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Jesus on the cross: Example of complete submission to the Father Painful, humiliating death, Phil. 2:5-8 Asked for it to pass, Lk. 22:42 Was obedient,

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Presentation on theme: "Jesus on the cross: Example of complete submission to the Father Painful, humiliating death, Phil. 2:5-8 Asked for it to pass, Lk. 22:42 Was obedient,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Jesus on the cross: Example of complete submission to the Father Painful, humiliating death, Phil. 2:5-8 Asked for it to pass, Lk. 22:42 Was obedient, Heb. 5:9

3 God requires our submission, Rom. 12:1 Painful & humiliating at times Prayer for deliverance – none given Obedience – reward


5 From Psalm 22 Psalmist expressed sorrow over abuse, 22:6- 8, 12-18 -Acknowledged God’s care, 22:9-11 -Confidence in deliverance, 22:3-5, 19-24

6 From Psalm 22 Jesus expressed similar grief -Angels comforted in wilderness, Mt. 4:11 -Angels strengthened in garden, Lk. 22:43 -No angels on the cross

7 In times of suffering, cling to God, Job 13:15 Death Material loss Suffering has a purpose -Strengthen -Deliver/reward

8 Highlights physical agony of Jesus Body abused, Psa. 22:14, 15 Scourged, slapped, exhausted, Mt. 27:26-32; Jn. 19:17

9 Expression of accomplishment This “is not the gasp of a worn-out life, but the deliberate utterance of a clear consciousness that His work was finished, and all God’s purpose accomplished (xvii. 4), that all had now been done that could be done to make God known to men, and to identify Him with men” (The Expositors Greek Testament, 859).

10 Complete trust in God Moments from death Enter Hades, Acts 2:27 Our spirit will return to God, Ecc. 12:7

11 The Son of God gave His life, Jn. 19:30 Voluntary death, Jn. 10:17, 18 We willingly give our life, Lk. 9:23, 24


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