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Mary Abbott Critical thinking and you 1. I have tried my hand at writing critical challenges. 2. I have read lots of critical challenges others have.

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Presentation on theme: "Mary Abbott Critical thinking and you 1. I have tried my hand at writing critical challenges. 2. I have read lots of critical challenges others have."— Presentation transcript:


2 Mary Abbott

3 Critical thinking and you 1. I have tried my hand at writing critical challenges. 2. I have read lots of critical challenges others have created. 3. I have implemented critical challenges others have created. 4. I am new to the critical thinking model.

4 Criteria for a critical challenge

5 - invites a reasoned judgment among plausible options in light of criteria - meaningful and engaging for students - develops key aspects of the curriculum - focused to limit requisite tools

6 -invites a reasoned judgment among plausible options in light of criteria - meaningful and engaging for students - develops key aspects of the curriculum - focused to limit requisite tools Based on the clues make a reasonable guess about what might be in the box.

7 -invites a reasoned judgment among plausible options in light of criteria - meaningful and engaging for students - develops key aspects of the curriculum - focused to limit requisite tools Based on the clues make a reasonable guess about what might be in the box.

8 How are local governments structured in urban and rural settings? -invites a reasoned judgment among plausible options in light of criteria - meaningful and engaging for students - develops key aspects of the curriculum - focused to limit requisite tools

9 How are local governments structured in urban and rural settings? -invites a reasoned judgment among plausible options in light of criteria - meaningful and engaging for students - develops key aspects of the curriculum - focused to limit requisite tools

10 Rank order the three most economically sound solutions to revitalizing the Haslem creek fish habitat. -invites a reasoned judgment among plausible options in light of criteria - meaningful and engaging for students - develops key aspects of the curriculum - focused to limit requisite tools

11 Rank order the three most economically sound solutions to revitalizing the Haslem creek fish habitat. -invites a reasoned judgment among plausible options in light of criteria - meaningful and engaging for students - develops key aspects of the curriculum - focused to limit requisite tools

12 Compare your life with the life of a child in Egypt.


14 Who would you like to be in the story? -invites a reasoned judgment among plausible options in light of criteria - meaningful and engaging for students - develops key aspects of the curriculum - focused to limit requisite tools

15 Who would you like to be in the story? -invites a reasoned judgment among plausible options in light of criteria - meaningful and engaging for students - develops key aspects of the curriculum - focused to limit requisite tools

16 Critique the piece Judge the better or best Rework the piece Decode the puzzle Design to specs Perform to specs


18 Scaffolding critical challenges What?When?Example Culminating critical challenge at the end of a unit What is the greatest legacy of Ancient Egypt? Intermediate critical challenge class or two at the end of a section What are the 5 most significant events of this time period? Regular critical challenge 2-4 sessions throughout a unit Develop complete and believable explanations of your drawings. Mini challenge one session What are the five most important ideas in this paragraph?

19 TC 2 Model of Critical Thinking Community of Thinkers Critical Challenges Teach and Assess the Intellectual Tools Background Knowledge Critical Thinking Vocabulary Thinking Strategies Habits of Mind Criteria for Judgment


21 En Enduring understanding Critical challenge judgment engaging important focused Designing critical challenges

22 Critical challenge Background Knowledge Criteria for judgment Thinking vocabulary Thinking strategies Habits of mind Judgment engaging important focused

23 Critical challenge Background Knowledge Criteria for judgment Thinking vocabulary Thinking strategies Habits of mind judgment engaging important focused

24 Critical challenge Background Knowledge Criteria for judgment Thinking vocabulary Thinking strategies Habits of mind judgment engaging important focused

25 Critical challenge Background Knowledge Criteria for judgment Thinking vocabulary Thinking strategies Habits of mind judgment engaging important focused

26 Critical challenge Background Knowledge Criteria for judgment Thinking vocabulary Thinking strategies Habits of mind judgment engaging important focused

27 Create a powerful headline for the paragraph Background Knowledge Criteria for judgment Thinking vocabulary Thinking strategies Habits of mind Judgment engaging important focused

28 Scaffolding critical challenges What?When?Example Culminating critical challenge at the end of a unit What is the greatest legacy of Ancient Egypt? Intermediate critical challenge class or two at the end of a section What are the 5 most significant events of this time period? Regular critical challenge 2-4 sessions throughout a unit Develop complete and believable explanations of your drawings. Mini challenge one session What are the five most important ideas in this paragraph?

29 Create a powerful headline for the paragraph Background Knowledge Criteria for judgment Thinking vocabulary Thinking strategies Habits of mind Judgment engaging important focused Criteria for a Powerful Headline: informative engaging concise knowledge of paragraph knowledge of context awareness of play on words Key words Web: key ideas Play on words (bias)

30 Create a powerful headline for the paragraph Background Knowledge Criteria for judgment Thinking vocabulary Thinking strategies Habits of mind Judgment engaging important focused Criteria for a Powerful Headline: informative engaging concise knowledge of paragraph knowledge of context awareness of play on words Key words Web: key ideas Play on words LESSON ACTIVITIES

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