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Prof. Dr. phil. Ralph Dreher Eight Characteristics of good „Automotive- Teachers“: Consequences for TT-TVET 4th INAP - Conference Beijing Normal University.

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Presentation on theme: "Prof. Dr. phil. Ralph Dreher Eight Characteristics of good „Automotive- Teachers“: Consequences for TT-TVET 4th INAP - Conference Beijing Normal University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prof. Dr. phil. Ralph Dreher Eight Characteristics of good „Automotive- Teachers“: Consequences for TT-TVET 4th INAP - Conference Beijing Normal University Beijing 26th – 27th May 2011

2 Introduction Methodology Characteristics of work in the field of „Automotive Service“ Didactical criteria for VET Analysing teacher work in best practice-examples Results Eight characteristics of good TVET-work Goals of and effects on teacher-training Consequence: Modules for TT-TVET in the field of „Automotive Service“ Content

3 Introduction New markets for luxury-class-cars (e.g.China); The customer expects not only a car with up-to-date technology, he awaits a product with first-class-support; High-level-educated native (!) manpower for Automotive-Service in these countries.

4 Introduction New markets for luxury-class-cars (e.g.China); The customer expects not only a car with up-to-date technology, he awaits a product with first-class-support; High-level-educated native (!) manpower for Automotive-Service in these countries. Research Questions: How can a functionable and aim-oriented vocational education training (VET) be established ? What is the design of an efficient teacher-training to realize this VET ?

5 Introduction New markets for luxury-class-cars (e.g.China); The customer expects not only a car with up-to-date technology, he awaits a product with first-class-support; High-level-educated native (!) manpower for Automotive-Service in these countries. Research Questions: How can a functionable and aim-oriented vocational education training (VET) be established ? What is the design of an efficient teacher-training to realize this VET ?

6 Methodology: Characteristics „Automotive Service“ Work-processes „Automotive-Service“ (tasks and how to do) Diagnostic work is the most important part of Automotive-Service; Overhauling will become more relevant

7 Methodology: Didactical criteria of modern VET Work-processes „Automotive-Service“ (tasks and how to do) Didactical criteria of modern VET Structure of VET is determined by complete activity; Content: Real work-task; Aim: Designing work- processes Diagnostic work is the most important part of Automotive-Service; Overhauling will become more relevant

8 Methodology: Defining Best-Practice Work-processes „Automotive-Service“ (tasks and how to do) Didactical criteria of modern VET Description of „best- practice“- VET as quality criteria Finding such VET (North and West Germany) Structure of VET is determined by complete activity; Content: Real work-task; Aim: Designing work- processes Diagnostic work is the most important part of Automotive-Service; Overhauling will become more relevant

9 Methodology: Analysing Teacher -Work Work-processes „Automotive-Service“ (tasks and how to do) Didactical criteria of modern VET Description of „best- practice“- VET as quality criteria Finding such VET (North and West Germany) Instrument Observing teacher-work Instrument Teacher- Interview Analysing such VET (North and West Germany) Structure of VET is determined by complete activity; Content: Real work-task; Aim: Designing work- processes Diagnostic work is the most important part of Automotive-Service; Overhauling will become more relevant

10 Work-processes „Automotive-Service“ (tasks and how to do) Didactical criteria of modern VET Description of „best- practice“- VET as quality criteria Finding such VET (North and West Germany) Instrument Observing teacher-work Instrument Teacher- Interview Analysing such VET (North and West Germany) Summerizing to results Methodology: Answering Research Question Structure of VET is determined by complete activity; Content: Real work-task; Aim: Designing work- processes Diagnostic work is the most important part of Automotive-Service; Overhauling will become more relevant

11 Results: Eight Characterictics TVET-work Special „Automotive Sector“ 1 Practice- and work-oriented without organizational blindness/myopia 2 Organizing (vocationally scientific-oriented) analyses of work-processes 3 Working didactically synthesizing (instead of reducing) 4 Designing of failure-based tasks in keeping with the learner 5Preparation of teaching-units down to the last detail 6 Comparative reflection of work-planning and its degree of implementation 7 Acceptance of the role of a coach who works emphatically and encourages the gaining of knowledge 8 Being open towards the constant further development of one’s own classes

12 Results: Goals and Effects for TT - TVET

13 Consequence: Work-process oriented TT-TVET How can we educate such trainers? Teachers have to learn to teach by doing. (Mayr 2006) Teacher-education has to integrate practical periods. (Oser 2003) Teacher work needs implied knowledge generated by experience. (Neuweg 2002). Teacher work has to focus on the planning, implemantation and reflection of teacher-units tailored to exemplary working tasks (Dreher/Kath 2004)

14 Consequence: Work-process oriented TT-TVET How can we educate such trainers? Teachers have to learn to teach by doing. (Mayr 2006) Teacher-education has to integrate practical periods. (Oser 2003) Teacher work needs implied knowledge generated by experience. (Neuweg 2002). Teacher work has to focus on the planning, implemantation and reflection of teacher-units tailored to exemplary working tasks (Dreher/Kath 2004) Idea: VET has to be organized in modules, which contain real work tasks. The work tasks have to be organized using the principle of development tasks (Havinghurst 1972).

15 Consequence: TVET-modules „Automotive Service“ Module Planning lectures for one of the following work- tasks: Automotive Service Inspection, exhaust-gas test, control of brake-system and steering-system, change of fluids Abrasion Repairs Repair of brake and clutch, renew axle mounting and steering knuckle, renew exhaust pipe Repair of Engine Mechanic Failure diagnostic and based on it a valve seat overhaul, renewal of main and connecting rod small end bearing, cylinder measurement and insertion of oversized piston Repair of Gear Box Renewal of synchromesh mechanisms; renewal of brake band, multi-plate clutches and free-wheel feature, checking of control valve for module/ control pressure, overhaul of power lock differential Repair of Electrical Circuits Fix defects in the lightning set or power supply (generator/alternator battery) Repair of Control TechnologyFailure diagnostic and removal at the engine management, the driving dynamics control and the comfort functions

16 Consequence: TVET-modules „Automotive Service“ Aim of the TT-TVET-modules: Teachers have to be able to create module-conform units with learning tasks, which gain more and more complexity. For example: Low complexity: Controlling mass air flow sensor by using Multimeter Teachers have to prepare, how students can learn to read connecting plans (identifying the pins); they explain to the students the use of a Multimeter measering voltage, resistance); they can present examples to get across the difference between a functionable and a disfunctionable flow sensor (while engine is running, creating failure codes).

17 Consequence: TVET-modules „Automotive Service“ Aim of the TT-TVET-modules: Teachers have to be able to create module-conform units with learning tasks, which gain more and more complexity. For example: Middle complexity: Teachers have to prepare, how students can understand the method of operation of a CAN-BUS and the differences between HIGH and LOW- CAN.; they explain to the students the use of standard oscilloscope like Fluke; the students can control the CAN- BUS-System to locate the possibility of a frame fault. Controlling CAN-Bus (frame fault) by using Standard-Oscillograph

18 Consequence: TVET-modules „Automotive Service“ Aim of the TT-TVET-modules: Teachers have to be able to create module-conform units with learning tasks, which gain more and more complexity. For example: High complexity: Teachers have to prepare, how students can work with the oscilloscope in a high-voltage-system; they can simulate failures (spark - plug, ignition distributor, preresistor, ignition-cable) without destroying subsystems like catalyst, lambda oxygen sensor.) ; they can explain to the students the use of the ranges of the oscilloscope; they can teach to analyze the measuring-result. Analyzing sparking voltage by using oscillograph with manual range- adjustment

19 Consequence: TVET-modules „Automotive Service“ Simple example, good to simulate, easy-to-use measurement- equipment Very logical example, good to simulate, measuring inconstant voltage in one range. Complex example with different failure- possibilities, difficult to simulate, measuring inconstant HIGH-voltage with different range. Complexity of teacher-work Controlling air-mass- flow-sensor Controlling CAN-BUS (Frame fault) Controlling Ignition- System

20 Thank you for your attention! Prof. Dr. phil. Ralph Dreher Bergische Universität Wuppertal Chair for Technical Vocational Didactics ( Gaußstrasse 20 D-42119 Wuppertal Germany +49-202-439-2049

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