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Problem Based Lessons. Training Objectives 1. Develop a clear understanding of problem-based learning and clarify vocabulary issues, such as problem vs.

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Presentation on theme: "Problem Based Lessons. Training Objectives 1. Develop a clear understanding of problem-based learning and clarify vocabulary issues, such as problem vs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Problem Based Lessons

2 Training Objectives 1. Develop a clear understanding of problem-based learning and clarify vocabulary issues, such as problem vs. project, that often cause confusion 2. Explore examples of PBL (problem-based learning) integrating technology 3. Identify and write driving questions for PBL 4. Identify technology appropriate for a PBL 5. Design and share the plan for a complete PBL technology integrated lesson 6. Produce a scoring guide and exemplary student product for the lesson designed 7. Ultimately, completion of requirements for ICT Certification

3 Course Expectations 1. Participate in discussions, share ideas, and engage in the learning process. 2. Complete PBL Planning Forms in a manner that is professional, grammatically correct, and would allow any teacher to use your challenge. 3. Create an example of an exemplary student product 4. Create a rubric(s) that reflects your expectations for the student product.

4 What do we already know about problem-based learning? How does it connect with everything else?

5 What We Already Know

6 What is Problem-Based Learning? Watch and Discuss (including term used) Was there a rigorous, relevant problem to solve? How might such an approach affect student engagement? Discussion- What does PBL look like?

7 Pre-requisite Vocabulary STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, and a STEM School focuses on these subjects to help our nation's youth gain the skills required to succeed in today's challenging world. This includes the ability to think critically, solve complex problems, and drive advancements in science and technology. STEM Day at WCES

8 Pre-requisite Vocabulary Problem Based Learning vs. Project Based Learning - (Challenge Based Learning) - These words are often used interchangeably in the world of technology, and thus our resources, BUT the key is to focus on the problem and the process, as in the engineering cycle. Since it will likely take multiple class periods for students to complete, think of the entire process and the final outcome as a project. For our purposes, the entire project is based upon the problem-based learning experience.

9 Pre-requisite Vocabulary PBL is an instructional method that challenges students to "learn to learn," working cooperatively in groups to seek solutions to real world problems (Duch, 1995). Instead of starting with a standard and designing a lesson around it, teachers will start with a problem, concern, or challenge that is real and relevant to their students. The students will choose the method and media to attempt to solve the problem. Multiple standards are incorporated into the lesson and the solutions presented by the students show mastery of those standards.

10 Pre-requisite Vocabulary Driving Questions (Problem Statements) serve as a lighthouse for the lesson incorporate big ideas or themes require students to learn essential content and apply it engage students with authentic issues (The Buck Institute for Education and Boise State University, Department of Educational Technology)

11 Pre-requisite Vocabulary Inquiry gathering of data and information and then applying the gathered information to address the problem or task A student-centered, active learning approach focusing on questioning, critical thinking, and problem-solving. It's associated with the idea "involve me and I understand." (Eduscapes, 2007)

12 Backward Design Image from:

13 Backward design 1.Begin with the End in Mind - Great learning begins with planning for the end result. Design engaging, standards- based lessons that help students develop in-depth knowledge and important skills. 2. Craft the Driving Question - Write Driving Questions that spark interest and propel students through the lesson. 3. Plan the Assessment - Match lesson outcomes with assessment strategies and rubrics. 4. Map the Project - Plan for lesson success. 5. Manage the Project - Shift from being the "sage on the stage" to the guide on the side.

14 PBL in terms of the Engineering Cycle (STEM language) Image from:

15 PBL in terms of the Engineering Cycle (STEM language) 5 Steps in the Engineering Design Cycle Ask - Define a Problem Imagine - Brainstorm, Research and generate ideas, Identify criteria and specify constraints, Explore possibilities Plan - Select an approach, Develop a design proposal Create - Make a model or prototype, Test and Evaluate the design using specifications Improve - Refine the design, Create or make a solution, Communicate processes and results

16 How do they compare?

17 What does this mean for us as we develop lessons for our students? How can we tie all of these ideas together into our lesson plans? How will we measure student achievement? Document it? Use it? What is the role of the teacher when delivering PBLs?

18 The Driving Question A good Driving Question should: Drive the project Capture a project theme or a "big idea" Point students toward mastering content and skills that enable them to answer the question Not be easily solved or answered Driving Question for PBL? "How can I design a meaningful & effective project where students learn significant content and build 21st century skills?" Tip: Creating Driving Questions takes time and careful thought. Often, brainstorming with colleagues produces the best Driving Questions. Examples: Practice Recognizing Good Ones

19 Plan the Assessment 3 Steps to Planning Effective Assessments: Align the products or performances for the project with the outcomes Know what to assess - establish criteria to assess each product and performance Create rubrics for the project Each step includes several sub-steps, and should result in a balanced assessment plan. balanced assessment plan Align Products with Outcomes Know What to Assess 5 ways to Evaluate a Presentation or Project http://pbl- http://pbl- Using Rubrics and Examples Tips for Writing Rubrics http://pbl-

20 Map the Project Key Steps in Successful Project Planning Organize Tasks and Activities Decide How to Launch the Project Gather Resources Draw a "Storyboard" Planning Form Organize Tasks and Activities Launch the Project Gather the Resources Draw a Storyboard Practice

21 Manage the Process Key Steps in Managing Projects Share Project Goals with Students Use Problem-Solving Tools Use Checkpoints and Milestones Plan for Evaluation and Reflection Overview and Example Project Management Tools Using Problem-Solving Tools Using Checkpoints and Milestones http://pbl- Kinds of Checkpoints and Milestones http://pbl-

22 Problem Based Learning Let's tie it all together and develop a clear understanding of what Problem Based Learning is PBL is a learner-centered educational method PBL is based on real world problems The PBL learning process o learners encounter a problem and attempt to solve it  information they already possess  identify what they need to learn to better understand the problem  apply what they learned to their work with the problem

23 Problem Based Learning The PBL teacher is a facilitator The learning group is ideally in small groups of 5 to 7 learners PBL is a motivating way to learn

24 Problem Based Learning The objectives of PBL is to produce learners who will: Engage the problems they face in life and career with initiative and enthusiasm Problem-solve effectively using an integrated, flexible and usable knowledge base Employ effective self-directed learning skills to continue learning as a lifetime habit Continuously monitor and assess the adequacy of their knowledge, problem-solving and self-directed learning skills Collaborate effectively as a member of a group

25 go to wiki for guided practice earning

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