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Presentation on theme: "EIGHTH GRADE ROBOTICS KITTATINNY REGIONAL HIGH SCHOOL MR. SHEA Introduction to Programming"— Presentation transcript:


2  Medium Motor  Large Motor (Individual)  Large Motors Steering  Large Motors Tank  Brick Screen Display  Brick Sounds  Brick Button Lights

3 This program block controls two motors at the same time in sync with each other.  Mode selector (first right) let you control the duration that the motors turn.  Block inputs provides the following functions:  Steering - steer the way a robot moves  Power - speed of the motors (negative = backwards)  Number of rotation/degree/second  Controls the duration of motor movement  Brake at End  True = Break after the duration set is over.  False = Coast at the end  Port selector (right top corner) let you select the ports that motors are connected. Typically Ports B & C The program above makes a robot move forward, with peed level 50%, for one second.

4  Make your robot go forward for 4 sec and go backward for 5 sec and stop all.  Make your robot go forward for 2 sec, make it turn to the right (wide turn) for 3 sec, go backward for 0.5 sec and stop all.  Make your robot turn on the spot (spin) for 6 sec.  Make your robot start from the start line on the floor and turn around @ the end line, then come back to where it started.

5 This program block controls two motors separately at the same time. This is a more accurate way of controlling the motion of your robot.  Mode selector (first right) let you control the duration that the motors turn.  Block inputs provides the following functions:  Power left - controls the power level of left motor  Power right - controls the power level of right motor  Number of rotation/degree/second  Controls the duration of motor movement  Brake at End  True = break after the duration set is over.  False = Coast at the end  Port selector (right top corner) let you select the ports that motors are connected. Typically Ports B & C The program provided makes a robot spin on the spot for 2 second.

6 This block controls two motors separately at the same time.  Mode selector (first right) let you control the duration that the motors turn.  Block inputs provides the following functions:  Power left - controls the power level of left motor  Power right - controls the power level of right motor  Number of rotation/degree/second  Controls the duration of motor movement  Brake at End  True = break after the duration set is over.  False = Coast at the end The program provided makes a robot spin on the spot for 2 second.  Port selector (right top corner) let you select the ports that motors are connected. The program provided makes a robot spin on the spot for 2 second. = LR LR LR LRLRLR = OPP. = > =

7 Attach a marker to your robot and use a large sheet of paper.  Make your robot draw a big circle.  Make your robot draw a triangle.  Make your robot draw a rectangle.  Make some shape (You pick the shape! Draw some shapes with difficult turns!)

8 This block controls two motors separately at the same time.  Mode selector (first right) let you control the duration that the motors turn.  Block inputs provides the following functions:  Power left - controls the power level of left motor  Power right - controls the power level of right motor  Number of rotation/degree/second  Controls the duration of motor movement  Brake at End  True = break after the duration set is over.  False = Coast at the end  Port selector (right top corner) let you select the ports that motors are connected.  Can be changed to select any port. The program provided makes the motor spin for 1 rotation at 50% power.

9 This block controls the medium motor.  Mode selector (first right) let you control the duration that the motors turn.  Block inputs provides the following functions:  Power - controls the power level of the motor  Number of rotation/degree/second  Controls the duration of motor movement  Brake at End  True = break after the duration set is over.  False = Coast at the end  Port selector (right top corner) let you select the ports that motors are connected. Typically Port A The program provided makes the motor spin at 50% power for 1 second.

10 This block controls the lights around the brick buttons.  Mode selector (first right) let you control function of the light  Block inputs allows you to select the color:  Color Selector: 0 = Green, 1 = Orange, or 2 = Red  Turn off or leave turned on after command

11 Displays and image, shapes, or words on the programmable brick’s screen EDIT Add more


13  Produces a sound file, tone, or note from the programmable brick. EDIT Add more

14  Start Block  Wait – Time  Loop Interrupter.  Switch  Loop

15  The beginning of a programming block sequence.  More than one can be used at a time.  All Start Blocks begin when program is run

16  Waits for the amount of time specifies in seconds Time is measured from the start of the Wait Block.

17  Repeats the command or string of commands inside of it.  In unlimited mode, the robot will repeat the commands forever.  Any command blocks to the right of the loop will never be run.

18  Lists the name of the block to be interrupted (top right corner)  When the Loop Interrupt block begins, the specified loop will end immediately and the program will skip to any blocks after (to the right) of the loop.

19  Use Mindstorm program to demonstrate how to program the Sensor combo activities, students just did using the robot.

20  Allows the robot to choose between two cases (True: & False: ) depending on the input from the chosen sensor

21 Degrees in a CIRCLE 180 ○ 360 ○ Degrees in half of a CIRCLE 180 ○ Degrees in a quarter of a CIRCLE 90 ○ Degrees in an eighth of a CIRCLE 45 ○ 135 ○ Left / CCW 0○0○ 360 ○ 90 ○ Right / CW 90 ○ Left / CCW 45 ○ Right / CW 135 ○ Right / CW 45 ○ Left / CW

22 Two complete rotations Three complete rotations Two and a half rotations One and an quarter rotations Two and three quarter rotations 360 ○ x 2 = 720 ○ 360 ○ x 3 = 1080 ○ 360 ○ x 2 + 180 ○ = 1000 ○ 360 ○ + 90 ○ = 450 ○ 360 ○ x 2 + 90 ○ + 45 ○ = 855 ○

23 Numbers: 1234 5 6 7 8 Letters: ABCD W X Y Z Program your robot to draw the following: Draw these items on the large paper of your group’s assigned color



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