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Observation of Coherent molecular oscillation : Herzberg-Teller type Wave Packet Motion in Porphyrin J-aggregates MIYASAKA Lab. Tetsuro KATAYAMA.

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Presentation on theme: "Observation of Coherent molecular oscillation : Herzberg-Teller type Wave Packet Motion in Porphyrin J-aggregates MIYASAKA Lab. Tetsuro KATAYAMA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Observation of Coherent molecular oscillation : Herzberg-Teller type Wave Packet Motion in Porphyrin J-aggregates MIYASAKA Lab. Tetsuro KATAYAMA

2 Contents “Observation of Herzberg - Teller-type Wave Packet Motion in Porphyrin J-Aggregates Studied by Sub-5-fs Spectroscopy” H. Kano, T. Saito,and T. Kobayashi. J. Phys. Chem. A, 2002, 106, 3445 Coherent molecular oscillation Franck-Condon type Wave Packet Motion Herzberg-Teller type Wave Packet Motion

3 Introduction N. F. Scherer, et al., JCP,1993, 99, 153 Coherent molecular oscillation observed by femtosecond transient spectroscopy Coherent molecular oscillation : コヒーレントな分子振動 Iodine : ヨウ素 (I 2 )

4 Coherent molecular oscillation Probe Pump Detector Delay Time Sample 0 0 t t A ⊿ A ⊿ τ ・ Photoinduced absorption ・ Photo-bleaching, stimulated emission Pump-probe spectroscopy Photoinduced (Transient) absorption : 過渡吸収 Stimulated emission : 誘導放 出 Photo-bleaching : ブリーチ

5 Franck-Condon type wave packet motion Linear coupling assuming harmonic oscillator Energy Nucleus separation ・ The curvature is the same. ・ Equilibrium nuclear position is different. ・ Coherent oscillation of transient absorption and stimulated emission are observed ・ Raman transitions causes wave packet motion in the ground state which can be observed in the photo-bleaching excited state ground state Franck-Condon type wave packet motion : フランクコンドン型波束運動 Raman transitions : ラマン遷移 Equilibrium nuclear position : 平衡核間距離 oscillate

6 Overtone was observed at 526nm probe for iodine 580 nm pump 580 nm probe 580 nm pump 526 nm probe 211 cm -1 420 cm -1 Overtone : 倍音 N. F. Scherer, et al., JCP,1993, 99, 153

7 Why was overtone observed ? Typical Franck-Condon type wave packet motion 524 nm Center Turning point 580 nm,480 nm I 2 excited state energy surfaces ground state N. F. Scherer, et al., JCP,1993, 99, 153

8 Theory Herzberg-Teller type wave packet motion Energy Nucleus separation ・ The curvature is the same. ・ No displacement between the equilibrium position. ・ Transition frequency do not depend on the wave packet position. ・ In Herzberg-Teller type model. Transition dipole moment depends on the wave packet position μ+δμ μ μ-δμ Herzberg-Teller type wave packet motion : ヘルツベルグテラー型波束運動 constant

9 Two types of wave packet motion Wavelength ⊿ Franck-Condon type Herzberg-Teller type A

10 Experimental Sample Tetraphenylporphine tetrasulfonic acid ( TPPS 4 ) ~ 2nm J-aggregate R. Rotomskis et al J. Phys. Chem.B, 2004, 108, 2833 J-aggregate : J会合体

11 AFM image of Macroscopic TPPS 4 J-aggregates AFM : 原子間力顕微鏡法 (AFM image) (Optical microscopy) Optical microscopy : 光学顕微鏡 R. Rotomskis et al J. Phys. Chem.B, 2004, 108, 2833

12 Stationary absorption and fluorescence at.Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2000, 47, 859 Stokes shift is very small (>20meV)

13 Transient absorption spectrum Photo-bleaching and stimulated emission Transient absorption 320fs

14 Probe wavelength dependence of the coherent oscillation Overtone wasn’t observed Amplitude Reversed at ~ 1.78eV

15 Resonance Raman spectrum ruffling mode It is attributed to out-of-plane ruffling mode

16 Frequency dependence of the initial phase and amplitude Initial phase is constant Amplitude is reversed around 1.78eV(697nm) It might not be Franck-Condon type

17 Oscillation was observed in the integrated signal Oscillation was also observed in the integrated signal from 1.65 to 1.91eV(752nm to 649nm) It might not be Franck-Condon type 247cm -1

18 Justification of Herzberg-Teller type 1 Stokes shift was small(>20meV) 2 Over tone wasn’t observed at any wavelength 3 Amplitude was reversed around 1.78eV but phase was constant. 4 Coherent oscillation was also observed from integrated signal

19 Summary The wave packet observed in the present study can be classified as a Herzberg-Teller type in contrast with the frequently studied conventional Franck-Condon type.

20 vibration : Window function

21 X-ray Crystallography Ⅰ

22 X-ray Crystallography Ⅱ

23 How know formation of j-aggregate? J-band

24 Dynamic IntensityBorrowing -Vibronic coupling -Configration interaction

25 Vibronic coupling parity-forbidden a vibration of the molecule can destroy the Inversion symmetry The removal of the centre of symmetry gives rise to a vibronically allowed transition.


27 Experimental Setup Laser system

28 Introduction Pump-Probe Spectroscopy Probe Pump Transmittance Detection Delay Time Sample

29 ・ What is Window function ?

30 J-aggregate

31 Why is Stokes shift small ? Frenkel exiciton : TPPS : Transition dipole moment

32 Frenkel exiciton make a mode strong Atkins,D.L. et al,J. Phys. Chem., 1996, 100, 14391

33 Problem Really was it observed ? E.A.Carson,et al.,J.phys.Chem.A 2004,108,1489-1500

34 Theory Herzberg-Teller type μ μ+δμ - δμ +δμ μ μ


36 Why does a wave packet form?

37 Results & Discussions Stationary absorption T. Ogawa et al..Chemical Physics Letters,2005,408,186 J-band (J-aggregate) (Monomer) The laser spectrum

38 Resonance Raman spectrum

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