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Problem of non-Blocking Synchronous mode Group Name: ARC WG Source: Yuan Tao, Mitch Tseng, Huawei Technologies Meeting Date: ARC 15.0 Agenda Item: TBD.

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Presentation on theme: "Problem of non-Blocking Synchronous mode Group Name: ARC WG Source: Yuan Tao, Mitch Tseng, Huawei Technologies Meeting Date: ARC 15.0 Agenda Item: TBD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Problem of non-Blocking Synchronous mode Group Name: ARC WG Source: Yuan Tao, Mitch Tseng, Huawei Technologies Meeting Date: ARC 15.0 Agenda Item: TBD

2 Introduction The non-Blocking synchronous mode is used in the situation that the Originator can not wait a long time. – A resource shall be created on each Receiver CSE in the mode. Creation of resource to be a requisite may result in failure of request, and massive overhead. This contribution is to address this issue. © 2015 oneM2M Partners 2

3 Present solution (1/2) © 2015 oneM2M Partners 3 Transit CSEs shall retrieve the results and update resource resource shall be created on every Transit CSE besides Hosting CSE Issue: In most cases, results requested by the originator is not useful to the Transit CSE.

4 © 2015 oneM2M Partners 4 If the Transit CSE cannot create the resource, then it responds with a failure indicator Present solution (2/2) Issue: In case the Receiver CSE (Transit CSE or Hosting CSE) can not create a resource (e.g. the resource type is not supported, a node has a constrained memory), the request is failed.

5 Considerations © 2015 oneM2M Partners 5 Creation of resource shall not be the requisite to every Transit CSEs, whether to create it or not should be determined by the Transit CSE. The fact is only the CSEs which have created a resource needs retrieval of result. Consequently, the Receiver CSE should be aware the previous creator of the resource and send the response with address of resource.

6 Proposed solution (1/3) © 2015 oneM2M Partners 6 A Request Resource Creator parameter - To indicate the Receiver CSE that it could decide if it is to create a internal resource. - To indicate a return address where to send a response with address of resource. A Transit CSE then does not have to create a resource, and it just forwards the request. If a Transit CSE creates resource, it shall set the Request Resource Creator parameter to its own CSE-ID.

7 Proposed solution (2/3) © 2015 oneM2M Partners 7 Scenario 1: 1. Transit CSE1 creates a resource, and set the Request Resource Creator parameter to 'CSE1-ID‘; 2. Hosting CSE sends the response with the address of to Transit CSE3 according to Request Resource Creator parameter.

8 Proposed solution (3/3) © 2015 oneM2M Partners 8 Scenario 2: 1. Transit CSE1 creates resource, and set the Request Resource Creator parameter to ‘CSE1-ID'. 2. Transit CSE3 creates resource, and update the Request Resource Creator parameter to 'CSE3-ID', and sends the response to Transit CSE1. 3. Hosting CSE sends the response to Transit CSE3.

9 Thanks © 2015 oneM2M Partners 9

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