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Alex Smith. IIsotonic muscle contractions, are those where the muscle changes length as it contracts. This type of contraction is responsible for the.

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Presentation on theme: "Alex Smith. IIsotonic muscle contractions, are those where the muscle changes length as it contracts. This type of contraction is responsible for the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alex Smith

2 IIsotonic muscle contractions, are those where the muscle changes length as it contracts. This type of contraction is responsible for the movement of body parts. TThere are 2 types of Isotonic Contractions: ◦C◦Concentric and ◦E◦Eccentric.

3  Concentric muscle contractions are when the muscle shortens when it contracts.  E.g. bending the elbow, causing a concentric contraction of the Biceps Brachii muscle.  Concentric contractions are the most common type of muscle.

4  Eccentric muscle contractions occur when the muscle lengthens as it contracts.  This is generally used to decelerate an action by the muscle’s agonist.

5  Isometric contractions occur when the muscle contracts but there is not change in the length of the muscle.  This occurs in situations like holding a weight stationary in front of one’s self.

6 TThe amount of force a muscle is able to produce during an is0ometric contraction depends on the length of the muscle at the when it contracts. EEach muscle has an optimum length at which the maximum isometric force can be produced.

7  Isokinetic contractions are similar to Isotonic muscle contractions in that the length of the muscle changes.  Where it differs however, is that the speed of the motion must remain constant.  An Isokinetic Dynamometer is used for this purpose.

8 TTo perform Isokinetic motions, generally a machine is used, to regulate the speed. TThese machines apply resistance when the motion is too slow, or too fast.

9  muscle_contractions.php muscle_contractions.php  AS Level PE Book  Mac’s Notes.

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