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January 21-24 10 th grade. Tuesday 10 th grade 4 th period  You need your language books.

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Presentation on theme: "January 21-24 10 th grade. Tuesday 10 th grade 4 th period  You need your language books."— Presentation transcript:

1 January 21-24 10 th grade

2 Tuesday 10 th grade

3 4 th period  You need your language books.

4 21 January 2014  Do Now: Turn in your bellringer from last week. Make sure to grab a new sheet for this week.  If you have a late sonnet project, please put it in the late/makeup work drawer.  Bellringer: Respond to the following journal prompt completely and thoughtfully: What would you do if you woke up in another country and no one could understand you? Write 3-4 sentences to explain your answer.

5 Learning Targets  I can write routinely for a variety of tasks, purposes, and audiences  I can determine and analyze the meanings of words and phrases as they are presented in a text  I can analyze accounts of a subject as expressed in multiple media or genres

6 Shakespeare: Brief and Naughty  Pe7tG0vYs Pe7tG0vYs  Pay attention to the information that is given to you during the video. Knowing a little about Shakespeare’s background will help you to understand his writing.

7 More Information about Shakespeare  Read the following articles in your literature textbook and answer the questions on your handout:  “William Shakespeare’s Life: A Biographical Sketch” pg. 741-744  “The Elizabethan Stage” pg. 745-749

8 Wednesday 10 th grade

9 4 th period  You need your language books today.  R33 in hard book

10 22 January 2014  Bellringer: Write the following sentence exactly as it is written here: when he puts words together it does so in a subline way  Next, rewrite the sentence with corrections added. (5 corrections)

11 Corrections  When he puts words together, he does so in a sublime way.

12 Learning Targets  I can correctly capitalize, punctuate, and spell in my writing  I can evaluate arguments and claims  I can determine and analyze the meanings of words and phrases as they are presented in a text  I can participate in a discussion with my peers

13 History of the English Language in 10 minutes!  MkuUADWW2A  It would benefit you to take notes from this video.

14 Thursday 10 th grade

15 4 th Period  Do your freewrite on your bellringer now so that we will have time to share before lunch.

16 23 January 2014  Bellringer: Freewrite! Write about anything of your choosing as long as it is school appropriate and a reflection of your academic level.  Do Now: Turn in late sonnet projects to the late/makeup drawer. Friday is the last day that I will accept late projects.

17 Learning Targets  I can write routinely for a variety of tasks, purposes, and audience  I can analyze how an author presents ideas and how the method of presentation affects how the ideas are understood by the audiences

18 Freytag’s Pyramid  Use your notes to identify the different stages of plot in the Shrek movie summary.

19 Friday

20 4 th Period  You will need your language books today.

21 24 January 2014  Bellringer: Why do you think we are still reading things that were written by Shakespeare? Explain your answer.

22 Learning Targets  I can write routinely for a variety of tasks, purposes, and audience  I can participate in a discussion with my peers  I can effectively use my learning to communicate complex ideas about literature through written assignments

23 Chalk Talk  First, you will respond to the statement that your group has been given.  Next, you will comment on the responses your group members have written.  The most important rule is that you cannot speak! If you have something to say, it has to be written on your page.

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