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A Summarised Fuel Consumption Balancing of the Autark Hybrid Drive Line Bernd-Robert Höhn  Hermann Pflaum  Philipp Guttenberg  Ianislav Krastev 0 /

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1 A Summarised Fuel Consumption Balancing of the Autark Hybrid Drive Line Bernd-Robert Höhn  Hermann Pflaum  Philipp Guttenberg  Ianislav Krastev 0 / 142.01.34

2 Survey A / 142.01.34 Conception Cycle Measurements and Fuel Consumption Summary A Summarised Fuel Consumption Balancing of the Autark Hybrid Drive Line Conception Test Rig Setup

3 The Autark Hybrid in principle and objective targets 1 / 142.01.34 reduction of exhaust gas emission zero-emission driving i. e. in city centres reduction of noise emission reduction of primary energy consumption controller battery e-motor/ generator ic-engine fuel tank

4 Approaches 2 / 142.01.34 optimization of driveline efficency recuperation at overrun conditions wide gear ratio range through i²-transmission hybrid operation: at partial-load running  no battery charging out of mains ic-engine operation: in situations with low specific fuel consumption electrical operation: in situations with low power demand The Autark Hybrid

5 3 / 142.01.34 Operation Strategy P 2 -P LM P2P2 P G,max drive power ic-/electric engine power P LM electric engine ic-engine P 1o hysteresis range I II III P 1u

6 4 / 142.01.34 Points of operation at ic-engine map ic-engine speed ic-engine torque spec. fuel concumption [g/kWh] conventional driveline Autark Hybrid Simulation FTP72-Zyklus

7 Survey B / 142.01.34 Cycle Measurements and Fuel Consumption Summary A Summarised Fuel Consumption Balancing of the Autark Hybrid Drive Line Conception Test Rig Setup

8 5 / 142.01.34 The Autark Hybrid on Test Rig ic-engine electric enginei²-gearbox adaptor drive flywheel and brake load engine ic-eng.: T,nel-eng.: T,n output: T,n fuel consumption hydraulic: p, V differential gear cardan shaft

9 C / 142.01.34 Survey Cycle Measurements and Fuel Consumption Summary A Summarised Fuel Consumption Balancing of the Autark Hybrid Drive Line Conception Test Rig Setup

10 6 / 142.01.34 NEDC: t = 630 - 1220 s 0 50 100 cycle speed and driven speed v [km/h] v Z (t) v F 0 1000 2000 3000 speed of ic-engine and electric engine and state of single disc clutch n [U/min] n EM (t) n VM (t) Z TK (t) -100 0 100 200 torque of ic-engine and electric engine M [Nm] M EM (t) M VM (t) t [s] 7008009001000110012001300 0 1 2 3 4 fuel mass flow: measured and calculated m [g/s] t [s] m Kr,KF (t) m Kr,PLU (t)

11 7 / 142.01.34 Drive Line on Test Rig as schematic Energy Flow Diagram simulation of the vehicle battery electric consumers offline- simulation fuel tank ic-engine driving resistance vehicle brakes kinetic energy el-engine + converter (TFM) ic-engine T,n i²-gearbox output: T,n el-engine: T,n input: T,n ic-engine m fuel

12 8 / 142.01.34 NEDC-Cycle Energy Flow: ic-Engine Operation NEDC - fuel consumption: 559 g fuel tank ic-engine 1,85 kWh starts : 10 start cons.: 6 g idling cons.: 1 g be cyc : 264 g/kWh  ic,rel : 97 % i²-gearbox 1,69 kWh 2,1 kWh 0,16 kWh el-engine (TFM) + converter 0,41 kWh  ic,rel = == 97 % be opt be cyc 256 g/kWh 264 g/kWh

13 9 / 142.01.34 NEDC-Cycle Energy Flow: Gearbox and Driving Resistances i²-gearbox vehicle- brakes 0,10 kWh kinetic energy 0,71kWh driving resistance 1,19 kWh recup.: 0,29 kWhoverrun: 0,34 kWh traction: 1,63 kWhtraction: 1,85 kWh

14 10 / 142.01.34 NEDC-Cycle Energy Flow: Electric System losses: 0,09 kWh charg. bal.: -0,03 kWh hydraulics: 0,15 kWh aux. cons.: 0,22 kWh battery electric consumers el-engine (TFM) +converter el. losses: 0,10 kWh electric driving: 0,16 kWh recuperation: 0,29 kWh 0,70 kWh ic-engine: 0,41 kWh

15 11 / 142.01.34 NEDC-Cycle Energy Flow: Fuel Consumption in NEDC-Cycle tank ic-engine battery elektric consumers driving resistance i²-gearbox meas. consumption: 559 g corr. charg. balance: + 8 g corr. traction mode: - 2 g corr. engine: -20 g consumption: 545 g _____________________ consumption: 5,9 l/100 km brake el. losses: 0,10 kWh charg. bal.: - 0,03 kWh el. losses: 0,09 kWh hydraulics: 0,15 kWh aux. cons.: 0,22 kWh mech. energies of electric engine: electric driving: - 0,16 kWh generator mode: 0,70 kWh therefrom: recuperation: 0,29 kWh ic-engine operation with charging : 0,41 kWh summ: 0 kWh accel.: 0,71 kWh 1,19 kWh 0,10 kWh gearboxoutput traction: 1,64 kWh/ + 0,5% overrun: 0,34 kWh/ - 0,4% kinetic energy electric engine (TFM) + converter gearboxinput traction: 1,85 kWh overrun: 0,29 kWh ic-engine: 2,09 kWh be, m : 264 g/kWh  VM, reL : 97% starts: 10 start cons.: 6 g idling cons.: 1 g NEDC: simulation: 5,5 l/100 km measurement: 5,9 l/100 km 275 g/kWh

16 12 / 142.01.34 NEDC-Cycle : Comparison to Simulation / Ideal Operation Mode tank ic-engine battery electric consumers driving resistance i²-gearbox brake kinetic energy electric engine (TFM) + converter electric consumption: + 0,08 l/100 km 150 kg surplus weight: + 0,3 l/100 km operating points of ic-engine + 0,07 l/100 km recuperation + 0,07 l/100 km

17 13 / 142.01.34 Fuel Consumption and Savings - 11% + 9% + 3,5% ] - 5% + 1,5% - 5,5% - 10% - 3%

18 14 / 142.01.34 NEDC-Cycle: Further Saving Potentials for Autark Hybrid on Test Rig tank ic-engine battery elektric consumers driving resistance i²-gearbox brake kinetic energy electric engine (TFM) + converter standstill shutdown of hydraulic system: - 0,05 l/100 km operating points of ic-engine - 0,017 l/100 km recuperation - 0,04 l/100 km

19 15 / 142.01.34 NEDC-Cycle: Saving Potentials for a Autark Hybrid Car close to Mass Production tank ic-engine battery elektric consumers driving resistance i²-gearbox brake kinetic energy - 70% reduction of hydraulics demand: - 0,33 l/100 km weight reduction about 150 kg: - 0,3 l/100 km electric engine (TFM) + converter reduction of electric consumers - 0,35 l/100 km

20 D / 142.01.34 Survey Cycle Measurements and Fuel Consumption Summary A Summarised Fuel Consumption Balancing of the Autark Hybrid Drive Line Conception Test Rig Setup

21 16 / 142.01.34 Summary The Autark Hybrid on Test Rig drive line of the Autark Hybrid has proved it’s function and it’s ability to save fuel in the actual prototype stadium fuel saving potential of the Autark Hybrid is diminished by several small losses appreciable savings by reduction of weight and electric consumption of auxiliary systems and application of a pressure-controlled clamping system for CVT

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