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Monday – March 2, 2015 Entry Task  SIT DOWN & START Entry Task or … be marked tardy  Grab a new daily edits ***New Directions!!*** Agenda Daily edits.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday – March 2, 2015 Entry Task  SIT DOWN & START Entry Task or … be marked tardy  Grab a new daily edits ***New Directions!!*** Agenda Daily edits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday – March 2, 2015 Entry Task  SIT DOWN & START Entry Task or … be marked tardy  Grab a new daily edits ***New Directions!!*** Agenda Daily edits – Parts of speech Read Act 2 Scene 3 – Discuss Romeo’s character flaw Homework: 1.Read independent book – 3/11

2 You will need… Pen/pencil NO Fear Romeo and Juliet Green CD gathering packet Blue character chart

3 Learning Targets I will identify nouns and verbs in a sentence. I understand Friar Lawrence’s roll in the play I will identify a personality flaw that leads to Romeo’s death

4 Success Criteria Students will have… …complete Monday’s daily edits …read aloud Act 2 Scene 3 …added to CD gathering packet

5 Summary Act 2.3 Romeo finds Friar Lawrence and pleads with him to marry himself and Juliet. Friar Lawrence starts to chastise Romeo for his feeling towards Rosaline going so far to say that Romeo was “doting” or obsessing over Rosaline and that he shouldn’t replace one obsession with another. However, Friar Lawrence eventually agrees to marry Romeo and Juliet.

6 Summary Act 2.4 It is the next day and Benvolio and Mercutio are still looking for Romeo. Tybalt has “called out” the Montagues for crashing the party and Mercutio begins to complain that Tybalt does everything “by the book” by following all rules, even in fencing. It also irritates him that people like Tybalt use foreign terms for everything, trying to act sophisticated. Romeo eventually meets back up with his friends then Juliet’s Nurse comes to get the details of how Romeo and Juliet are to marry. It will be a covert affair and Nurse goes back to inform Juliet of the plans.

7 Summary Act 2.5 Nurse reports back to Juliet but has a hard time getting the story out because Nurse is out of breath. Juliet gets increasingly annoyed with Nurse because Nurse has breath to say she is out of breath but won’t use that breath to give her word from Romeo.

8 Summary Act 2.6 Juliet meets up with Romeo and Friar Lawrence. The two lovebirds flirt and make googly eyes at one another and Friar Lawrence insists they hurry the ceremony because he does not want to leave the teens alone with one another before they are married.

9 Aloud (not allowed) Act 2 Act 2.2 Romeo and Juliet declare their love Characters: Romeo and Juliet – Character flaw – they are both young and naïve (page 99) Act 2.3.31-94(page 99) Romeo and Friar Lawrence discuss Rosaline and Romeo’s obsession – Character flaw – Romeo obsesses – Fate – Friar says those who rush often stumble

10 Act 2 Act 2.4.42-121 Romeo meets up with B & M and instead of sharing his secret, makes crude jokes with M – Secrets – didn’t tell friends – Character flaw – making light of situation Act 2.6.1-35 Romeo and Juliet go to Friar Lawrence to be married – Fate – sudden joys have sudden endings

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