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Cultural development, languages... Physical development through sports Moral development: – Coexeistence and respect for each other – Self in new situations.

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Presentation on theme: "Cultural development, languages... Physical development through sports Moral development: – Coexeistence and respect for each other – Self in new situations."— Presentation transcript:


2 Cultural development, languages... Physical development through sports Moral development: – Coexeistence and respect for each other – Self in new situations – Honesty, openly expressed – Friendship BRING VALUE TO YOUTH PEOPLE

3 Who are we and how are we organized?

4 Who is Minairó?

5 DIRECTED ACTIVITIES  CLASSES Native teachers  OLYMPIC GAMES Counselors  WORKSHOPS Theater company  MAGIC EVENINGS Theatre company

6 APPROXIMATE SCHEDULE From monday to friday 8:00 Get up 9:00 Breakfast 9:30 Language classes 13:00 Lunch 14:15 Meeting 14:30 Workshops 17:30 Snack 18:00 Olympic games 20:00 Dinner 21:00 Night activities 22 :30 Bedtime weekend Excursions Walks around Rol games Awards Concerts...

7 Placement test on arrival Grouped by age and level 20 hours / week Classes of 12 students maximum Total language immersion Native teachers with experience Classes prepared with worksheets Final report for parents and delivery of work in a folder CLASSES English or spanish

8 Grouped by level on arrival 24 hours / week Teachers with titulation and experience Classes of instruments, band and concerts outside Final report for parents and delivery of work in a folder MUSIC BAND CLASSES

9 All meals prepared by a nutritionist according to diet 2 menus to choose according to taste Considered celiac intolerance, religion,... Campers eat with monitors Menus

10 Participants can choose how to enjoy freetime afterlunch within a controlled framework, boardgames, table tennis, walking, photography contest, TV, reading,... Afterlunch

11 Workshops structured in 4 types: Body expression: Dance, mime, clown... Image and characterization: masks, disguises... Circus: Fire workshop, juggling, stilts... Music: Percussion, singing, musical instruments Workshops

12 Campers are grouped into teams and in every team has three age groups: beginners, pioners & seniors They compete in team sports and individual Basquet, futbol, swimming pool, orientation, sets of tracks, zip line, ping pong,... Olympic games

13 Magic evenings Week 1Week 2Week 3 WednesdayArrival festival ThursdayCasino Casino + theatre gangsters Saloon + theatre far west FridayKaraokeMedieval DinnerEarth festival SaturdayDiscoNight dancesNight party SundayFire festivalWater festivalWitches party MondayMask festival Fancy dress festival Folk dances Tuesday Minairó awards + magic, clowns juggling Minairó awards + Legends, theatre Minairó awards + Story teller

14 Magic evenings

15 There is a weekly excursion to see the sights around Excursions

16 Where are we?

17 At the ski resort of La Molina On som?

18 They can contact their children : By phone at the phone camp or with the child’s mobile out of drived activities. Urgencies 24 hours(urgency mobile) By mail. Form will be given to children when meals Parents

19 Emergency mobile(camp director) Recommended schedule calls: from 13:30 to 14:00 and from 20:30 to 21:00 These recommendation and other relevant information will be sent to parents together with the place confirmation. Parental information

20 Standing guard at the camp house. Day and night Counselors sleep with campers at the house Separated rooms for boys and girls. Control of medicines Guaranteed health care Control of money To know

21 Future is here! Don’t think about it, MINAIRÓ PASSIONATES THEM!!

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