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Which Program best suits YOU? Certified Nursing Assistant Emergency Medical Technician Health Information Technology Health Professions Licensed Practical.

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2 Which Program best suits YOU? Certified Nursing Assistant Emergency Medical Technician Health Information Technology Health Professions Licensed Practical Nurse Registered Nurse

3 Nursing Professionals

4 HIM Employability Workshop A GREAT opportunity for students to get some “real- world” information, network with others in the field, and prepare for the next step. Helping students land the perfect job after graduation. HIM students enjoyed an employer panel session where students were given more information about what they can expect on the job.

5 Capping and Pinning Ceremony The Nightingale Pledge is recited as a “Right of Passage” into the profession of Nursing for both LPN and RN students.

6 EMT (Practice makes Perfect)

7 Certified Nursing Assistant The beginning of a Journey Tamra Bevill, BSN, RN Instructor

8 Activity With a partner, ask each other why you are choosing to enter the Health Professions field. Example: Why do you want to become a _____? Then keep asking questions to dig deeper into the reasons they are choosing that profession.

9 What were some of the things that were mentioned for choosing a Health Related Profession?  I like to help people  Job Opportunities  Good Pay  Career Change  Marketable Skills, ect.

10 Ozarka College offers: 1. CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant) 2. EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) 3. Health Professions (Technical Certificate) 4. HIT (Associate of Applied Science Degree in – Health Information Technology). 5. LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse-Technical Certificate) 6. RN (Associate of Applied Science Degree in – Registered Nursing).

11 CNA 1. The CNA program has open enrollment. 2. It can be completed in one semester or in eight weeks depending on the schedule. 3. There is a college credit and non-credit option for CNA. 4. Students must enroll in both Health Skills I and II concurrently(at the same time). 5. The program is currently offered in the evening. 7. Students earn a certificate of proficiency for Certified Nursing Assistant and must take the Certification exam through Prometric.

12 EMT 1. The EMT program has open enrollment. 2. It can be completed in one semester. 3. The program is currently offered in the evening. 4. Requires ride time on an ambulance. 5. Requires time logged in an Emergency Room. 6. Students earn a Certificate of Proficiency for Emergency Medical Technician and must take the State Registry Exam for Certification to practice.

13 Health Information Technology This Associate of Applied Science in HIT degree prepares people for careers in Medical Coding/Billing/Transcription. Terminology Ethics/Professionalism Transcription Medical Billing/Coding Office Procedures Management and other general studies

14 Health Professions (TC) This Technical Certificate prepares someone to work in the medical office/CNA or EMT. Applies in part to the AAS in HIT degree. Does not include: Coding Billing of Insurance Transcription or other upper level courses

15 The LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) program is a Technical Certificate and is offered at the Melbourne, Ash Flat, and Mountain View sites. Job market in:  Rural Hospitals  Doctors Offices  Long Term Care  Home Care  Hospice Upon graduation you must pass National Licensure Exam (NCLEX-PN) in order to practice. LPN (TC)

16 Melbourne (Daytime Program) 1. This program lasts three semesters. 2. No Summer Classes. 3. 20 students are admitted for the program starting in August. (Fall Semester) 4. 20 students are admitted for the program starting in January. (Spring Semester)

17 Melbourne Nighttime & Weekend 1. This program lasts 11 months. 2. It starts in August (Fall Semester) and ends on or about June 30. 3. 20 students are accepted.

18 Ash Flat Site-11 month program 1. This program lasts 11 months. 2. It starts in August (Fall Semester) and ends on or about June 30. 3. 20 students are accepted.

19 Mountain View-11 month program 1. This program lasts 11 months. 2. It starts in August (Fall Semester) and ends on or about June 30. 3. 20 students are accepted.

20 Admission Criteria Admission to the LPN Program is based on a point system. Points are earned by doing the following things: I. Completing the (4) pre-requisites with a grade of “C” or better. The pre-requisites are the following: 1. ENGL 1103 Technical Writing or ENGL 1013 English Composition I 2. NRSG 1213 Math for Nurses. 3. LPN 1204 Body Structure and Function or Anatomy & Physiology I and II with Labs. 4. NUTR 2203 Basic Human Nutrition. Note: Enrollment into Technical Writing, English Composition, and Math for Nurses are based on placement scores.

21 Admission Testing/Experience II. Completing the TEAS Test. III. Completing the Wonderlic Scholastic Level Exam. IV. Having Experience in a Health Care Setting.

22 Making Application 1. Apply Online for Admission to Ozarka College (this is not the LPN application at this point only admission to Ozarka College). Select LPN for Area of Major, and submit required admissions documents. Also, you need to be enrolled in or have completed the required pre-requisite courses. If transferring, please have official transcripts sent directly to the Ozarka Admissions office from the previous college you attended.

23 2. Complete a second Ozarka College On-line Application for Admission to the LPN program. Fall LPN applications are accepted between February 1 and the April 1 deadline. Spring LPN applications are accepted between September 1 and the November 1 deadline. 3. Sign up to take the Wonderlic Scholastic Level Exam and the Nursing Entrance Test (TEAS) prior to the test date as directed by the Admissions office. (Test results cannot be released by telephone and students may only test once per semester.)

24 4. If applying to the Fall LPN program complete campus preference sheet available in the Nursing Department. The Spring Program is on the Melbourne Campus only.  Failure to complete each step or not receiving the necessary transcripts or documents will result in an incomplete file and the applicant will not be considered.  Students with the highest compiled scores will be invited into the ensuing class.  Mid-term grades may be used for scoring (must be a C or higher) but must be maintained until completion of the semester.  In the case of a tie, date and time of application will determine class placement.

25 RN Program (1+1 Bridge) Arkansas Rural Nurse Education Consortium-ARNEC 1. Students must hold a current unencumbered LPN license. 2. This program starts in January (Spring Semester) and ends in December each year. 3. 40 students are admitted through Ozarka College 4. Lectures are delivered via interactive video on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:30-8:30.

26 5. Clinicals are held on the weekends, both Saturday and Sunday, alternating between groups. Each group attends clinicals 9 hours each day every other weekend on a rotating basis. 6. Testing over content is on the computer mainly every Tuesday. Some benchmark testing is on Thursday. 7. A student convention is held yearly where all students from the existing 8 consortium member colleges meet to interact. This is usually centrally located in Little Rock but can be anywhere in the state. Travel and expenses are paid by the student, and attendance is mandatory.

27 8. The application deadline is August 31, applications are obtained in the admissions office or application packets can be downloaded from Once completed you can turn them into the admissions office. Pre-requisite courses are also listed on this website. 9. Only one pre-requisite course can be remaining; you must be enrolled in it at the time of application and it must be completed by the end of the fall semester before classes begin.

28 Acceptance into the RN program Based on a point system as follows: 1. GPA in the required pre-requisite courses. Courses have to be completed with a “C” or better. 2. The STEP Test Note: The STEP Exam is given to students applying to the RN program as part of the application process. Students who are accepted into the program must also pass a Math competency test with a 90 or higher in order to secure a seat in the RN program. Upon graduation you must pass National Licensure Exam (NCLEX-RN) in order to practice.

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