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Lecture: ArrayList, Iterator
CS 340 CS 340 Data Structures Lecture: ArrayList, Iterator
Containers Illustration
CS 340 Containers Illustration import java.util.*; public class PrintingContainers { static Collection fill(Collection c) { c.add(“dog”); c.add(“dog”); c.add(“cat”); return c; } static Map fill(Map m) { m.put(“dog”, “Bosco”); m.put(“dog”, “Spot”); m.put(“cat”, “Rags”); return m; public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(fill(new ArrayList())); // toString() used System.out.println(fill(new HashSet())); System.out.println(fill(new HashMap()));
Containers Illustration
CS 340 Containers Illustration The arguments and return types of fill() are the general interface types, for generality. The results look like this: Elements of Sets and keys of Maps are unique, and ordered (here, lexicographically). Lists hold things in the order in which you enter them. [dog, dog, cat] [cat, dog] {cat=Rags, dog=Spot}
Java Containers Hold “Objects”
CS 340 Java Containers Hold “Objects” All the container classes are defined (by Sun) to hold (references to) Objects. So, the exact type of an object is lost. This is far less safe than ordinary arrays, but is more powerful. If you know what type of thing went into the container, you can cast it to the correct type.
Eckel’s Cats’n’Dogs public class Cat { private int catNumber;
CS 340 Eckel’s Cats’n’Dogs public class Cat { private int catNumber; Cat(int i) { catNumber = i; } void print() { System.out.println(“Cat #” + catNumber); } public class Dog { private int dogNumber; Dog(int i) { dogNumber = i; } System.out.println(“Dog #” + dogNumber);
Cats’n’Dogs (cont.) import java.util.*; public class CatsAndDogs {
CS 340 Cats’n’Dogs (cont.) import java.util.*; public class CatsAndDogs { public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList cats = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) cats.add(new Cat(i)); // here’s trouble cats.add(new Dog(8)); for(int i = 0; i < cats.size(); i++) ( (Cat) cats.get(i) ).print(); }
Cats’n’Dogs (cont.) A Dog in the cats ArrayList is perfectly legal.
CS 340 Cats’n’Dogs (cont.) A Dog in the cats ArrayList is perfectly legal. The compiler has no way of knowing this is wrong. At runtime, when the Dog is cast to a Cat, trouble occurs (giving an exception). (Note the extra set of parentheses in the cast.)
A Type-Conscious ArrayList
CS 340 A Type-Conscious ArrayList import java.util.*; public class CatList { // no Dogs allowed private ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); public void add(Cat c) { list.add(c); } public Cat get(int index) { return (Cat) list.get(index); public int size() { return list.size(); }
Iterators For Collections
CS 340 Iterators For Collections The Iterator interface specifies boolean hasNext() Object next() void remove() You just have to be careful to check hasNext() before using next() to not modify the Collection while iterating, except by using remove()
Simple Iterator Example
CS 340 Simple Iterator Example ArrayList cats = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) cats.add(new Cat(i)); Iterator e = cats.iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) ( (Cat); We get the iterator by asking the ArrayList for one. On creation, it is positioned “just before the beginning” of the ArrayList.
Let’s Be Clear On This! Iterator e = cats.iterator();
CS 340 Let’s Be Clear On This! Iterator e = cats.iterator(); while (e.hasNext()) ( (Cat); When e is here, hasNext() returns false. ArrayList cats
Another Example class Printer { static void printAll(Iterator e) {
CS 340 Another Example class Printer { static void printAll(Iterator e) { while(e.hasNext()) System.out.println(; } There is no knowledge about the type of thing being iterated over. This also shows the power of the “toString() idea”.
Collection Interface Methods
CS 340 Collection Interface Methods boolean add(Object) boolean addAll(Collection) void clear() boolean contains(Object) boolean containsAll(Collection) boolean isEmpty() Iterator iterator() “optional”
Collection Interface Methods
CS 340 Collection Interface Methods boolean remove(Object) boolean removeAll(Collection) boolean retainAll(Collection) int size() Object[] toArray() Object[] toArray(Object[] a) “optional”
What’s Missing? All the methods that use indexes:
CS 340 What’s Missing? All the methods that use indexes: boolean add(int, Object) boolean addAll(int, Collection) Object get(int) int indexOf(Object) Object set(int, Object) Why? Sets (HashSet, TreeSet) have their own way of ordering their contents. But ArrayList and LinkedList have these methods, since they are…lists.
Collections Example public class AABattery {
CS 340 Collections Example public class AABattery { public String toString() { return "AABattery"; } } public class NineVoltBattery { public String toString() { return "NineVoltBattery"; } public class RollOfRibbon { public String toString() { return "RollOfRibbon"; } public class PaperClip { int i; PaperClip(int i) { this.i = i; } public String toString() { return "PaperClip(" + i + ")"; }
Collections Example (cont.)
CS 340 Collections Example (cont.) public class BandAid { public String toString() { return "BandAid"; } } public class Box { ArrayList moreStuff = new ArrayList(); public String toString() { String s = new String("Box"); s += moreStuff; return s;
Collections Example (cont.)
CS 340 Collections Example (cont.) public class BoxOfPaperClips { ArrayList clips = new ArrayList(); public String toString() { String s = new String("BoxOfPaperClips"); s += clips; return s; }
Collections Example (cont.)
CS 340 Collections Example (cont.) public class JunkDrawer { ArrayList contents = new ArrayList(); public void fillDrawer() { contents.add(new RollOfRibbon()); contents.add(new AABattery()); contents.add(new NineVoltBattery()); BoxOfPaperClips boxOfClips = new BoxOfPaperClips(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) boxOfClips.clips.add(new PaperClip(i)); contents.add(boxOfClips); Box box = new Box(); box.moreStuff.add(new AABattery()); box.moreStuff.add(new BandAid()); contents.add(box); }
Collections Example (cont.)
CS 340 Collections Example (cont.) public static void main(String[] args) { JunkDrawer kitchenDrawer = new JunkDrawer(); kitchenDrawer.fillDrawer(); System.out.println(kitchenDrawer.contents); } This prints [RollOfRibbon, AABattery, NineVoltBattery, BoxOfPaperClips[PaperClip(0), PaperClip(1), PaperClip(2)], Box[AABattery, BandAid], AABattery]
Removing Stuff This doesn’t work at all!
CS 340 Removing Stuff void takeAnAABattery() { boolean b = contents.remove(new AABattery()); if (b) System.out.println("One AABattery removed"); } This doesn’t work at all! You need to have a reference to a battery actually in the drawer. How do you figure out if something is an AABattery?
Using RTTI boolean takeAnAABattery() {
CS 340 Using RTTI boolean takeAnAABattery() { Iterator i = contents.iterator(); Object aa = null; // initialize, or compiler complains while(i.hasNext()) { if ( (aa = instanceof AABattery ) { contents.remove(aa); return true; } return false;
Containers Are Good, But…
CS 340 Containers Are Good, But… Everything in a container is “just an Object.” If you aren’t sure what’s in there, and its location, then finding what you want can be tedious. Can we do better?
A “More Organized” Drawer
CS 340 A “More Organized” Drawer public class MarthaStewartDrawer { ArrayList contents = new ArrayList(); ArrayList aaBatteries = new ArrayList(); public void fillDrawer() { contents.add(new RollOfRibbon()); AABattery a1 = new AABattery(); AABattery a2 = new AABattery(); contents.add(a1); aaBatteries.add(a1); //add all the rest… contents.add(a2); aaBatteries.add(a2); }
Remove An Entire Collection
CS 340 Remove An Entire Collection boolean takeAllAABatteries() { return contents.removeAll(aaBatteries); } public static void main(String[] args) { MarthaStewartDrawer kitchenDrawer = new MarthaStewartDrawer(); kitchenDrawer.fillDrawer(); System.out.println(kitchenDrawer.contents); if (kitchenDrawer.takeAllAABatteries()) System.out.println("All AABatteries removed");
Or, Remove Everything Except...
CS 340 Or, Remove Everything Except... This is actually the “set intersection” of contents with aaBatteries. Note, however, that this removes the AABatterys in the Box… boolean leaveOnlyAABatteries() { return contents.retainAll(aaBatteries); }
Specialized Collections
CS 340 Specialized Collections The List interface: Gives you the Collection interface, plus more Insertion order is preserved You can “index into” a List The concrete types are ArrayList and LinkedList. The Set interface: Just the Collection interface, but with specialized behavior Insertion order isn’t preserved. The concrete types are HashSet and TreeSet.
Lists Produce ListIterators
CS 340 Lists Produce ListIterators
Operational Efficiencies
CS 340 Operational Efficiencies ArrayList Holds data internally as an array (duh!) Random access is fast, just “index into” the array Insertion (except at the end) is very slow LinkedList Random access is slow (but provided for) Insertion anywhere is fast (once you are there!)
CS 340 Generic Collections
List<String> myList = new ArrayList<String>();
CS 340 Generic Collections The statement List<String> myList = new ArrayList<String>(); uses a language feature called generic collections or generics The statement creates a List of String; only references of type String can be stored in the list String in this statement is called a type parameter The type parameter sets the data type of all objects stored in a collection
Generic Collections (cont.)
CS 340 Generic Collections (cont.) The general declaration for generic collection is CollectionClassName<E> variable = new CollectionClassName<E>(); The <E> indicates a type parameter Adding a noncompatible type to a generic collection will generate an error during compile time However, primitive types will be autoboxed: ArrayList<Integer> myList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); myList.add(new Integer(3)); // ok myList.add(3); // also ok! 3 is automatically wrapped in an Integer object myList.add(new String("Hello")); // generates a type incompatability error
Why Use Generic Collections?
CS 340 Why Use Generic Collections? Better type-checking: catch more errors, catch them earlier Documents intent Avoids the need to downcast from Object
ArrayList applications
CS 340 ArrayList applications Slides adopted from: CS 146: Data Structures and Algorithms © R. Mak
Primitive Types and Reference Types
Java has primitive types and reference types. Primitive types are int, short, long, byte , float, double, char, and boolean.
Primitive Types and Reference Types
Reference types (AKA object types) are for objects that are created with the new operator. Java objects are always referred to by pointers. Built-in reference types include Object, Integer, Float, Date, System, ArrayList, Hashtable Object is the root of all reference types in the Java type hierarchy. An array is a reference type. You can define custom reference types. _
Array1: Sort an Array of Integers
Main: Print: public static void main(String[] args) { int numbers[] = new int[] {5, 1, 9, 4, 5, 0, 7, 6}; System.out.print("Before sorting:"); print(numbers); sort(numbers); System.out.print(" After sorting:"); print(numbers); } Primitive int data. private static void print(int elements[]) { for (int elmt : elements) { System.out.print(" " + elmt); } System.out.println();
Array2: Use an ArrayList
Main: An ArrayList can only store instances (objects) of a reference type such as Integer, not primitive type data such as int. public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList numbers = new ArrayList(); numbers.add(new Integer(5)); numbers.add(new Integer(1)); numbers.add(new Integer(9)); numbers.add(new Integer(4)); numbers.add(new Integer(0)); numbers.add(new Integer(7)); numbers.add(new Integer(6)); System.out.print("Before sorting:"); print(numbers); sort(numbers); System.out.print(" After sorting:"); print(numbers); } Integer objects.
Array2: Use an ArrayList
Print: A “raw” ArrayList stores Object data. Object is the base of all Java reference types. Therefore, we must coerce each Object element to Integer with a type cast: Class Integer has an intValue() method: private static void print(ArrayList elements) { for (Object elmt : elements) { System.out.print(" " + ((Integer) elmt).intValue()); } System.out.println(); (Integer) elmt ((Integer) elmt).intValue()
Dangers of Using Raw ArrayList
Since a raw ArrayList holds Object data, and Object is the root of all Java reference types, nothing prevents us from doing this: What happens at run time? ArrayList numbers = new ArrayList(); numbers.add(new Integer(5)); numbers.add(new Integer(1)); numbers.add(new Integer(9)); numbers.add(new Integer(4)); numbers.add(new Date()); numbers.add(new Integer(0)); numbers.add(new Integer(7)); numbers.add(new Integer(6));
Array3: Use ArrayList<Integer>
CS 146: Data Structures and Algorithms © R. Mak Array3: Use ArrayList<Integer> public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<>(); numbers.add(new Integer(5)); numbers.add(new Integer(1)); numbers.add(new Integer(9)); numbers.add(new Integer(4)); numbers.add(new Integer(0)); numbers.add(new Integer(7)); numbers.add(new Integer(6)); System.out.print("Before sorting:"); print(numbers); sort(numbers); System.out.print(" After sorting:"); print(numbers); } Now the compiler will prevent us from adding anything other than Integer data to the array list.
Array3: Use ArrayList<Integer>
private static void print(ArrayList<Integer> elements) { for (Integer elmt : elements) { System.out.print(" " + elmt.intValue()); } System.out.println(); We no longer need to coerce element data to Integer because that’s the only allowable data type in ArrayList<Integer>.
Boxing and Unboxing Boxing Unboxing
We “wrap” an int value in an Integer object: Unboxing We “unwrap” an int value from an Integer object: Java does autoboxing/unboxing as necessary, so we don’t have to explicitly do it in our code. _ Integer obj = new Integer(3); int i = int obj.intValue()
Array4: Autobox/Unbox public static void main(String[] args) {
ArrayList<Integer> numbers = new ArrayList<>(); numbers.add(5); numbers.add(1); numbers.add(9); numbers.add(4); numbers.add(0); numbers.add(7); numbers.add(6); System.out.print("Before sorting:"); print(numbers); sort(numbers); System.out.print(" After sorting:"); print(numbers); } Java will autobox each int value to an Integer object before adding it to the array list.
Array4: Autobox/Unbox private static void print(ArrayList<Integer> elements) { for (Integer elmt : elements) { System.out.print(" " + elmt); } System.out.println(); Auto-unbox the int value from an Integer object.
Comparisons Among Other Object Types
If a reference class implements the Comparable interface, then you can compare instances (objects) of that class to each other. You have to write (implement) the interface’s compareTo() method. For example, we can define shape objects such as squares, rectangles, and circles and compare their areas. _
Abstract Class SimpleShape
public abstract class SimpleShape implements Comparable { public abstract float area(); public int compareTo(Object other) return (int) (this.area() - ((SimpleShape) other).area()); } Comparable is a raw interface. Type casting needed. Implements the Comparable interface. It implements the interface’s compareTo() method. Returns a negative, zero, or positive int value if the comparison is less than, equal to, or greater than, respectively. Subclasses will implement method area().
Subclass Square Subclass Square implements method area().
public class Square extends SimpleShape { private float width; public Square(float width) this.width = width; } public float area() return width*width;
Subclass Rectangle Subclass Rectangle has its implementation of method area(). public class Rectangle extends SimpleShape { private float width, height; public Rectangle(int width, int height) this.width = width; this.height = height; } public float area() return width*height;
Subclass Circle Subclass Circle has its implementation of method area(). public class Circle extends SimpleShape { private static final float PI = f; private float radius; public Circle(float radius) this.radius = radius; } public float area() return PI*radius*radius;
Array5: SimpleShape Objects
public static void main(String[] args) { ArrayList<SimpleShape> shapes = new ArrayList<>(); shapes.add(new Square(5)); shapes.add(new Rectangle(3, 4)); shapes.add(new Circle(2)); System.out.print("Before sorting:"); print(shapes); sort(shapes); System.out.print(" After sorting:"); print(shapes); }
Array5: SimpleShape Objects
private static void print(ArrayList<SimpleShape> elements) { for (SimpleShape elmt : elements) { System.out.print(" " + elmt); } System.out.println();
Array6: Comparable<SimpleShape>
Type casting no longer needed! public abstract class SimpleShape implements Comparable<SimpleShape> { public abstract float area(); public int compareTo(SimpleShape other) return (int) (this.area() - other.area()); }
Arrays are Covariant Square is a subclass of class SimpleShape, therefore Square objects are type compatible with SimpleShape objects. Java arrays are covariant, which means that in this case, a Square[] array is type compatible with a SimpleShape[] array. _
Array7: Covariant Arrays
public static void main(String[] args) { SimpleShape shapes[] = new SimpleShape[] { new Square(5), new Rectangle(3, 4), new Circle(2) }; System.out.println("Total area: " + totalArea(shapes)); Square squares[] = new Square[] { new Square(3), new Square(2) System.out.println("Total area: " + totalArea(squares)); } We can pass a Square[].
Array8: ArrayList Types are Not Covariant
This will not compile. private static float totalArea(ArrayList<SimpleShape> elements) { float total = 0; for (SimpleShape elmt : elements) { total += elmt.area(); } return total; public static void main(String[] args) ArrayList<Square> squares = new ArrayList<>(); squares.add(new Square(5)); squares.add(new Square(3)); squares.add(new Square(2)); System.out.println("Total area: " + totalArea(squares)); Cannot pass an ArrayList<Square> to an ArrayList<SimpleShape>.
Array9: Fix the Noncovariance Problem
private static float totalArea(ArrayList<? extends SimpleShape> elements) { float total = 0; for (SimpleShape elmt : elements) { total += elmt.area(); } return total; public static void main(String[] args) ArrayList<Square> squares = new ArrayList<>(); squares.add(new Square(5)); squares.add(new Square(3)); squares.add(new Square(2)); System.out.println("Total area: " + totalArea(squares));
Arrays are not good enough
int [ ] arr = new int[ 10 ]; ... // Later on we decide arr needs to be larger. int [ ] newArr = new int[ arr.length * 2 ]; for( int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++ ) newArr[ i ] = arr[ i ]; arr = newArr;
Implementing ArrayList.add(E)(cont.)
CS 340 Implementing ArrayList.add(E)(cont.) If size is less than capacity, then to append a new item insert the new item at the position indicated by the value of size increment the value of size return true to indicate successful insertion
Implementing ArrayList.add(int index,E anEntry)
CS 340 Implementing ArrayList.add(int index,E anEntry) To insert into the middle of the array, the values at the insertion point are shifted over to make room, beginning at the end of the array and proceeding in the indicated order
CS 340 remove Method When an item is removed, the items that follow it must be moved forward to close the gap Begin with the item closest to the removed element and proceed in the indicated order
Collection interface 1 public interface Collection<AnyType>
CS 340 Collection interface 1 public interface Collection<AnyType> extends Iterable<AnyType> 2 { 3 int size( ); 4 boolean isEmpty( ); 5 void clear( ); 6 boolean contains( AnyType x ); 7 boolean add( AnyType x ); 8 boolean remove( AnyType x ); 9 java.util.Iterator<AnyType> iterator( ); 10 }
Iterator interface 1 public interface Iterator<AnyType> 2 {
CS 340 Iterator interface 1 public interface Iterator<AnyType> 2 { 3 boolean hasNext( ); 4 AnyType next( ); 5 void remove( ); 6 } Next gives next item in collection that has not yet been seen First call to next gives the first item hasNext is used to tell you if there is a next item Remove deletes the last item returned by next, after which you cannot call remove again untol you have called has next
Printing a collection BI (Before Iterators )
CS 340 Printing a collection BI (Before Iterators ) 1 public static <AnyType> void print( Collection<AnyType> coll ) 2 { 3 for( AnyType item : coll ) 4 System.out.println( item ); 5 }
Printing a collection AI (After Iterators )
CS 340 Printing a collection AI (After Iterators ) 1 public static <AnyType> void print( Collection<AnyType> coll ) 2 { 3 Iterator<AnyType> itr = coll.iterator( ); 4 while( itr.hasNext( ) ) 5 { 6 AnyType item = ); 7 System.out.println( item ); 8 } 9 } Iterator stores internally the notion of “current position” for each collection
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