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Presented by: Joan Bowen and Celeste McCormick with contributions from Bob Franklin Lewis-Clark State College August 11, 2014 Colleague Student Planning.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Joan Bowen and Celeste McCormick with contributions from Bob Franklin Lewis-Clark State College August 11, 2014 Colleague Student Planning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Joan Bowen and Celeste McCormick with contributions from Bob Franklin Lewis-Clark State College August 11, 2014 Colleague Student Planning Implementation Success

2 Session Rules of Etiquette Please turn off your cell phone/pager If you must leave the session early, please do so as discreetly as possible Please avoid side conversation during the session Thank you for your cooperation! 2

3 Introduction January 2013: began project to implement Colleague Student Planning September 2013: went live with Student Planning October-November 2013: served as pre-load test client for version 2.3 November 2013: held first full registration cycle on Student Planning March 2014: upgraded to Student Planning 2.3 April 2014: gave this presentation at Ellucian Live June 2014: upgraded to Student Planning 2.4 July 2014: served as pre-load test client for Student Planning 2.5 3 Founded 1893 Public four-year baccalaureate college offering academic and technical degrees Approx. 4500 enrolled; 3000 FTE Not Lewis and Clark College, which is in Portland, OR. They’re the Pioneers, we’re the Warriors… it would never work.

4 Agenda Slide Installation and Configuration all the technical mumbo-jumbo Student Planning Setup settings and ongoing management What’s new in the latest versions (2.3 – 2.5) you’re gonna like it Our advice take it or leave it 4

5 Installation and Configuration all the technical mumbo-jumbo.

6 Installation and configuration Two Part installation: WebAPI and Self Service –API = Application Programming Interface –One manual for each part of the implementation; both manuals have been updated for version 2.3 and are very accurate and fairly complete 6

7 Self-Service and WebAPI Self-Service - outside the firewall “Presentation Layer” ours: shares with payment gateway servers –non-live: combined on 1 server –live: separate server Port - common port (SSL); host headers to direct to correct environment (non-live) 7 WebAPI - inside the firewall “Business Layer” ours: shares with former UI web server non-live: combined on 1 server live: separate server Ports - vary by environment (dev, test, prod)

8 System deployment 8

9 WebAPI installation Install Colleague software updates Run the installshield –New websites, name per environment (e.g. dev_WebAPI) –We kept the default paths for everything 9

10 Self-Service installation Run the installshield (just follow the step- by-step instructions) –New web sites, named per environment –We kept default paths for everything Installation hints –If you're using a common secured port number shared by multiple websites, ignore the warning that the port is already in use & that the website will be stopped because the port is in use. –Configure system to display high resolution images, per Self-Service Installation and Administration manual. This resolves display problems on mobile devices. 10

11 Configure Self-Service Self-Service Administration –Colleague Create role type SELF Create role Self-Service Administrator –Self-Service site – sign in Secure access –Create roles on ORGR: Finance Administrator, Student, Advisor –Assign permissions to roles (MRPR) –Assign roles to resources (AROR for individuals; BURA for savedlists); remember when you go live to assign the Student role to all active WebAdvisor users and implement a process to assign the role to new WebAdvisor users as they get created –Restrict menu access to specific roles (from within Self-Service) 11

12 Configure the look and feel 12 Change this: To this:

13 How to configure the look and feel Use the Theme Editor in the configuration area on the Self-Service site –When following the documentation, the names of each section do not always obviously match up with what you see on screen 13 Little hint Choose some gaudy/obnoxious colors to play around with to see what’s changing Big hint Use the theme editor for your first environment, then copy the file Theme.css to the next environment(s) Gaudy/Noxious color example

14 Branding 14 Follow the manual you don’t have to use the default file names If your header logo is white, you have a problem; contact LCSC for help To customize the Welcome message, find and modify the text in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Ellucian\dev_SelfService\Student\App_GlobalResources\ Navigation.resx

15 Report logos Add institution logo for reports and “unofficial” watermark for transcripts Settings are on the WebAPI site 15

16 Student Planning setup settings and ongoing management.

17 Academic Program setup Programs PROG – Need Degree Audit up and running Departments DEPT – use the ST version of DEPT, review for Active and Inactive status. Department must be Active for Program to be available Review Requirements and Sub-requirements REQU - SRSP for odd or inconsistent print text, coding, and use of phantom or pseudo courses Curriculum Tracks CUTK and Course Block CSBL –for loading sample degree plans 17

18 SPRP – Student Planning Related Programs, as of 2.3 18 Academic Program setup (continued)

19 Course and Sections setup Subjects SUBJ – has a field "Display in Self-Service Catalog”. Course Types – create new VAL code with special processing code P to block courses that will not ever have sections (pseudo courses). Review requisites and print text on CREQ. Requisite enhancements work with Student Planning! 19

20 Courses setup (continued) Courses CRSE – review the Description. It will be visible in Student Planning. Session and Yearly Cycles – fields are used for planning future terms. 20

21 Academic Term setup Academic Term RYAT-ACTM – has fields "Available for Degree Planning" and "Default on New Degree Plan" 21

22 Web Parameter setup Review phone and email types for faculty on Web Student Profile Params STWP-SPWP Course Planning Web Params CPWP – check new Default Curriculum Track option and Catalog Year Default Policy setting 22

23 Web Parameter setup (continued) Unofficial Transcript (new with 2.5) – set valid transcript groupings on STWP-TRWP A word of caution, don’t let this PDF transcript look like your official version! 23

24 Faculty setup Advisor and Max Advisees on FCTY must be listed in addition to Advisor Role 24

25 Role assignment protocol Determine method for assigning Student and Advisor roles to existing records. Create procedure to assign Student, Advisor roles to new records. Review business practices to ensure accurate permissions for roles. Test your processes for role assignment! 25

26 What’s new in the latest versions you’re gonna like it.

27 What’s new in the latest versions Works on mobile devices! Notifications related to Registration are easily visible! Student Planning reflects Requisite enhancements! 27

28 What’s new (continued) Advisors can register students! Advisor can archive a student plan! Staff members as Advisors! Additional majors, minors At a Glance! Choose a start term for loading sample plans! Unofficial Transcript, new with 2.5! 28

29 What’s new (continued) Has an overall progress bar! 29

30 30 What’s new (continued) Fast Path to Graduation! Shows related programs as defined by SPRP form, with View a New Program.

31 What’s new (continued) Degree Audit custom paragraphs display Show Program Notes to see Degree Audit paragraphs 31

32 Our advice Take it or leave it.

33 Our advice –IT: to install it and handle roles and permissions –Registrar: to set it up and make sure its does not conflict with current business processes for registration, degree audit, etc. –Advisors: to test it and promote its adoption –Students: to provide feedback and promote its adoption 33 Employ an implementation team Bob Joan Celeste Someone who couldn’t come to NWEUG

34 Our advice Get training on customizing Self-Service (when Ellucian offers it) 34 Collectively our Admin Computing team has 24 years of Envision programming experience and has been using Studio since 2008. Our users expect that IT can research and/or customize Self-Service processes just as is done for WebAdvisor (and IT wants to do this too), so training is an important need. We strive to follow best practices in Envision and when customizing Colleague processes; we want to follow best practices for customizing Self-Service too, so we are anxious for formal training that will provide a foundation for best practices.

35 Questions & Answers Your turn! We are delighted to answer any questions you have about Student Planning, Self-Service or our presentation. 35

36 Thank You! Joan Bowen: Bob Franklin: Celeste McCormick: © 2014 Ellucian. All rights reserved. 36

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