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Intel eCatalog Program - Supplier Engagement. 2 Agenda  Intel Catalog Vision  Intel procurement process  Implementation Milestones  SAP OCI (Punchout)

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Presentation on theme: "Intel eCatalog Program - Supplier Engagement. 2 Agenda  Intel Catalog Vision  Intel procurement process  Implementation Milestones  SAP OCI (Punchout)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Intel eCatalog Program - Supplier Engagement

2 2 Agenda  Intel Catalog Vision  Intel procurement process  Implementation Milestones  SAP OCI (Punchout) Requirements  Internal Catalog Requirements  Next steps

3 3 End Vision: Automation/Tools End State Characteristics  100% e-Enabled  Accurate, relevant and accessible data  Core suppliers on catalogs  Standard “language” with stakeholders Focus Areas: Implement e-Capabilities and Tools Implement e-Capabilities and Tools Enhance data structure & architecture Enhance data structure & architecture Connect to stakeholder processes Connect to stakeholder processes Catalog Vision/Goal: Design catalog and supplier enablement strategies, policies and procedures that will enable Intel to maximize our use of the SAP EBP platform. Goal: Deliver core systems and data required to Position Intel Materials to become world class

4 4 Requestor/ApproverProcurementReceivingAccounts Payable ePurchasing SAP Shopping Basket SAP Purchase Order Output To Vendor SAP Purchase Order SAP Purchase Requisition WISARD Goods/Services Received Out of scope for e-Procurement SAP Invoice Reconciliation SAP Invoice Received Catalog: High Level Req-to-Settle Process Flow No touch through Procurement*

5 5 Punch-Out Catalogs SAP OCI Requirements  Suppliers should be SAP OCI compliant  Supplier version needs to be specified (v2.0 or v3.0) Intel® is on version 3.0  Intel only accepts shopping baskets via HTML post  Logon Information Needed by Intel  URL, Username, Password, Return URL (if applicable),  Other requirements to be discussed with content owner and/or catalog administrator  Refer to this file for more details:

6 6 SAP OCI Requirements  Provide the following 8 fields, the 9 th field is an option--- NO more than the 9 listed below are acceptable. (otherwise errors will occur)  If Supplier has requirements in addition to the 9 items listed below, the supplier must identify them and we need to disposition them early in the process for our mutual success.  Inbound Section Requirements 1.NEW_ITEM-DESCRIPTION[n]: 40 characters 2.NEW_ITEM-MATGROUP[n]: UNSPSC 6.0501 3.NEW_ITEM-QUANTITY[n]: Integers only, no partial numbers 4.NEW_ITEM-CURRENCY[n]: ISO 4217 currency codes, alpha http://www.bsi- 5.NEW_ITEM-PRICE[n]: Intel Contract Price 2 digits to the right of the decimal

7 7 SAP OCI Requirements  Inbound Section Requirements (continued) 6. NEW_ITEM-UNIT[n]: ISO codes (UOM codes are in the back up.) 7. NEW_ITEM-LEADTIME[n]: Integers only, no partial numbers. Refer to contract SLA for delivery lead times If none is provided, current date will be used. End- users will update as needed 8. NEW_ITEM-VENDORMAT[n]: Supplier Part Number 9. NEW_ITEM-LONGTEXT[n]: Optional To be used if additional product information must be provided back on the PO

8 8 Punch-Out Catalog Implementation Milestones  Supplier Kick-off  Review Project Gantt.  Business Preparation  Technical Preparation  Consolidation System Testing  Go Live  Production Testing & Stabilization

9 9 Internally Hosted Catalogs  System Overview and Process Flow  Catalog Interchange Format 3.0 (CIF) requirements  Next Steps

10 10 Header Supplier ID Supplier Part ID Manufacturer Part ID Item Description SPSC Code Unit Price or Rate Unit of Measure Lead Time Manufacturer Name Supplier URL Manufacturer URL UNSPSC, v6.0501 DUNs Number Contract Price CIF 3.0 files to contain NO MORE than the Combined Required and Optional Fields ISO/UOM Market Price Short Name Currency Parametric Data Parametric Name Delete Trailer ISO Currency Codes Required Fields Optional Fields

11 11 Catalog Interchange Format (CIF) File  Required Data Fields  Supplier ID: This will be the DUNS number of the supplier; this will be mapped to the DUNS field in catalog staging server  As the file is being loaded into catalog staging server, the system will insert the Supplier Name into the Sup Name field  Once added, supplier specific sweeps will insert the Contract Number, Supplier ID (aka CSM#/Vendor#) and Country Code into the appropriate fields for all catalog line items based on the Sup Name.  Supplier Part ID = Sup Part Num  Item Description = Long Description  If no short name is provided (see below), a system sweep will truncate the first 40 characters of the long description and copy the result into the Description Field

12 12 Catalog Interchange Format (CIF) File  Required Data Fields cont’d  SPSC code = UNSPSC v 6.0501  Upon load, the Product Category# (aka, Intel Commodity Schema) will be mapped in based on the UNSPSC code  Unit Price = (Intel Contract) Price  Unit of Measure = UOM  These must be ISO UOMs, not UN UOMs. Intel will update supplier's data where the UN UOM is not the same as the ISO UOM  Integers, no fractions.  Lead time = Lead time (in days)

13 13 Catalog Interchange Format (CIF) File  Required Data Fields cont’d  Currency = Currency (ISO codes). This will be at the line item level vs. the header of the CIF file in the event that a supplier needs to provide a multi-currency catalog.  Parametric Data = Category Attributes, defined either by Requisite Unifying Structure (RUS) or by the content owner  Parametric Name = Category, defined either by Requisite Unifying Structure (RUS) or by the content owner  Delete = indicator to determine if a catalog item will be removed/deleted from catalog staging server upon load.  Default is f (false).

14 14 Catalog Interchange Format (CIF) File  Optional Data Fields  Manufacturer Part ID = Mfg Part Num  Manufacturer Name = Mfg Name  Supplier URL = Supplier URL  Required to be in the CIF, but optional for the supplier to provide.  Manufacturer URL = Mfg URL  Required to be in the CIF, but optional for the supplier to provide.  Market Price = Market Price  Only required to be populated by the supplier if specified by the commodity manager (content owner).  Short Name = Description

15 15 Sample CIF File CIF_I_V3.0 CODEFORMAT: UNSPSC LOADMODE: F COMMENTS: ABC Company ITEMCOUNT: 1 TIMESTAMP:2003-07-01 FIELDNAMES: Supplier ID, Supplier Part ID, Manufacturer Part ID, Item Description, SPSC Code, Unit Price, Unit of Measure, Lead Time, Manufacturer Name, Supplier URL, Manufacturer URL, Market Price, Short Name, Currency, Parametric Data, Parametric Name, Delete DATA 012345678,12345,12345,This is a test. Supplier part #s or Mfg part #s should not be provided in this field. Additional parametric data can be provided in this field if it will not be used as category attributes.,80141605,15,EA,5,ABC Company,,,,Test Item,USD,"{COLOR=""BLUE"";SIZE=""XL"";}",Corporate Apparel,f ENDOFDATA

16 16 CIF Item Standards  Characteristics  Public Domain  Commercially Maintained  United Nations Standard Product and Services Code (UNSPSC)  Hierarchical - Facilitates Consolidation  Detailed - Product Level Descriptions  Code Modifications through the Uniform Code Council  Reference to the version (Intel preferred)  Intel requires classification to the 8 digit level  UN/SPSC Web Site – http://www.unspsc.com

17 17 CIF Item Standards  DUNS Number  Identifies Unique Business Locations  International in Scope  Coverage: US -> 22 million; Int’l -> 19 million  D&B Website -  Currency  ISO 4217 currency codes: http://www.bsi- /_Publications/tig90.xalterhttp://www.bsi- /_Publications/tig90.xalter  Units of Measure  ISO codes (Intel Catalog Admin will provide) for back up

18 18 Internal Catalog Implementation Milestones  Supplier Kick off  Review Project Gantt.  Business Preparation  Technical Preparation  Consolidation System Test  Go Live  Production Test & Stabilization

19 19 Catalog Implementation Next Steps  Intel Content Owner or commodity team determines the next meeting time.  Intel to send gantt for review  To be used during frequent meetings.  Use next meeting align on dates and tasks.  Confirm version of UNSPSC(6.0501)  Confirm supplier supports SAP CIF 3.0 or OCI 3.0.  Confirm to-be process for PO receipt, invoice, payment  Supplier to send current list of UNSPSC codes to Content Owner.  If Supplier has requirements in addition to the requirements listed, we need to disposition them early in the process for our mutual success.

20 20 Back up  ISO Unit’s Of Measure (UOM)

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