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1 Making Payments on Mortgage Loans in CU*BASE Teller Processing A Visual Demonstration of Special Features for Handling Payments on CU*BASE Mortgage Loans.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Making Payments on Mortgage Loans in CU*BASE Teller Processing A Visual Demonstration of Special Features for Handling Payments on CU*BASE Mortgage Loans."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Making Payments on Mortgage Loans in CU*BASE Teller Processing A Visual Demonstration of Special Features for Handling Payments on CU*BASE Mortgage Loans (with the 360-Day Interest Calculation Type) Updated August 6, 2009 to include changes being made with the CU*BASE 9.2 Release

2 2 Scenario 1 Making a payment that is more than the regular payment amount

3 3 Payment amount being applied Regular payment amount (loan is not delinquent but there are outstanding fines due)

4 4 Making a payment that is more than the regular payment amount Choose how the payment should be applied (This window will not appear at all if making the exact regular payment amount) Fines (if any) are paid automatically, but only if sufficient extra funds are included in the payment This option goes to Payment Matrix Override for handling special situations

5 5 Making a payment that is more than the regular payment amount Transaction history showing the payment made (and fines paid, if applicable)

6 6 Making a payment that is more than the regular payment amount Secondary transaction description that will appear on the member’s statement

7 7 Making a payment that is more than the regular payment amount The second transaction shows the extra principal payment

8 8 Making a payment that is more than the regular payment amount The second transaction shows the extra principal payment

9 9 Making a payment that is more than the regular payment amount Another way to see the transaction information is to use this Toggle button

10 10 Making a payment that is more than the regular payment amount After toggling

11 11 Making a payment that is more than the regular payment amount The receipt shows the payment and principal-only transactions separately (as well as the fine payment if applicable) In effect, the receipt would be the same as a member payment coupon where the principal-only payment was broken out separately

12 12 Scenario 2 Making a principal-only payment

13 13 Making a principal-only payment Payment being made is less than the regular scheduled payment amount (including escrow, if applicable)

14 14 Making a principal-only payment Window confirms that a principal-only payment will be applied (No choices other than this because the amount is less than the regular payment amount.)

15 15 Making a principal-only payment Member’s statement will show the principal- only payment

16 16 Scenario 3 Making a payment on a delinquent loan

17 17 Making a payment on a delinquent loan This button will display a window with delinquency details All delinquent loans are highlighted on the teller posting screen Screen shows the amount needed to bring the loan current

18 18 Making a payment on a delinquent loan Delinquency information on this loan account

19 19 Making a payment on a delinquent loan Teller tries to make both the member’s delinquent and current payments at the same time

20 20 Making a payment on a delinquent loan The teller can back up and change the amount being applied CU*BASE warns that only one payment can be made at a time, or the remaining amount will be applied to principal

21 21 Making a payment on a delinquent loan Teller changes the amount of the payment being applied (Notice the cash back amount) Teller uses F11 to bring the cash-back balance forward and immediately return to this same member for the next transaction

22 22 Making a payment on a delinquent loan This screen is immediately displayed with the balance forwarded, and the same member account Teller can now enter the 2nd payment amount and post as usual (Notice the amount from the previous transaction)

23 23 Scenario 4 When a loan cannot be paid ahead

24 24 When a loan cannot be paid ahead Exact regular payment amount is being posted, but since the loan can’t be paid any further ahead, the entire amount will go toward principal

25 25 It’s Me 247 Making Payments on Mortgage Loans in It’s Me 247 Online Banking A Visual Demonstration of Special Features for Handling Payments on CU*BASE Mortgage Loans (with the 360-Day Interest Calculation Type) Updated August 6, 2009 to include changes being made with the CU*BASE 9.2 Release

26 26 Scenario 1 Making a payment that is more than the regular payment amount

27 27 Making a payment that is more than the regular payment amount Member can see information about the loan by clicking on the account name (or they can just click the Transfer Money button as usual)

28 28 Making a payment that is more than the regular payment amount Notice the amount due

29 29 Making a payment that is more than the regular payment amount The amount due is filled in automatically...

30 30 Making a payment that is more than the regular payment amount...but it can be changed to a different amount

31 31 Making a payment that is more than the regular payment amount It’s Me 247 Just like in CU*BASE, It’s Me 247 online banking will explain to the member exactly what will be done with the payment amount, giving the member two choices

32 32 Making a payment that is more than the regular payment amount

33 33 Making a payment that is more than the regular payment amount The transfers are shown immediately in the account details for the mortgage loan account, including the extra that was applied to principal

34 34 Scenario 2 Making a regular payment when a loan cannot be paid ahead

35 35 Making a regular payment when a loan cannot be paid ahead This time our member is making a regular payment amount, but the loan has already been paid forward as far as allowed

36 36 Making a regular payment when a loan cannot be paid ahead

37 37 Making a regular payment when a loan cannot be paid ahead The regular payment amount is still filled in automatically

38 38 Making a regular payment when a loan cannot be paid ahead The choices are different this time; since the loan can’t be paid ahead, the entire amount will be applied to principal, but the member could also cancel the transfer now and wait until next month

39 39 Making a regular payment when a loan cannot be paid ahead This link will help the member with questions about making mortgage payments online

40 40 Making a regular payment when a loan cannot be paid ahead After clicking the “Other Tips” link

41 41 Making a regular payment when a loan cannot be paid ahead Here are all of the available FAQs The answer to this one will change depending on whether or not this loan account can be paid ahead

42 42 Configuring for multiple participation partners by category Configurable day to calculate monthly interest amount to match PLP day of the month Can allow pay-ahead up to 9 periods to match PLP rule interpretation

43 Configuring payment controls for It’s Me 247 online banking 43 It’s Me 247 If you want to keep tight control on your delinquent loans, you can block payment of a delinquent loan via It’s Me 247 The F23-Audio/PC Bank option has new options for 360 mortgages

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