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Introduction and First Lecture ECE 633 MODELING AND SIMULATION OF POWER SYSTEM COMPONENTS August 23, 2005 Oleg Wasynczuk.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction and First Lecture ECE 633 MODELING AND SIMULATION OF POWER SYSTEM COMPONENTS August 23, 2005 Oleg Wasynczuk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction and First Lecture ECE 633 MODELING AND SIMULATION OF POWER SYSTEM COMPONENTS August 23, 2005 Oleg Wasynczuk

2 Contact Information  Oleg Wasynczuk 1285 Electrical Engineering Purdue University West Lafayette, IN 47907-1285  Office/Lab: 765 494-3475  Lab EE58  Include ECE633 in subject line 

3 Computer Requirements  Ready access to computer with Simulink Version 6 (R14)* – preferred Simulink Version 5 (R13) - acceptable  Ability to email compressed folders containing reports and Simulink models (.doc,.pdf, and.mdl files) * We will not use any of the many optional toolboxes

4 Questionnaire – email before Session 2  Name, major, degree objective, expected date of graduation  Degree of familiarity with (a) Matlab, (b) Simulink 1 - no clue, 2- ketbd, 3-basics, 4-adept, 5-expert  Other simulation languages you use and degree of familiarity  Thesis topic (if known), current research and/or job related projects, description of technical interests,…  Course expectations

5 Grading  70% Approximately 10 Simulink-based projects Late work will be penalized at 20% per day unless prior arrangements are made  15% Midterm  15% Final

6 Cheating Policy  You may discuss projects, including results, with fellow students; however, Sharing of models is not permitted  No two people should have the same models Report must be your own thoughts and words  First occurrence results in stern warning  Second occurrence results in non-passing grade for course

7 Office/Lab Hours (EE58)  Tuesday/Thursday 1:30-3:30 pm (tentative)

8 Pre- or Co-requisites by Subject  Pre-requisite Junior or senior course in electric machinery and/or power systems such as ECE 321, 425, or 432  Co-requisite Graduate course in energy conversion such as ECE 610  Please let me know if you have questions/concerns

9 Course Outline  Will follow spirit of published course outline (see web site)  Major topics to be covered include: Distributed- and lumped-parameter models of transmission lines Single- and three-phase transformers  Magnetic saturation Induction machines (and drives) Synchronous machines (and drives)

10 Required Text  Chee-Mun Ong, Dynamic Simulation of Electric Machinery Using Matlab Simulink, Prentice Hall, 1998, ISBN 0-13-723785-5.

11 First Reading Assignment  Read Chapters 1 and 2 before Session 2

12 Modeling Philosophy for Dynamic Simulation of Power System Components

13 Modeling Versus Simulation  Modeling Expression of relevant physical principles in mathematical form (PDE’s, ODE’s, AE’s, circuit/block diagrams) along with pertinent initial/boundary conditions  Simulation Application of suitable numerical algorithms to generate numerical solution to set of models  Always an approximation (round-off, truncation errors)

14 Synchronous Machine Models Distributed ParameterCoupled CircuitSteady State  

15 Power Electronic Models Average ValueDetailed

16 Simulation Approaches  Finite-Element-Based Approaches (Ansys, Maxwell, …)  Circuit-Based Approaches (Spice, EMTP, Saber, PSIM, Simplorer)  System-Based Approaches (Simulink, ACSL, Dymola) Block-diagram and/or differential equation oriented Extensive set of tool boxes including  ASMG (Simulink, ACSL)  Power System Blockset (Simulink)  …

17 Finite-Element Based Approaches 4000-10000 Nodes FEA

18 Simulation Approaches  Finite-Element-Based Approaches (Ansys, Maxwell, …)  Circuit-Based Approaches (Spice, EMTP, Saber, PSIM, Simplorer)  System-Based Approaches (Simulink, ACSL, Dymola) Block-diagram and/or differential equation oriented Extensive set of tool boxes including  ASMG (Simulink, ACSL)  Power System Blockset (Simulink)  …

19 Circuit-Based Approaches

20 Example Subsystem (Motor Controller)

21 Circuit-Based Approaches

22 Resistor-Companion Circuit

23 Update Formula O(n 3 ) computational complexity where n = number of non-datum nodes Circuit-Based Approaches

24 Simulation Approaches  Finite-Element-Based Approaches (Ansys, Maxwell, …)  Circuit-Based Approaches (Spice, Saber, PSIM, Simplorer)  System-Based Approaches (Simulink, ACSL, Dymola) Block-diagram and/or differential equation oriented Extensive set of tool boxes including  ASMG (Simlink, ACSL)  Power System Blockset (Simulink)  PLEX (Simulink)  …

25 System-Based Approaches Hierarchical system definition

26 System-Based Approaches Common Simulink Component Models

27 System-Based Approaches

28 When user starts model, Simulink applies selected integration algorithm to approximate solution at discrete but not necessarily uniform instants of time General Multi-step Update Formula: Implicit algorithms require solution of nonlinear equation (dimension = number of states) at each time step. Newton-Raphson iteration generally used. Explicit if

29 System-Based Approaches  Choice of coefficients determines name of algorithm  Many different algorithms out there  See Appendix A for brief introduction

30 System-Based Approaches Stiff System: A system with both fast and slow dynamics Stiffly Stable Integration Algorithm: the ability to increase the time step after fast transients subside Stiffly Stable Algorithms are implicit!

31 System-Based Approaches Computational Complexity

32 System-Based Approaches

33 Simulink Fixed-Step Algorithms Shampine and Reichelt, The MATLAB ODE Suite, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 1-22, January 1997. System-Based Approaches

34 Simulink Variable-Step Algorithms Shampine and Reichelt, The MATLAB ODE Suite, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 1-22, January 1997. System-Based Approaches

35 Simulation Approaches (Conclusion)  Co-simulation Finite Element/Circuit Circuit/System  Distributed Heterogeneous Simulation Any combination of the above mentioned approaches

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