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12 th April 2015 Innovative Training Methodologies: e-learning Indian experience in e-Governance training for Government Dr. Piyush Gupta Associate Vice.

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1 12 th April 2015 Innovative Training Methodologies: e-learning Indian experience in e-Governance training for Government Dr. Piyush Gupta Associate Vice President

2 2 e-Governance is about Transformation InfoThela

3 NeGP Capacity Building objective To develop requisite capacities within Government to design and implement e-Governance initiatives.

4 e-Governance requires different set of knowledge, skills and attitudinal training Training is not on priority list by most departments e-Governance project team member selection is not by choice or required competency Mostly busy officers are deputed on e-Governance projects as additional work No time for classroom training No training linked performance incentive in Government system

5 These are inherent constraints in Government systems. We need to adopt highly effective training/learning methodologies to mitigate these constraints.

6 Develop Credit based system leading to recognition & Certifications ILT Classroom learning e-learning – Synchronous; Asynchronous Virtual Classroom Webinar Stand alone digital learning Innovative Blended Learning methodologies

7 e-Governance : Pilot eLearning Courses 2014 Objectives 1.Spread knowledge about e-Governance, overcoming the barriers of geographical distance and time; 2.Provide continuous, self-paced learning opportunities to Government employees; 3.Facilitate life-long learning for our participants, using blended learning approaches for our standard trainings.



10 Three courses administered in e-learning mode 1.Introduction to e-Governance 2.Introduction to e-Governance Project Life Cycle 3.Introduction to Government Process Re-engineering (GPR)  Total hours of learning: 7  Used ppt with voice over audio, faculty video, Quiz, champions video shots, reference resources.  Used Cloud LMS model (TalentLMS).  One month time given for completion to participant.  No. of participants targeted for Pilot: 85 e-Governance : Pilot eLearning Courses 2014

11 Over 70% respondents Did not face any issues with connection/access. 100% respondents Found the course/s to be easy to navigate. Over 95% responded Course/s fulfilled their stated objectives and learning outcomes.

12 Over 80% responded Course/s met their expectations. Over 95% responded Course/s provided the basic knowledge in a manner that is easy to understand and apply. Over 91% responded Would recommend course/s to others.

13 1.Scattered availability of training courses – Single window front-end portal under DoPT – Develop credit based Recognition/Certification plan – Monitor and Evaluate the learning – Re-usability of content 2.Adhoc approach for identifying participants – Align training courses to Role based Competencies – Link with Government HRMS 3.Lack of resources within government to develop e- learning content – Leverage technical resources from industry and domain resources from Government – Setup Institutional Centre of Excellence within selected ATI’s Food for Thought……

14 e-Governance is a journey, Not the destination…. Training efforts are costly, BUT not to Train is still costlier

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