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1 Justin Wilkes Public Affairs Advisor European Wind Energy Association RESTMAC workshop Warsaw 11 October 2007 Achieving the 180 GW of wind power in Europe.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Justin Wilkes Public Affairs Advisor European Wind Energy Association RESTMAC workshop Warsaw 11 October 2007 Achieving the 180 GW of wind power in Europe."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Justin Wilkes Public Affairs Advisor European Wind Energy Association RESTMAC workshop Warsaw 11 October 2007 Achieving the 180 GW of wind power in Europe

2 2 Contents Achieving the 180 GW of wind power in Europe Background to EWEA State of play Future trends Legislative developments ‘Trading mechanism’

3 3 What is the European Wind Energy Association? EWEA is the voice of the wind industry, actively promoting the utilisation of wind power in Europe and worldwide for the past 25 years. Resources are focussed on lobbying, communication and policy activities, and responding to enquiries from our member organisations.

4 4 Where is the wind energy sector today?

5 5 Europe has: 80% global manufacturing share Annual market value of ~€ 9bn 72% capacity in 2 countries 75,000 jobs Generates 3% of EU electricity

6 6 EU new capacity installations in 2006 Cyprus, Estonia, Latvia, Luxembourg, Malta, Slovenia, Slovakia: no new wind power installations in 2006.

7 7 EU capacity installations 1996-2005 (MW) – Is wind energy small scale? Source: Platts/EWEA In 2006 New gas: 18.5 GW New wind: 7.5 GW

8 8 Where will the wind energy sector be in the longer term? EWEA forecasts

9 9 Recent changes in the EU legal framework  Green Paper on Energy Supply (March 2006)  Strategic Energy Review (January 2007)  20% RE binding target for 2020 (March 2007)  Commission proposal expected 5 December 2007 The wind energy sector is in a position to substantially contribute to the achievement of the target, with a capacity of at least 180 GW

10 10 Key issues for the wind energy sector now The 20% target for RES is in principle very positive for the sector, but… MANY UNCERTAINTIES REMAIN: What will the new “framework” legislation look like? How to ensure a fair share of the target for each country? What tools will Member States use to ensure that the targets are met?

11 11 What the sector needs to achieve the 180 GW (1) No uncertainty in the negotiation process The new “framework” legislation should maintain key elements of Directive 2001/77/EC. Full re-discussion is not appropriate The wind energy sector does not want an EU harmonised payment mechanism at this stage. an EU-wide internal electricity market and effective competition must be achieved first.

12 12 What the sector needs to achieve the 180 GW (2) Each national plan must contain sector-specific targets that will become compulsory once adopted. Interim revisions should take place, but targets should not change easily National plans must take into account local resources but should be ambitious in all technologies An interim target for 2015 is appropriate

13 13 What the sector needs to achieve the 180 GW (3) A more ambitious R&D plan for wind from the EC (8th FP onwards) and the Member States is needed Grid building and fair grid access conditions are critical Offshore wind requires specific measures, particularly a Commissio Action Plan Competitive electricity markets are a pre-requisite for the effective deployment of wind in Europe

14 14 Trade Mechanism - the Main Questions to ask Will the introduction of trade make it easier for MS to meet their targets cost effectively? Will trade attract investors and increase their confidence? What impact will trade have on existing successful mechanisms? (NB: Trade is a tool, not an end-goal in itself)

15 15 Trade Mechanism - Our Main Concern National support schemes Grid access and strategic grid planning Planning and administrative procedures Public acceptance Costs How will trading impact national frameworks with regards to?

16 16

17 17 Thank you very much for your attention THE EUROPEAN WIND ENERGY ASSOCIATION RENEWABLE ENERGY HOUSE 63-65 RUE D’ARLON B-1040 BRUSSELS BELGIUM T: +32 2 546 1940 F: +32 2 546 1944 E:

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