Engineering 2.Applied Sciences 3.Architecture 4.Civil Engineering and Geosciences 5.Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science 6.Industrial Design Engineering 7.Mechanical, Maritime and Materials Engineering 8.Technology, Policy and Management

4 Master of Science programmes Aerospace Engineering Applied Earth Sciences Applied Mathematics Applied Physics Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences Biochemical Engineering BioMedical Engineering Civil Engineering Chemical Engineering Industrial Ecology (track) Computer Engineering Computer Science Design for Interaction Electrical Engineering Electrical Power Engineering (track) Microelectronics (track) Telecommunications (track) Engineering & Policy Analysis Geomatics Integrated Product Design Life Science & Technology Management of Technology Marine Technology Materials Science & Engineering Mechanical Engineering Media & Knowledge Engineering Bioinformatics (track) NanoScience Offshore Engineering Science Education & Communication Strategic Product Design Systems Engineering, Policy Analysis & Management Systems & Control Technische Universitaire Lerarenopleiding Transport, Infrastructure & Logistics

5 5 Faculty Technology, Policy and Management’s Mission The Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management intends through internationally oriented education and research to make a significant contribution to sustainable solutions to complex social problems TPM does this by analyzing the structure and operation of technical multi-actor systems and by developing intervention strategies, practices and instruments for designing and improving systems of this kind

6 Vermelding onderdeel organisatie 6 Typical TPM-problems (1) How can we prevent electricity liberalization from leading to widespread power failures? Is there a relationship between the liberalization and power failures elsewhere in the world? What technological solutions and institutional arrangements are worth recommending?

7 7 Typical TPM-problems (2) How can organizations seize the strategic opportunities of ICT? What are the consequences for organizations of offering electronic services? What technology is needed and what organizational adjustments have to be made? And how can business processes be improved by telematics?

8 8 Education Portfolio of TPM Bsc ‘Technische Bestuurskunde’ MSc Systems Engineering, Policy Analysis and Management MSc Management of Technology MSc Engineering and Policy Analysis MSc Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics

9 9 MSc Management of Technology programme manager: Roland Ortt Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management Management of Technology field ObjectPerspectivePractice Technology as a corporate resource Interdisciplinary and integrating Company Strategic and operational Professional practice Research Education

10 10 Management of Technology curriculum First year 1e semester2e semester First course periodSecond course periodThird course periodFourth course period MOT1420 The Innovating Firm in a Societal Context (6 ects) MOT1511 The Internal Organization of the Firm (5 ects) MoT1001 Integration Moment (4 ects) MOT9501 Advanced Project Management (6 ects) MOT2420 Knowledge Management and R&D Management (6 ects) MOT1002 Integration Moment (4 ects) MOT1410 The Production of New Technology (6 ects) MOT1521 Leading the Corporation (5 ects) MOT1430 Technology and Strategy (5 ects) MOT1450 Decision Making (6 ects) MOT1600 Design of Technological Systems (4 ects) MOT1440 Philosophy of Science and Technology (3 ects) Managing TechnologyThe CorporationDesign of Technological SystemsIntegration Moment

11 11 Management of Technology curriculum Second year 1st semester2nd semester First course periodSecond course periodThird course periodFourth course period MOT2310 General Methods and Techniques in Research (5 ECTS) MOT2320 Special Methods and Techniques in Reseach (4 ECTS) MoT2001 Integration Moment (4 ects) MOT2910 MSc Thesis Project (30 ects) MOT2410 Ethical Aspects of Technology and Business (3 ects) Profile and color (14 ECTS) Managing TechnologyThe CorporationDResearch StrategiesIntegration Moment

12 12 MSc Engineering and Policy Analysis (EPA) Programme manager Bert Enserink Analysis and modeling of problems in large scale complex systems (infrastructures and innovation clusters) Focus on policy analysis in public-private interface Multiple actors, multiple disciplines and intercultural communication skills Target group: Bachelors of Science (academic and vocational level)

13 13 EPA’s five themes 1.Policy Analysis 2.Systems Analysis & Modelling 3.Economics 4.Management & Organisation 5.Projects Electives

14 14 Engineering and Policy Analysis curriculum First year

15 15 Engineering and Policy Analysis curriculum second year

16 16 EPA’s International Collaboration EPA is one of the partners in EMIN, starting 2006-2007 EPA has developed a double degree with Harbin Institute of Technology, starting 2007-2008 Student exchanges with Carnegie Mellon, Georgia Tech and QUT in semester 3.

17 17 MoT and EPA Two-year MSc program Started in the early 2000s: One class per year of 25-50 students Approx. 50-75% foreign students Bachelor degree in a mono-disciplinary technological field or natural sciences Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management

18 18 MoT and EPA MoT graduates will work as: Managers of processes of technological innovation, Members of strategy teams, Consultants and Entrepreneurs EPA graduates will work as: Managers of processes in decision-making on large complex technical projects, Consultants and Policy Analysts and Broad-scope engineers Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management

19 19 MoT and EPA Distinctive features of the education programme: Simulation and Games Individual and Group Projects Lectures by Leading Practitioners in the Field Excursions Competences Study Progress Monitoring Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management

20 20 Philosophy of the Programme: International setting Work load 40h+ Two year programme = two years Go/ no-go study advise at end of first semester MoT and EPA Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management

21 21 TPM Organization Chart Dean Management Team Advisory committees Directorate Development Directorate Education Dept. of Infrastructure Systems and Services Dept. of Multi Actor Systems Dept. of Engineering and Reflection Sections Dean’s Staff Directorate Research Dept. of Innovation Systems Institute of Technology & Communication Sections

22 22 Specific Context for PhD Students in the Netherlands Staff member for 4 years with regular salary Under supervision of one or two promotors and daily supervisor Not following courses, but conducting independent research and completing this with a book Transition from German style master and apprentice system to Anglo-Saxon course system Desire for more guidance and structure, but low acceptance of compulsory courses

23 23 PhD Courses at TU-Delft Week of research and modeling methods in location away from the faculty building (previously Best Practices Cycle) Mini-defense each month lasting an hour, presentation and statements for discussion Demand-driven seminars, on SPSS and infrastructures ‘Speed-dating’ every 2 months. Students address questions to each other of whatever type they like Peer-groups of 4 students and 1 mentor, were they read all of each other’s work

24 Vermelding onderdeel organisatie 24 How to invest in the quality of TPM dissertations? A good-bye message at the occasion of our parting dean Hugo Priemus Bauke Steenhuisen, Mónica Altamirano, Michiel Houwing and Martijn Jonker

25 25 Proposition 1 Your dissertation never satisfies all.

26 26 Proposition 2 Independence has an equivocal effect on quality.

27 27 Proposition 3 Spending your time incredibly inefficient is a key driver for good dissertations.

28 Vermelding onderdeel organisatie 28 TBM Quarterly, 10-07-2007

29 29 Best Practices Cycle reformed Block 1: Research Methods Provide overview of research methods used in TPM and relate them to each other. Examination through writing paper in which students motivate the application of methods to their own research (proposal) Block 2: Application Focus Focus at level of research programs, body of knowledge. Examination left to supervisors.

30 30 First Offering: Research Methods Course Last year, off-site Oud-Poelgeest Well-received by Ph.D. students Good selection of perspectives on research methods Design focus provided by Dan Frey, M.I.T. Helped create a community of Ph.D. students

31 31 First offering: Methods and skills offered MethodsSkills Antropological (Enserink)Creativity (Appelman) Participatory (Mayer)Professionalism and ethics (Walker) Simulation (Slinger)Communication (Chatterjee) Experimentation (Lukszo)Conceptualization (Thissen) Archival (van Eeten) Design (Dan Frey, MIT) Interviews (Costa) Modelling (Heijne) Reasoning (Franssen)


33 33 In development for block 2 Block 2: in development A senior researcher produces a list of the seminal papers in the field Groups of students discuss the seminal papers in the research field under guidance of a senior researcher Each student should produce a relevant paper that applies the discussed material to its own research thesis.

34 34 Other Educational Programs Research Schools (such as TRAIL and NIG) play a role in our PhD education program We want to work this in, and increase awareness of PhD for complementary educational programs On Demand Seminars are an opportunity for PhDs to “self organize” on topics of interest guided by internal or external lecturers

35 35 Design-Relevant PhD’s Design is an emerging issue for our PhD education. Last year Dan Frey (visiting, MIT) chaired the session on methods He served as a focal point for PhD’s to discuss the design relevance of their planned research better understand expectations for design-related PhD’s Incorporate similar content in 2008

36 36 In conclusion Issues for PhDs are very different in the Netherlands: 1.Challenge or joy to work independently and make more choices 2.Challenge or joy to have a book published and spent 4 years on that 3.Relationship with supervisor and time spent on supervision matters 4.Desire for some supporting courses, but no wish for compulsory courses and tests

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