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Lecture 9 Object-Oriented Analysis

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1 Lecture 9 Object-Oriented Analysis
COP 4331 – OOD&P Lecture 9 Object-Oriented Analysis

2 Object-Oriented Analysis
Sample problem taken from Object-Oriented Modeling and Design by James Rumbaugh,, Prentice Hall, 1991. Automated Teller Machine

3 ATM Problem Statement Design the software to support a computerized banking network including both human cashiers and automatic teller machines (ATMs) to be shared by a consortium of banks. Each bank provides its own computer to maintain its own accounts and processes transactions against them. Cashier stations are owned by individual banks and communicate directly with their own bank's computers. Human cashiers enter account and transaction data. Automatic teller machines communicate with a central computer which clears transactions with the appropriate banks.

4 ATM Problem Statement (cont.)
An automatic teller machine accepts a cash card, interacts with the user, communicates with the central system to carry out the transaction, dispense cash, and prints receipts. The system requires appropriate recordkeeping and security provisions. The system must handle concurrent access to the same account correctly. The banks will provide their own software for their own computers; you are to design the software for the ATMs and the network. The cost of the shared system will be apportioned to the banks according to the number of customers with cash cards.

5 Identifying Object Classes
Extract nouns from problem statement Eliminate spurious classes Candidate nouns Software, Banking Network, Cashier, ATM, Consortium, Bank, Bank Computer, Account, Transaction, Cashier Station, Account Data, Transaction Data, Central Computer, Cash Card, User, Cash, Receipt, System, Recordkeeping Provision, Security Provision, Access, Cost, Customer

6 Identifying Object Classes.2
Characteristics of unnecessary or incorrect classes Redundant Irrelevant Vague Attributes Operations Roles Implementation Constructs

7 Identifying Object Classes.3
Classes Eliminated Vague: System, Recordkeeping Provision, Security Provision, Banking Network Redundant: User Irrelevant: Cost Attribute: Account Data, Receipt, Cash, Transaction Data Implementation: Access, Software

8 Identifying Object Classes.4
Remaining, Good Classes Account, ATM, Bank, Bank Computer, Cash Card, Cashier, Cashier Station, Central Computer, Consortium, Customer, Transaction Note: It is sometimes necessary to add classes based on domain knowledge that are not part of the problem statement

9 Identifying Associations
Associations often correspond to stative verbs or verb phrases including Location Directed actions Communication Ownership Satisfaction of a condition

10 Identifying Associations.2
Candidate verb phrases Banking network includes cashiers and ATMs Consortium shares ATMs Bank provides bank computer Bank computer maintain accounts Bank computer processes transaction against account Bank owns cashier station Cashier station communicates with bank computer Cashier enters transaction for account

11 Identifying Associations.2
Candidate verb phrases (cont.) ATMs communicate with bank computer Central computer clears transaction with bank ATM accepts cash card ATM interacts with user ATM dispenses cash ATM prints receipt System handles concurrent access Banks provide software Cost apportioned to banks

12 Identifying Associations.3
Implicit verb phrases Consortium consists of banks Bank holds account Consortium owns central computer System provides recordkeeping System provides security Customers have cash cards Problem domain relationships Cash card accesses accounts Bank employs cashiers

13 Identifying Associations.4
Discard unnecessary or incorrect associations Associations involving eliminated classes Irrelevant or implementation associations Actions Derived associations Ternary associations Misnamed associations Role names Qualified associations Seek missing associations

14 Identifying Associations.4
Associations involving eliminated classes Costs, receipts, cash, system, software Irrelevant or implementation associations Concurrent access Actions Accepts cash card, Interacts with user Ternary associations Processes transaction against account Derived associations Misnamed associations Role names Qualified associations

15 Adding Attributes Attributes are properties But NOT other objects Name
Card code Password Cash on hand Date-time Balance

16 Developing An Object Model
Draw rectangles for objects Add associations Add multiplicities Revise for inheritance Consider further revision for simplification and clarity

17 Use Case Diagram and Interaction Diagrams
Develop Use Case Diagram Develop Example Interaction Diagram

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