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Mrs Smith, Mrs Haycocks & Mrs Stokes Ms Stone Mrs Wickham, Mrs Webb, Mrs Sedar, Mrs Adams, Mrs Williams.

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Presentation on theme: "Mrs Smith, Mrs Haycocks & Mrs Stokes Ms Stone Mrs Wickham, Mrs Webb, Mrs Sedar, Mrs Adams, Mrs Williams."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mrs Smith, Mrs Haycocks & Mrs Stokes Ms Stone Mrs Wickham, Mrs Webb, Mrs Sedar, Mrs Adams, Mrs Williams

2 Literacy Reading Writing SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) Spellings Handwriting Groupings Literacy Homework Spellings will be given on a Friday & tested on the following Friday. One other homework task will normally be set on a Friday to be in on a Thursday. Please hear your child read at home at least 3 times per week – children will gain a dolphin point when 3 signatures are seen in their homework diaries within a week. N.B. – There is a folder/drawer in each classroom with spare homework sheets if the child is away or has lost their copy.

3 Numeracy Number and the Number System Times Tables – 40 Tables Geometry and Measures Data Handling Problem Solving Groupings Maths Homework One piece of Maths homework will be given out on a Wednesday and to be handed in by the following Tuesday. In addition, children need to practise their times tables for their 40 tables test which is first thing on Monday morning. N.B. – There is a folder/drawer in each classroom with spare homework sheets if the child is away or has lost their copy.

4 Core Subjects – Science, RE, ICT (which will be taught through other subjects in a more creative way.) Topics History – The Celts and The Romans Geography – Comparing our local area to another in the UK, Mapping Skills Potential trips to Roman Baths and Elm Farm, Burnett PE Kit: Indoor – Tuesday– shorts, house t-shirt Outdoor – Wednesday– shorts/jogging bottoms, house t- shirt, navy school sweatshirt, trainers Long hair tied back, earrings covered with tape or removed

5 Art – Kandinsky, Georgia O’Keefe, Andy Warhol D&T – Units to include: Money Containers, Pop-up Books, Salad Please note that there may be a nominal cost or provision of ingredients / materials involved and we hope you will support your child in this. N.B. These may change due to the revised curriculum.

6 MONDAYTUESDAYWEDNESDAYTHURSDAYFRIDAY REGISTRATION Maths MathsMrs Stokes’ Literacy Group – Literacy Mrs Smith’s Literacy Group - PE Maths Assembly ( in class Friday) Break Guided Reading Guided Reading Guided Reading Literacy NumeracyLiteracy LUNCH Handwriting SciencePEMrs Stokes’ Literacy Group – PE Mrs Smith’s Literacy Group - Literacy ArtMusic - Drumming PSHEScience / TopicBoth Classes - RETopicFrench

7 We Value: Treating others as we would like to be treated Being respectful and polite to everyone Honesty Silence at agreed times of the day Careful listening when others are speaking Working quietly and allowing others to do the same Following instructions sensibly Keeping myself and others safe Caring for our school environment

8 BLP – Building Learning Power

9 Equipment your child will need every day Dolphin Reward System Toilet breaks Water bottles Star of the week Work of the week Healthy snack Art shirts Information board School trips


11 Thank you for attending this meeting to support your child in Year 4. If you need to speak to any of the teachers at any point this year please feel free to contact the office to arrange a mutually convenient time, or write us a note in the reading record and ask your child to show it to us.

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