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SYS366 Requirements Development – Shared Vision and Product Position Statement.

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Presentation on theme: "SYS366 Requirements Development – Shared Vision and Product Position Statement."— Presentation transcript:

1 SYS366 Requirements Development – Shared Vision and Product Position Statement

2 Definition of a Project A Project is a sequence of unique, complex, and connected activities having one goal or purpose and that must be completed by a specific time, within budget, and according to specification. ( Larman, p. 65)

3 Creating a shared vision After the initial set of stakeholder representatives has been assembled to work on the project, the first thing to do is to create a vision of the system that they can all share. To be effective, this vision must provide a shared understanding of the problem to be solved and unify the various stakeholder perspectives. (Bitner & Spence, p. 68) 3

4 Vision To be able to achieve a truly collaborative and cooperative working environment, it is essential that everyone involved in the project share the same vision of the project and the system to be built. ( Bitner & Spence, p. 68) 4

5 Vision If there is no shared vision, then it will be very difficult to: Actively involve the stakeholder representatives in the project Assess whether real progress is being made Manage the project scope Validate the decisions made in the day-to-day running of the project Bring new developers or stakeholder representatives into the project Have effective communication among the stakeholders ( Bitner & Spence, p. 68) 5

6 Product Position Statement Every system should be built for at least one good reason. Team should be able to state in clear terms what the system does and why it does it. ( Bitner and Spence, p.80) 6

7 Product Position Statement Product position statement is a key element of the vision Reminds people about all of the things that must be considered when establishing a vision for the system. Gives everyone a common high-level understanding of what the system does. (Bitner & Spence, p. 80) 7

8 Template for Product Position Statement For(target customer) Who(statement of the need or opportunity The(product name) is a (product category) That(statement of the key benefit, that is, compelling reason to buy) Unlike(primary competitive alternative) Our Product(statement of primary differentiation)

9 Example of a Product Position Statement The Product Position statement for an ATM ForCurrent account-holding customers WhoRequire instant access to their account details that the funds they contain TheSuper ATM is an automated teller machine ThatProvides the ability to perform simple bank transactions (such as withdrawing or depositing funds, or transferring funds between accounts) UnlikeAccessing funds and details over the counter at the branch Our ProductIs available 24 hours a day and does not require the assistance of a bank teller

10 Exercise Individually: – Create a product position statement for the new management system that the doctors want developed using the template in the PID you started for PetVet Animal Clinic.

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