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Salt of the Earth Matthew 5:13. The Salt of the Earth (Matt. 5:13) FOUR MAIN POINTS: History of salt: Why use this metaphor? Explanation of the metaphor.

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Presentation on theme: "Salt of the Earth Matthew 5:13. The Salt of the Earth (Matt. 5:13) FOUR MAIN POINTS: History of salt: Why use this metaphor? Explanation of the metaphor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Salt of the Earth Matthew 5:13

2 The Salt of the Earth (Matt. 5:13) FOUR MAIN POINTS: History of salt: Why use this metaphor? Explanation of the metaphor Qualities of salt for the Christian When salt loses its saltiness

3 The Salt of the Earth (Matt. 5:13) In ancient times it was as valuable as gold Used in many phrases The salty sailor is respected Salt and Jews Over 14,000 uses An appropriate metaphor for Christian living Salt in history & culture

4 The Salt of the Earth (Matt. 5:13) Salt has influence on whatever it contacts The Christian should have influence Four of salt’s influential qualities: ◦Preservative ◦Flavoring ◦Purifying ◦Causing thirst The Meaning of the Metaphor

5 The Salt of the Earth (Matt. 5:13) Salt has long been used to preserve meat Christians should have a preserving affect ◦Preserving the lost (Matt. 28:18-20; Jms 5:20) ◦Preserving unity (Eph. 4:1-3; Mark 9:50) ◦Preserving society (Gen. 18; Mal. 4:6) Quality of Salt: Preservative

6 The Salt of the Earth (Matt. 5:13) Used to season food Christians should have a sober, joyful flavor (1 Pet. 1:13; Phil. 2:17-18) A Christian’s influence should be appropriate and balanced (Col. 4:6) A Christian’s flavor should be obvious (Acts 4:13;1 Pet. 2:12; 2 Pet. 3:1-2) Quality of Salt: Flavoring

7 The Salt of the Earth (Matt. 5:13) Chlorine from salt sanitizes water Christians should be pure Keep your heart & mind pure (Phil. 4:8) Jesus died to make us pure (Titus 2:14; Heb. 1:3) A pure Christian helps others be pure Quality of Salt: Purification

8 The Salt of the Earth (Matt. 5:13) Ocean (salt) water is dangerous: it cannot satisfy thirst, results in death Temptations are dangerous: sin cannot satisfy cravings, but only produces death Christians should make others thirst for Jesus Jesus offers thirst-quenching water of life (John 4:7-14; Rev. 22:17) More effective than Gatorade! A Christian should demonstrate that Christ satisfies the thirst for righteousness, life, & strength, to cause others to thirst for Him Quality of Salt: Makes You Thirsty

9 The Salt of the Earth (Matt. 5:13) Salt is diluted by other things that drown it out A Christian’s influence is diluted if his life is drowned out by sin and contradicts Jesus’ example (James 3:8-12) Salt’s flavor is canceled out by lemon juice or vinegar A Christian’s influence can be canceled out by a selfish, sour, or bitter attitude (Phil. 2:4-5) Salt without saltiness is worthless! ◦The unsalty saint is not worth his salt! When Salt Loses its Saltiness

10 The Salt of the Earth (Matt. 5:13) Jesus was wise to choose the metaphor of salt to describe Christian behavior The metaphor of salt means influence Four qualities of the salty Christian: ◦Preservative ◦Flavoring ◦Purifying ◦Causing thirst Don’t lose your saltiness! Remember that you are the salt!

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