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A Critical Appraisal of Census Costs Mr Iqbal Alam United Nations Statistics Division.

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Presentation on theme: "A Critical Appraisal of Census Costs Mr Iqbal Alam United Nations Statistics Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Critical Appraisal of Census Costs Mr Iqbal Alam United Nations Statistics Division

2 Introduction Census-taking has a long history Most costly and elaborate data collection activity that governments’ undertake Involves numerous agencies of government, private sector and NGOs at various administrative levels Only statistical activity where every household in country participates

3 Main Census Cost Components Census mapping House numbering and household listings Publicity Staff recruitment and enumeration Data processing, coding and data capture

4 Weighing Census Costs Cost-reducing strategies should not compromise quality of information being collected With rising census costs, often on account of growing populations, countries have to carefully weigh costs and benefits of their approaches at every stage Essential for good planning when formulating initial census budget

5 Streamlined Census Questionnaire Minimum number of basic topics Whether users’ needs can be met from other sources Topics well tested, easily asked and readily answered Exclude topics which do not need to be analyzed at Subgroup level Disaggregated geographical level

6 Sampling in Data Collection At time of enumeration For reducing field, training and processing costs and enhancing data quality Lessens burden of response for households not included in sample Leads to improvements in quality of information collected Great care needed in deciding upon appropriate sampling design Clear instructions for implementation and supervision

7 Sampling in Data Processing At the time of processing For getting tabulations as quickly as possible For reducing data entry time, particularly of coding, data capture and editing Improving data quality Avoids many of operational difficulties of field sampling Release of sample results should not lower priority for full and timely processing

8 Training of Field Staff Recruitment, training and management of census supervisors and enumerators is Most expensive part of census operation Requires very careful planning and consideration Differing approaches to training will be required with different cost implications

9 Data Processing Information technology – continuing evolution in census processing methods Use of new technology – maybe cost reducing strategy but requires knowledge of developments in computer technology Selection of inappropriate equipment can lead to even a higher costs

10 Approaches to Reducing Costs A well designed census questionnaire Editing specifications that produce clean master data files - avoiding reprocessing Fewer and less complicated census tables for general release – electronic availability of data in compiled and record format Supplies and equipment maintenance capability available in country

11 Conclusion A well-planned and well-designed census pre-requisite for cost-effectiveness If census costs not contained future of censuses will be in doubt Need to consider cost saving measures beyond census sampling Need to mobilze all stakeholders to share census costs Learning from experiences and building on good practices a recipe for success

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