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Web: Facebook: UserGroup.

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1 web: twitter: @sdadug Facebook: UserGroup

2 Replace All Extension Manager, Untitled Documents & Much More Come To Linux Open With… Brackets [Windows] Experimental Live Development for HTML Brackets Sprint 30 Build Download:

3 Download: Adobe Edge Reflow (Preview 3) Design the responsive web. Edge Reflow CC now connects directly to Photoshop CC. Seamlessly import assets, content and shapes directly onto Reflow’s surface, creating a starting point for your responsive designs.

4 Smart Objects + Images Import layers, groups and Smart Objects as image assets into your Reflow project. Simply add ‘.png' or ‘.jpg' to the layer names in your PSD. Edge Web Fonts + Typekit Migrate the desktop fonts in Photoshop to the Edge Web Fonts and Typekit fonts in Reflow. Shape Layers + Layer Effects Rectangular shape layers come cleanly into Reflow, as HTML and CSS, maintaining rounded corners, gradients and an ever expanding set of layer effects.


6 Dreamweaver CC Updated Color Picker Cloud Sync enhancements CSS Designer enhancements Live Highlight Context save and restore Code View improvements Line number highlighting Tag and attribute highlighting Code hinting for CSS Selectors Keyboard shortcut to move to start or end of current line Chromium Embedded Framework integration PHP 5.4 support



9 This is your app on Web Components Thursday, September 19, 2013 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM (MDT) Web Components are a bleeding edge draft to the W3C, proposed to enable the creation of reusable, encapsulated components for the web. This session is a peek into the requisite building blocks of components along with a vision of the potential future this technology could offer to web developers. In this session, you will learn the terminology, how the pieces fit together and just a bit about the Polymer project, which allows you to take many of these ideas from theory to practice today.

10 CREATE NOW — LOS ANGELES Regal LA LIVE Stadium 14 Tuesday, October 29, 2013

11 Sessions October 22 & 23 Training October 21, 24, 25 The HTML5 Developer Conference has grown to become the highest attended HTML5, JavaScript, and Web Development conference in the world. Providing tracks on Javascript, HTML5, Apps and Games, client, server, and mobile. HTML5DevConf boasts renowned speakers and leading edge sessions at the most developer friendly price on the planet


13 Member Showcase!

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