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Developing an integrated teaching workforce: a University response to ECM Christine Vincent University of Wolverhampton.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing an integrated teaching workforce: a University response to ECM Christine Vincent University of Wolverhampton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing an integrated teaching workforce: a University response to ECM Christine Vincent University of Wolverhampton

2 Policy context for integrated children’s services

3 Victoria Climbié It is deeply disturbing that during the days and months following the initial contact with Ealing Housing Department, Victoria was known to over ten other agencies. On twelve key occasions relevant services had the opportunity to intervene in Victoria’s life. It is deeply disturbing that during the days and months following the initial contact with Ealing Housing Department, Victoria was known to over ten other agencies. On twelve key occasions relevant services had the opportunity to intervene in Victoria’s life. ‘A gross failure of the system.’ ‘A gross failure of the system.’ (The Victoria Climbie Inquiry Report, 2003) (The Victoria Climbie Inquiry Report, 2003)

4 Every child matters (ECM) agenda Supporting children, young people, parents and carers Supporting children, young people, parents and carers Early intervention and effective protection Early intervention and effective protection Accountability and integration – locally, regionally and Accountability and integration – locally, regionally and nationally nationally Commissioner for Children’s Services Children’s Trusts – by 2010 Children’s 10 Year Plan – December 2007 Workforce reform – Children’s Workforce Strategy 2020 -December 2008 Workforce reform – Children’s Workforce Strategy 2020 -December 2008 –All working towards the team around the child

5 Outcomes for children & young people ECM outcomes: Be healthy Stay safe Enjoy and achieve Make a positive contribution Achieve economic well-being

6 Every Child Matters = Key Policy amongst many requiring the development of multi agency teams

7 Government policy 2003 Every Child Matters 2003 National remodelling team 2004 Children’s Act 2005 Children’s Workforce Strategy. A Strategy to Build a World-Class Workforce for Children and Young People 2005 Extended schools: Access to Opportunities and Services for all 2007 10 Year Strategy, The Children’s Plan: Building Brighter Futures 2008 2020 Children and Young People’s Workforce Strategy

8 Children’s workforce remodelling Children’s Workforce Development Council established Children’s Workforce Network driving forward and integrated qualification framework

9 UCET’s Position Paper 2007 Cites that teachers in the future will “flourish in a different professional world” (Kirk and Broadhead, 2007)

10 Implications for teacher training and CPD

11 UCET, ECM and Teacher Education ‘Just as ECM calls for a re-conceptualisation of teaching so it also demands a re- conceptualisation of teacher education. It demands a re-structuring of the total programme in such a way that ECM principles become embedded and are made to permeate the student teachers’ university based studies and placement activities’ (Kirk and Broadhead, 2007)

12 The teaching profession will require a clear understanding of their role within integrated children’s services Implication for the delivery of teacher education in HEI’s Masters level programme in teaching and learning Leadership a key requisite

13 University of Wolverhampton – responding to change

14 Efficiency, effectiveness and value for money Capability and capacity of the ECM workforce, providers and leaders (including UoW workforce) Outcomes and benefits to learners Fit for purpose systems and business processes ECM Balanced Score Card for UoW

15 Engaging stakeholders Continual Professional Development –Creation of social networks –Creation of action learning sets –Embed IQF common core competences into CPD programs –Facilitation of CPD programs using the expertise of the regions best practice –Leadership and management as a core theme –Accreditation of existing programs developed by children’s services –The sharing of research locally through action learning sets –An ongoing seminar program required

16 Curriculum Development –Opportunities for reflective practice high priority –Joint placements – work based learning opportunities to be integrated and meaningful –Shared research – the evidence base for practice –Use of a common language across all modules to support multi agency working –Leadership qualification –Qualification for support staff working in integrated services

17 Staff development

18 Strengths  Staff skills and knowledge  Evidence of some positive existing collaborative working across schools  Support cross school teams  ICT and e-learning  Collaborative modules  Multi-professional placements  Commitment of staff  Executive investment in ECM  Staff exchange possibilities  Professional management accreditation by Institute Leadership and Management (ILM) & Chartered Institute Personal Development (CIP) Weaknesses  Rigidity of current structures  Validation procedures  Problems with rooms and timetables  No strategic process to manage relationships  No corporate image for ECM  Staff development programmes do not include inter-professional development  No common language for inter professional working

19 Opportunities  Opportunity to develop a world class ECM workforce within the University  To promote research to improve practice  Opportunities to create new markets and new products  Opportunity to strengthen stakeholder relationships  Opportunity to promote the University  Opportunity to evaluate new initiatives Threats  Reduction to existing provision  Time consuming process  Competition from existing providers  Problems with embedding long term sustainability  Changes to policies and practices  Budget devolution model  Large size of institution and need to include all staff

20 Teacher training programmes and CPD University now offers a 30 credit master’s level module to all newly qualified teachers (NQT’s) to support their reflective practice. Range of CPD opportunities to support ECM Masters in Teaching and Learning

21 Curriculum development

22 Integrated services for children and young people (ECM) Curriculum development Accreditation and validation CPD Inter professional teaching and learning experience

23 Foundation Degree in integrated services for children, young people and families (2008) MBA (integrated children’s services) (2009)

24 Thank you for listening

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