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Perspectives on Consumer Behavior. Information searchPerceptionPostpurchase evaluationLearningPurchase decisionIntegrationAlternative evaluationAttitude.

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Presentation on theme: "Perspectives on Consumer Behavior. Information searchPerceptionPostpurchase evaluationLearningPurchase decisionIntegrationAlternative evaluationAttitude."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perspectives on Consumer Behavior

2 Information searchPerceptionPostpurchase evaluationLearningPurchase decisionIntegrationAlternative evaluationAttitude formation Problem recognitionMotivation Purchase decisionIntegration Consumer Decision Making Decision Stage Psychological Process Alternative evaluationAttitude formationInformation searchPerception Problem recognitionMotivation

3 Ads Help Consumers Recognize Problems *Click outside of the video screen to advance to the next slide

4 Safety needs (security, protection) Social needs (sense of belonging, love) Esteem needs (self-esteem, recognition, status) Self-actualization needs (self- development, realization) Physiological needs (hunger, thirst) Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Safety needs (security, protection) Social needs (sense of belonging, love) Esteem needs (self-esteem, recognition, status) Physiological needs (hunger, thirst)

5 Nurturance, Love and Belonging

6 Strong inhibitions Strong inhibitions Symbolic meanings Symbolic meanings Surrogate behaviors Surrogate behaviors Surrogate behaviors Surrogate behaviors Symbolic Meanings & Sex Drive Symbolic Meanings & Sex Drive Id, Ego, Superego / Ethos-Thanatos Complex and unclear motives Freudian Psychoanalytic Approach Subconscious Mind Subconscious Mind

7 Go Daddy: Does “sex sell?” *Click outside of the video screen to advance to the next slide

8 Selective retention Selective comprehension Selective attention Selective exposure Selective comprehension Selective attention Selective exposure The Selective Perception Process

9 Evaluation of Alternatives All available brands Brand ABrand BBrand CBrand DBrand E Brand FBrand GBrand HBrand IBrand J Brand KBrand LBrand MBrand NBrand O Evoked Set of Brands Brand BBrand E Brand I Brand M Brand F

10 Kelly is All the Tire You Need *Click outside of the video screen to advance to the next slide

11 Objective Two Forms of Evaluative Criteria Evaluative Criteria Price Warranty Service Price Warranty Service Style Appearance Image Style Appearance Image Subjective

12 Change perceptions or beliefs about competing brand and their attributes Add a new attribute to the attitude formation mix Change perceptions of the value of an attribute Change beliefs about an important attribute Add a new attribute to the attitude formation mix Change perceptions of attribute values Change beliefs about attribute levels Ways to Change Attitudes

13 Adding Attributes Changes Attitudes

14 Purchase Decision and Evaluation Integration processes Pre- evaluation Heuristics Affect referral decision rule Decision Purchase intention Brand loyalty Post evaluation Satisfaction Cognitive dissonance Dis- satisfaction

15 Unconditioned stimulus (grapes) Unconditioned stimulus (grapes) Conditioned stimulus (Lancôme moisturizer) Conditioned stimulus (Lancôme moisturizer) Unconditioned response (fresh and moist) Unconditioned response (fresh and moist) Unconditioned stimulus (grapes) Unconditioned stimulus (grapes) Conditioned stimulus (Lancôme moisturizer) Conditioned stimulus (Lancôme moisturizer) Unconditioned response (fresh and moist) Unconditioned response (fresh and moist) Classical Conditioning Process Association develops through contiguity and repetition Conditioned response (fresh and moist) Conditioned response (fresh and moist)

16 Classical Conditioning for Cosmetics

17 Personality & Consumer Behavior The Big 5 (OCEAN) Openness to Experience Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism Inner-Directed vs. Outer-Directed Types

18 Emotion in Advertising What role does emotion play in influencing consumers? What is the role of emotion in advertising?

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