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Presented By : Ankita Jaiswal Guided By : Dr. Agrawal sir.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented By : Ankita Jaiswal Guided By : Dr. Agrawal sir."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented By : Ankita Jaiswal Guided By : Dr. Agrawal sir

2 CONTENTS  Introduction  WSN  Mobile sink  Challenges  Three-tier security network  Advantages  Conclusion

3 INTRODUCTION  In wireless sensor network collecting data from sensor node is complex process because attacker can compromise the network easily  q-composite key pre-distribution techniques used in existing techniques.  If attacker captures fraction of nodes than he will compromise.

4  Here we are going to strength the authentication mechanism by three tier security scheme.  Blundo scheme provides clear security guarantee in wireless sensor networks and having polynomial pools.  Here attacker compromising network is complex because he have to get at least one polynomial from mobile pool. Contd …….

5  A wireless sensor network (WSN) of spatially distributed autonomous sensor to monitor physical or environmental conditions, such as temperature, sound, pressure, etc. WSN

6 MOBILE SINK  Mobile sink are vital in many WSN application for efficient data accumulation for distinguishing and revoking compromised sensors.

7  The problem of authentication and pairwise key establishment in sensor networks with is still not solved in the face of mobile sink replication attacks.  The problem with the basic: probabilistic key pre-distribution scheme -q-composite key pre-distribution schemes. -random pairwise keys scheme Existing system and challenges

8 THE THREE-TIER SECURITY SCHEME  In the proposed scheme, we use two separate polynomial pools: The mobile polynomial pool The static polynomial pool.  Stationary access nodes, which will enable these mobile sinks to access the sensor network for data gathering.

9 Fig. The three-tier security scheme in WSN with mobile sinks.

10  The three-tier security scheme provides better network resilience and also provides pairwise key establishment.  To avoid Mobile sink replication attack they used the three tier security scheme. Contd ……..

11 MODULES  Sensor Module  Access Point Module  Mobile Sink Module

12 Mobile polynomial pool Static polynomial pool Start Mobile Sink Stationary access node Sensor node Do transaction End If secure path establis- hed Access Denied Flow chart km key1 key2 km yes no km

13 Advantages  The three-tier security scheme more robust against a stationary access node replication attack  The authentication mechanism between the stationary access nodes and sensor nodes using one-way hashing algorithm.  Using two separate key pools and having few sensor nodes that carry keys from the mobile key pool.

14  we proposed a general three-tier security framework for authentication and pairwise key establishment between mobile sinks and sensor nodes. conclusion  We have further improved the security performance of the proposed scheme against stationary access node replication attack by strengthening the authentication mechanism between stationary access nodes and sensor nodes.  The proposed key distribution scheme reduces the computational cost in the nodes.

15 FUTURE SCOPE  Wireless sensor network promise exciting new applications in the near future.  WSN become more and more crucial to everyday life availability faults become less tolerable.  High availability of the nodes critical and must hold even under malicious conditions.

16 REFRENCES  ‘ The Three-Tier Security Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sinks’ Amar Rasheed, Student Member, IEEE, and Rabi N. Mahapatra, Senior Member, IEEE- May-2012  ‘ Technique to Secure Wireless Sensor Network’ Pramod D Mane 1, Prof. D.H.Kulkarni2 Vol. 4 (6), 2013, 751-754

17  Amar Rasheed, Student Member, IEEE, and Rabi N.Mahapatra, Senior Member, IEEE ”The Three-Tier Security Scheme in Wireless Sensor Networks with Mobile Sinks,” IEEE Transactions on Parallel And Distributed Systems, vol. 23, no. 5, May 2012.  Amr Rasheed, Rabi Mahapatra. N. (2012) ‘The Three- Tier Security Scheme in Wireless Sensor Network with Mobile Sinks’ IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed system, IEEE Computer Society, VOL. 23, NO. 5, pp 958-965.


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