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-1- What the Buddha Taught A series of lecture-discussions sponsored by Oxford Soto Zen Suggested by Les Kaye Led by Jimmyle Listenbee Based on What the.

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Presentation on theme: "-1- What the Buddha Taught A series of lecture-discussions sponsored by Oxford Soto Zen Suggested by Les Kaye Led by Jimmyle Listenbee Based on What the."— Presentation transcript:

1 -1- What the Buddha Taught A series of lecture-discussions sponsored by Oxford Soto Zen Suggested by Les Kaye Led by Jimmyle Listenbee Based on What the Buddha Taught by Walpola Rahula

2 -2- Lecture 4 Chapter 3: The Four Noble Truths The 2nd Noble Truth: The Arising of Dukkha

3 -3- The Four Noble Truths I.Dukkha II.Samudaya, the arising or origin of dukkha III.Nirodha, the cessation of dukkha IV.Magga, the way leading to the cessation of dukkha

4 -4- The 2 nd Noble Truth: The Arising of Dukkha Popular Definintion: “It is this ‘thirst’ (craving) which produces all forms of suffering. - It is bound up with passionate greed. - It finds fresh delight: now here, now there………

5 -5- Three Aspects of Craving 1Thirst for sense-pleasures 2Thirst for existence and becoming 3Thirst for non-existence (self- annihilation) Thirst – Desire – Greed - Craving

6 -6- Discussion

7 -7- Arising… not “1 st Cause” Everything is interdependent… even tanha (the cause of dukkha) depends on sensation, which depends on contact, etc. etc. in the circle known as Conditioned Genesis. This thirst (tanha) has a its center the false idea of Self.

8 -8- …discussion… Not only desire for/attachment to: Sense-pleasures – Wealth – Power But also desire for/attachment to: Ideas – Ideals – Views – Opinions – Theories – Conceptions – Beliefs Cause of all strife: from quarrels to wars

9 -9- The Theory of Karma & Rebirth A.The Four Nutriments (in the sense of ‘cause’) 1.Ordinary food 2.Contact of our sense organs (including mind) with the world 3.Consciousness 4.Mental Volition (will, volition) - the will to live, to exist, to re-exist, to continue, to become more and more, accumulate more and more, grow more and more. Striving forward.

10 -10- Discussion

11 -11- Karma is Volitional Action (not all action) It is the Doing (not the Result of the doing) It may be relatively good or bad.

12 -12- Good Karma < Good Effects Bad Karma <Bad Effects Karma, good or bad, has one force: To Continue in the Cycle of Samsara. An Arahant, though he/she acts, does not accumulate Karma; for him/her, there is no “rebirth.” He/she is Free.

13 -13- Free From: A false idea of “Self” The thirst for Continuity & Becoming – The desire to continue to live, to continue to be our selves now and beyond death – The desire to become bigger, better, even the desire to become better Buddhists.

14 -14- This Force 1Is the greatest force in the world; moves the world. 2Continues beyond the non- functioning of the body (death). 3Manifest in other forms, it creates “rebirth.”

15 -15- What about “No-Soul”? If we can understand our “selves” as constant change during this life, then we can also understand the results of our volitional actions (karma) as continuing beyond death, in a different form – myriad different forms – without a permanent substance, known as Self, Soul, Atman.

16 -16- Karma is not related to “Moral Justice” Idea of “Reward & Punishment” arises from conception of a supreme being, a god, who sits in judgment, a law-giver, a “decider” of right & wrong. Term “Justice” is ambiguous, [arrogant], dangerous – has caused great harm historically

17 -17- Karma is the law of Cause & Effect Discussion

18 -18- Death As there is no permanent, unchanging substance that passes from moment to moment, there is no such substance passing from life to “rebirth.” The last thought one has in dying [may] be the first thought in rebirth. Unless end samsara by dying fully unattached, without fear.

19 -19- Discussion: How does karma affect future generations of living beings?

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